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Brilliant Video - Revolution 2012: It's Time To Rise

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 04:07 AM
Watching that video made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I agree something is coming.......but what?

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Mickles

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by wrathofall
How would a rebellion ever hope to overcome the power of or world governments collective armed forces with violence? Unless those forces turned on their masters. And I don't see that happening in large numbers. But, yes we all need to rebel against this beast before us. Also posted on fb.

The only way it would be possible is if the police and military were to wake up and refuse to defend them anymore. Some might even toss their badges/dog tags and join the fray with us.

Call it wishful thinking if you will, but I'm sure there are many police officers and military personnel out there who see things for what they really are, but have to keep their mouth shut for the time being. Those are the ones that will turn around and bite their owners when things start heating up.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Em2013
To the doubters out there: All it takes is one person or one event to change the course of history. To create a revolution, it may be triggered by something as simple as this video. Never doubt the power of a single individual for they are most often the game changes in society.

This is true, yet it's what those 'in charge' already know will happen because they are the ones who are creating it. They are sitting back watching the events unfold, the very events that they have manipulated to occur. How?

"The best revolutionary IS A YOUTH DEVOID OF MORALS." - Lenin.
"The BEST REVOLUTIONARY is a youth devoid of morals."

And it's worked a treat as I see that a large percentage of posters agree with the call for a revolution. See, the spirit of disobedience - Satan as he is called in the Bible - knows just how to manipulate humanity to accomplish God's will. As per scripture, it's his power that is given to the beast, the 'governmental kingdom' in this world. This beast is red, and directly impacts Israel. The descendants of Jacob (Israel), have no clue as to their identity in this world because Satan has been coming against them - hard - for decades. These same descendants have been enticed to abandon the God of their Christian ancestors in favor of every imaginable sin possible. Many of which now boldly declare "There is no God but man", shunning His morals as oppressive, restrictive and old-fashioned.

I'll say it again, Lenin stated that "THE BEST REVOLUTIONARY IS A YOUTH DEVOID OF MORALS."

Sit down and speak with your grandparents. They will gladly tell you that their lives didn't involve locking their door at night, kids hooked on drugs, abortion, porn addiction, etc etc etc. It existed, but it's influence was very minor because the majority of society still held Biblical morality - murder was murder, stealing was stealing, blasphemy was blasphemy. Fast forward sixty years. A large percentage of youth reject any and all Biblical morality as well as Christ Jesus, the Saviour of Israel. These same youth, devoid of His laws, eagerly anticipate and think that revolution is the only solution. Surprise, surprise - Satan and his red beast know mankind inside and out - and knows exactly how to manipulate you into fighting the True God of Heaven and Earth.

The choice is simple - choose good and life or evil and death. Choose rebellion and you are fighting Him. All He asks is for repentance and our enemies would disappear tomorrow, but alas, the beast controls the mind and actions of all who are not faithful to Jesus and who do not obey God's commands. Make no mistake, the beast is brought against Israel to blind all who never learn to love truth - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Pressure is piled on us by God Almighty to bring those called to repentance, to reject evil, and to correct His backsliding children. But that same source of pressure will destroy all who continue to rebel, because in the end, you are rebelling against the instruments used by Him to correct and chastise us.

Understand the time in which you live. Choosing revolution is just what the minions expect, and the 'solution' which will come as a result, is exactly as described in the Bible - the Son of Perdition.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by mytheroy
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Yeah I'm all for peaceful solutions I just fear that peace will not win, we are going to have to take our country back by fighting fire with fire

But we'll have to wait and see

Hi Obama/sheeple guy/gal, Did you hear/read what you just wrote?

It is people like you who cause me to lose the will to go on living on earth!

The thread is about revolution and you wrote, "But we'll have to wait and see" Please tell me you are only about 15 years old because that would be the only explanation that would make sense to me-actually age 9-11 would be more like it.

Which is it kiddo -peaceful solutions or fire with fire.....the clock is ticking...tick...tock...tick...tock...tick...tock...?

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

Look, I'm not denying the levels of corruption and absolute insanity in the government. But Kennedy wasn't your guy, he was a puppet like everyone else. Look how much debt his programs put us into----BANKER debt. He did his part to keep us under "their" thumb and in the end, it was probably just Johnson being the power-hungry douchebag he was, and had JFK killed. No big conspiracy of how JFK was going to save us or make sh*t better. They had so much dirt on him, he couldn't have helped us if he wanted to.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

S&F I unfortunately believe this huge revolt is within the next ten years. I must say I just purchased guns for the reason of this. I believe I will have to use these guns in the next ten years too. It's sad to say but the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Eventually the truth will be irrefutable and when it is, all hell is going to be broken loose.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Do you really think people are actually going to start a revolution? Sorry guys but its only a pipe dream while fox news is playing 24/7 and people are so concentrated on just scraping enough nickels together to keep food on the table its not going to happen And if it does then what we will probably be stuck with an even worse system ( think animal farm)
edit on 8-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

Very well said. Although I think Hunger Games.

They will punish the many so that the few can live in opulence.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:14 AM
I don't know what will happen but I think that my role will likely be involved in helping those that need help and defend the innocent from malicious people whom would take advantage of the situation. At least that's what I'd like to do if it came to it. I'd rather not be in the front-lines attacking but in the back trying to make things better for people. Sorry, I'm just terrible with violence and only want to see people happy. But I'll do what needs to be done if I or my loved ones are threatened ^.^;

There's no way to know what's going to happen and it's possible that all of this (as previously stated) is all staged. Perhaps this revolution is necessary for the government bodies of the world? I don't know... But, it does make you think a little doesn't it?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

What is this? An already proposed plan or idea? I've never heard of it.
edit on 18-7-2012 by awakendhybrid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by 2012zeropointeventhorizon
There is a worldwide revolution underway. We cannot win if you expect others to fight while you watch from the sidelines. We need you in the fight you can turn the tide.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I'm not likely to show up to my 'local city protest' to just stand there and do nothing. We need a plan and a recovery in place. Protests are already pretty weak, but without objectives or solutions it is almost completely pointless.
At THIS point in time (not to say that it couldn't improve in the future) the best outcome of a protest is at least being physically near those who share a like-mind...face-to-face communication, interactive planning, etc... I'd like to think it could be a completely different climate--unlike here where I don't know whether those I interact with are next door neighbors or half way across the planet.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by mytheroy

TPTB, The government, your local law enforcement would love for you to revolt now, far too early, so they could quickly seize all your assets, isolate you, and quickly overcome any who try to spark this fire. If it happens too early, two things can happen, the voice of the people is quickly snuffed out, and the enough is enough timer will be reset, or it will inspire many others to follow in their foot steps and we may finally stop this oppression.

Just let things get really bad, everyone down to the dullest knife in the drawer need to feel mad, confused, oppressed, and involved before anyone tries to do anything. We are too comfortable, but we'll just have to play the waiting game with the rest of our population. =(

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Nice vid but have you seen one, you've seen them all. We are the puppets, remember? We can't change anything. We need the help of a much greater power. There is a greater power, but question is: Is it on our side???
We need a much greater impact to become aware and unite. But like I said, we need the help of a greater power.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by mytheroy
There is a revolution in the mist, just waiting for the right time to act.

Which should be now, but people are still too comfy

Some of it is fear, lists of names are being made.

Facial recognition systems is why black bloc protestors wear masks.

The entire internet is being monitored by an AI super computer called
the NARUS system that is the evolution of the Echelon system.

Room641a - high speed fiber intercept facility for the NARUS system

ECHHELON - The father of NARUS

The 100's of millions of hollow point rnds bought for homeland security
are not legal for battlefield use.

But they could be used for what has killed 262 million other ppl.


His research shows that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, Rummel estimates that there have been 262 million victims of democide in the last century. According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the inflictions of people working for governments than have died in battle.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Great video but i don't expect our public to willingly revolt against what they percieve to be the most powerful military in the world! Even though this is an illusion because without the men and woman of this military there is no war machine! Even so the time for change is late and soon to be past due as the coming culmination of the elitist end game is upon us! I fear our time is running out and when the panicing starts all the rational thinking will
become obsolete! We are already a world without morals, soon to follow every man will prey on each other and patriotism will become inutile! We have allowed this to happen because of our self absorbed nature and without a willing leader we are just alone! God help us!

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Do you really think people are actually going to start a revolution? Sorry guys but its only a pipe dream while fox news is playing 24/7 and people are so concentrated on just scraping enough nickels together to keep food on the table its not going to happen And if it does then what we will probably be stuck with an even worse system ( think animal farm)
edit on 8-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

It has to start somewhere, little things add up and even if enough people do not jump on and open their eyes at least you can say you tried. Id rather die trying than live given up. Find under the table jobs. Support your local community, use credit unions, raise our kids do not let them be raised. (Think when animals attack)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:48 PM

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:23 AM
i really hope you dont do another peaceful protest on the grass.
real man protest via spreading awareness, and do what french and greek people do.
you dont need to set cars on fire, but what you did at occupy wall street.....was just humiliating to the human race.
have they brainwashed you so much?
did the americans have a peaceful protest when hitler was making war?

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