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Is Lucifer our Friend?

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posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:49 AM
Ho ho, Devils Advocate time.

So, what if Lucifer is one of the leaders of our evolution? And the NWO are his agents. What if Lucifer all along has had it in mind to return to God when we've evolved enough? What if the only reason we're all suffering right now is because we've allowed the NWO to do every single thing they've done to us? That if we were truly aware and cared enough, we'd put a stop to it all right now and the game would be up.

What if the game will never be up until enough of us choose to wake up?

And what if Lucifer is our friend, pushing us on to make those final steps?

BTW : I see Jesus and Lucifer as part of the same thing, they're equals, because to me everything and everyone will always be equal. So no I don't hate Jesus and all of that other stuff, incase any Christians start up.
edit on 8-7-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:54 AM
What if everything you just mentioned didn't exist and were merely creations of men?

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:57 AM
What if i dont believe in the bible cause i think buddha was right? And he said that to live is to suffer...and i say if you havent suffered then how can you understand the concept of being happy? Duality is required

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by robhines

In my opinion everything depends on perspective ,we only know what we have been told by someone else . I would rather have the facts before making a judgment ,i guess it would depend on your situation if this "being " is friend or foe.
S&f for good question and for the record I do not practice devil worship or anything of that nature just dont buy into all the religious mumbo jumbo

edit on 8-7-2012 by paradiselost333 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by SpearMint
What if everything you just mentioned didn't exist and were merely creations of men?

True, but that would not be as interesting to think about, now would it.
After all, this is a conspiracy forum

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by robhines

Great skit on the devil... funny but so true.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by SpearMint
What if everything you just mentioned didn't exist and were merely creations of men?

Would also be interesting, of course!

And Phroziac, I have way more of an eastern mindset too, just often get interested in this God/Lucifer stuff, and how people see the whole thing.

Originally posted by paradiselost333
i guess it would depend on your situation if this "being " is friend or foe.

I have no conscious knowledge of Luci, just speculating.

edit on 8-7-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by robhines

I hear ya, what i really wanted to write was that I" wanted" first hand knowledge but something in the back of my mind was telling me watch what u wish for , lol
so even though I try not to buy into it there is still a primal fear of what if...? ...I would be scared sh@#@ less if i was to gain that knowledge

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:15 AM
What if, there really is a Lucifer and a God, but they are actually both on the same team, one is 'good cop' and one playing 'bad cop' and the NWO are indeed Lucifer's agents who are there to scare us into believing/ accepting that there is a god to whom we need to turn to in order to be saved so that the 'good cop' can get everyone's souls/energy when they die and thus survive for eternity? Now, I need to ask, does that make him a good god or a bad one?

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by robhines
Ho ho, Devils Advocate time.

So, what if Lucifer is one of the leaders of our evolution? And the NWO are his agents. What if Lucifer all along has had it in mind to return to God when we've evolved enough? What if the only reason we're all suffering right now is because we've allowed the NWO to do every single thing they've done to us? That if we were truly aware and cared enough, we'd put a stop to it all right now and the game would be up.

Look back at history and tell me that you honestly believe that this is a power struggle that's ever going to end until one eradicates the other entirely. It's never been done, nor will it ever be by humans. It will take intervention by a higher power that's much greater than us. God and Lucifer are going to have to duke this out on our behalf, just as they always have. And no, their "plans" do not come to the same conclusion.

What if the game will never be up until enough of us choose to wake up?

The problem is, for everyone that chooses to wake up, there will be just as many who choose not to.

And what if Lucifer is our friend, pushing us on to make those final steps?

No, Lucifer is not our friend. He's only pushing the NWO to make those final steps toward the final power grab.

BTW : I see Jesus and Lucifer as part of the same thing, they're equals, because to me everything and everyone will always be equal. So no I don't hate Jesus and all of that other stuff, incase any Christians start up.

As long as you see everything and everyone as equal, you will always be standing in the middle of this vicious circle that will never end. Until one eradicates the other, the cycle will continue.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by CthulhuMythos
What if, there really is a Lucifer and a God, but they are actually both on the same team, one is 'good cop' and one playing 'bad cop' and the NWO are indeed Lucifer's agents who are there to scare us into believing/ accepting that there is a god to whom we need to turn to in order to be saved so that the 'good cop' can get everyone's souls/energy when they die and thus survive for eternity? Now, I need to ask, does that make him a good god or a bad one?

Do you really think that God needs Satan's help to scare people enough into believing in him?

No, without Satan, we'd all know there was a God and we wouldn't be fighting over which religion or belief was true.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

No if there is a God, and if it is omnipotent and omnipresent, then there is no such thing as a devil or hell. Because God would be present in hell, and God would be present and aware, and in control of every supposedly evil thing done in the world, and even in hell. If there is a God, then Buddha is correct, and all of our suffering is intentional, and it is just part of this experience. The suffering is the point of it all. Because, if there really is evil, then there can not be an omnipotent God. Omnipotent, and Omnipresent means all of this is God's doing, the good, the bad, everything. Anything bad that has ever happened, no matter how horrible, no matter how much begging, and pleading, and crying, and pain, and anguish, God was right there, the whole time. If God is omnipotent and omnipresent, then time is not linear to God. God has already been to the end of this, and the beginning, God knows how it all turns out, there isn't freewill, it is only and illusion, or this is all intentional, or both.

Regardless, anyone that believes in God cannot logically believe in the Devil at the same time? If you believe in the devil, then your God is not omnipotent. So, by believing in the devil, you are limiting your God, and making it more humanistic and inept and emotional and small.

There is no dichotomy, either you believe in an ever-living, all-powerful spirit, and you accept your fate here on earth as part of the master plan, and you don't believe in the devil, OR, you believe in fairy tales about some war of the Gods, and you worship a false God that is not all-powerful but only pretends to be by scaring the hell out of you at every turn.

If there is a devil, there is no God, and if there is a God, there is no devil. Just take this ride and experience all you can experience and absorb it, and evolve, and become one with God, and act right because you want to become more god-like yourself, not because you might spend eternity in hell.

And, speaking of eternity, how does a scorecard for 70 years or so get someone tortured for eternity anyway? Or how does it earn you a right to eternal bliss? A human existence is over in the blink of an eye. It isn't even a speck on a speck of eternity. Why are we so arrogant to think this little hiccup in the universe will reward us an eternity of anything? That is like judging your child's entire life off their first words as a toddler. It doesn't make any sense. This existence is less than a blink, just try to learn something from it, so the second word out of your mouth is a little better than the first, it will be an eternity of lifetimes before you are even beginning to grasp the concepts of walking and talking with the Gods.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Do you really think that God needs Satan's help to scare people enough into believing in him?

No, without Satan, we'd all know there was a God and we wouldn't be fighting over which religion or belief was true.

That is circular logic, isn't it? I don't think G-D needs any other creature, it is Religion that needs Satan, the Devil, Lucifer. Without these evil incarnates the Church would have no power at all. Do you think people join religions because they want to? Some are afraid not to join. When I went to Church, Pentecostal, it was all about fear, in many forms. Fear Satan. Fear Demons. Fear God. Kneel before God. Place hands together, supplicate yourself, cover your head. Be a slave.

I simply do not believe in a Devil, or any other ultimate author of evil, and although I know what evil is, but I also know evil cannot become incarnate in human form. Evil is in the hearts of Man and Woman. Human Beings have many Spirits attached to them, some are positive, some negative. This is where the Alchemy comes in:

Inner Alchemy refers to the alchemical tradition where it was understood that if you found the "philosophers ston", you would be able to transmute lead into gold.
It was of course a metaphor that referred to an inner transformation.
One of the places where this tradition was rediscovered and brought back to life is the School of Mysticism in Poona, India.
The transformation of what we call "negative" emotions or energies or patterns, old habits and beliefs, happens inside ourselves when we apply the real "philosopher`s stone". This is none other than an essential tool we are all gifted with at birth, an inner instrument of direct clear guidance into seeing and understanding objectively what is, as it is - a Channel of Understanding. In the alchemy work we consciously learn to connect with and open this Channel.
And the heart of Inner Alchemy is love. By love we mean that whatever presents itself within us is welcomed and given space to be exactly as it is. The art of inner alchemy is in learning the knack of accepting whatever manifest itself in the outer layers of life and relating, welcoming it inward as it is.

True Inner Alchemy transforms these negatives into positives, and drives off the constant negative attacks on your Soul. You know what I'm talking about, even though you have a religious label for it.

There is a great deal more about Humanity that most of us know, but we are slowly learning all. Many are becoming aware of our Cosmic Family, and of our true purpose in life. Our purpose is to rise up, not fall down, to feed the Inner, Higher Self, and bring this to a realization in the concious mind. Learn how to manipulate the energy Field that encompasses the Human Body, and you will learn healing techniques, and Spiritual Levels never before realized. Consciously, one will begin the process of reversing the flow of essential life energy.......from streaming outward, and being purely wasted - to a backward flowing, conscious preservation. With Pure intention a Divine Seed is called to be planted in order to create the True Immortal Self.

People have many names, many labels for what I have described. They call it "Ascension," and "Enlightenment," and I must confess that I too use these labels to describe what is going on inside of some of us at this time. With all that I have learned, I have only come to realize there is much, much more to learn. I have met Higher Beings, the "Shining Ones," and it is my desire to be like them. It is also my desire that all of humanity be like unto them.
Religious teachings only take away from this, and label such knowledge as "occult" and "evil."

A Mind works a lot like a Parachute, in that it only WORKS WHEN OPEN.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

This is just more circular talk created by Satan to keep you guessing and leading you to believe that you'll never find the answer in your lifetime.

When man stops using his mind alone and starts aligning it with his spirit, the truth starts to come out.
edit on 8-7-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

And, speaking of eternity, how does a scorecard for 70 years or so get someone tortured for eternity anyway?

Nowhere in the bible, does it speak of eternal torture. This is brought on by man via the church.

God has already been to the end of this, and the beginning, God knows how it all turns out, there isn't freewill, it is only and illusion, or this is all intentional, or both.

Man has the perception of free will, not total free will. If this was the case, there wouldn't be intervention from above, over and over again.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

Logic is circular talk?

Is God omnipotent, omnipresent, and timeless, or isn't it?

If it is, then Satan is impossible, if it isn't, then God is limited, weak, small.

So which is it? Is your God responsible for all the evil as well as the good, or is your God small, limited, and weak? That is not circular.

I've spoken to God, and God has told me that to describe it, or speak for it, or try to understand it in my human terms is to limit it. Most religions do not allow their God to be named, or drawn, or represented in any way, because as soon as we do, we humanize it, and limit it, and we cease to understand the very nature of a true god. As soon as you presume to know anything about God, or describe it in any way, or try to understand or assign any motivations for the way things are the way they are, as soon as you even attempt it, you have become farther from God. Just accept and experience this life, don't limit yourself, and don't limit God. At least that's what I was told when I asked.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I've spoken to God, and God has told me that to describe it, or speak for it, or try to understand it in my human terms is to limit it. Most religions do not allow their God to be named, or drawn, or represented in any way, because as soon as we do, we humanize it, and limit it, and we cease to understand the very nature of a true god. As soon as you presume to know anything about God, or describe it in any way, or try to understand or assign any motivations for the way things are the way they are, as soon as you even attempt it, you have become farther from God. Just accept and experience this life, don't limit yourself, and don't limit God. At least that's what I was told when I asked.

When you spoke to God, what did he call you? He always addresses the receiver when speaking.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by jhill76

Man has the perception of free will, not total free will. If this was the case, there wouldn't be intervention from above, over and over again.

There isn't. God does not intervene. Sure, there are miracles, those are results of humans tapping into their inner being and doing miraculous things, God only observes and hopes for the best for us.

Otherwise, how would you explain the horrendous things that happen to the most innocent among us, even while they beg for relief from God?

There is that old adage I see on FB all the time, "God never gives you more than you can handle."
Yes God DOES! All the time, there are suicides, family murders, drug addictions, depression, we face more than we can handle on a routine basis, and God is not going to help with it! It is up to us to evolve, pull ourselves up, learn to create our own miracles, and by doing that, we become more god-like ourselves, and we get closer to God, and maybe we will eventually even grasp the concept of God and eventually return to our home as part of God.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Otherwise, how would you explain the horrendous things that happen to the most innocent among us, even while they beg for relief from God?

Everyone will experience death, man puts the emphasis on the how. Did they only come to God after they experience a little pain? Is it a pure request to him? Have they finished what is needed to be done here, and are now about to be returned to him? These answers would have to be known for you to properly answer each question on an individual basis.

There isn't. God does not intervene. Sure, there are miracles, those are results of humans tapping into their inner being and doing miraculous things, God only observes and hopes for the best for us.

Father does intervene all the time, just not the way man wants it. Above was told to step back during a long period of time (the world wars, great depression, etc.) to see how man would progress on his own, and you see how that turned out. Now, above is beginning to take a more active role again. Father has restricted himself for a time (for good reason), this is why you don't see food falling from the skies, mass healings, etc.

It is up to us to evolve, pull ourselves up, learn to create our own miracles, and by doing that, we become more god-like ourselves, and we get closer to God, and maybe we will eventually even grasp the concept of God and eventually return to our home as part of God.

Great answer. You know see what man is supposed to do. He created man to be like him, but not totally God, if that makes sense.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Deetermined

Originally posted by CthulhuMythos
What if, there really is a Lucifer and a God, but they are actually both on the same team, one is 'good cop' and one playing 'bad cop' and the NWO are indeed Lucifer's agents who are there to scare us into believing/ accepting that there is a god to whom we need to turn to in order to be saved so that the 'good cop' can get everyone's souls/energy when they die and thus survive for eternity? Now, I need to ask, does that make him a good god or a bad one?

Do you really think that God needs Satan's help to scare people enough into believing in him?

No, without Satan, we'd all know there was a God and we wouldn't be fighting over which religion or belief was true.

Was just posing the question as an idea/new point of view, would make sense to capture the more difficult to get souls of skeptics. I am not totally sold on the whole God/Devil issue as yet, though I do keep an open mind about it all. However, I do find it hard to believe there is a wonderful loving great god up there, who allows so much death, pain and harm, especially to innocent children and good people but leaves a lot of bad harmful people to go around ruining things for the rest of us.

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