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A Seneca Indian Prophecy (Including Star People)

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+101 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 10:36 AM
I am a decendent of the Proud Seneca People. This account comes from a Native American from the Lakota tribe. His name was "Pipe Carrier". If nothing else it is a good read...

"I wil ltell you a prophecy given to me by a Grandmother of the Seneca people. She told me we must work with the women to help heal their pain. In these times that are coming, she told me, we must learn to help women regain their power. If the women do not reclaim their power, it is told, the world will be lost. Because the men no longer act like men. They are not noble or proud, and they do not hold the words of the Creator close to their hearts.

"Men have become sick with ego, sick with greed, lost in confusion. They are no longer leaders,so their children do not learn, and the children wander aimlessly through life,without spirit. A human without spirit is like a ship without a sail. All you can do is float around, hoping to find a harbor.

"The Grandmother told me that in these times it will be the women who come to listen to these ways. It is the women who will remember who they are. Because women have lived for many thousands of years now, knowing who they were but never being able to speak the truth through their mouths. When the people left the Good Red Road and began to walk the black ribbon of road, the women were suppressed because the women kept warning the men that they were wandering from the ways...

"Heal the women.Then the women can heal the men, and together they can heal the earth.

"I will speak to you now of another prophecy. In the next decade, the Star People that you call meteorites will come to this earth in answer to the Mother’s call for help. You see, we are all relations. So the Star People are beings, and they are the planets, and the other bodies in the heavens as well.

"The Sacred Mother is screaming for life and the meteorites will hear her cries and answer her call for help. They will hit the earth from the heavens with such force that many internal things will happen as well as external. The earth will move as a result of the impact. This will cause the sacred fire that is the source of all life to the Mother to move through her body. She is like a Great Bird within the egg, trying to crack out...

"The rains will change their fall and the winds will alter their course and what has existed for 300 years will no longer exist. And where there is summer, there will be fall. And where there is fall, there will be winter. And where there is winter, there will be spring.

"The animals and plants will become confused. The animals will think it is spring in the winter,and the cherries will come to blossom, and die in the frost. And in the summer,the winds will come from the North and the blanket of purity will fall and the fruit will die. And the animals that you raise will not be able to graze...These are the changes the Mother will warn us with.

"There will be great plagues that you do not understand. Many of these plagues are born from your scientists whose intentions have gone awry. Your scientists have let these monsters loose upon the land. These plagues will spread through your waters and through your blood and through your food because you have disrupted the natural chain through which your Mother cleanses herself.

"Only those who have learned to live on the land where the waters run pure... will find sanctuary. Go to where the eagles fly, to where the wolf roams, to where the bear lives. Here you will find life because they will always go to where the water is pure and the air can be breathed. Live where the trees, the lungs of this earth, purify the air. Go to where the trees give, from their breath to you, the cleansing and the purity, to where they protect you from the plagues... Snow is the great purifier. Go to where the blanket of snow heals. Learn to live in these places. You will live through the changes...There is a time coming, beyond the weather. The veil between the physical and the spiritual world is thinning; it is coming back to life..."

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:01 AM

"The animals and plants will become confused."

I kinda see this happening now.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by tinker9917

"The animals and plants will become confused."

I kinda see this happening now.

Two days ago I had a day lily bloom. These plants bloom in spring time and here it is over 100 degrees F. Even stranger, I've had these plants for about 10 years and this is the first time it ever bloomed.

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Men have become sick with ego, sick with greed, lost in confusion. They are no longer leaders, so their children do not learn, and the children wander aimlessly through life, without spirit. A human without spirit is like a ship without a sail. All you can do is float around, hoping to find a harbor.
reply to post by 5pooky

If nothing else, this makes it all sound true. The absent father problem is enormous especially when he is absent making money to become richer to buy more things to make more money and ...
The result - humanity is lost, leadership becomes about self-power, and human values, call that spirit, have no value in the face of greed.

All happening, right on schedule ...

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Very wise and noble words indeed. This is true. We are seeing the signs spoken of. What we do is up to us. The truth is that few will do it and survive. The rest will become as ashes and dust.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady

Originally posted by tinker9917

"The animals and plants will become confused."

I kinda see this happening now.

Two days ago I had a day lily bloom. These plants bloom in spring time and here it is over 100 degrees F. Even stranger, I've had these plants for about 10 years and this is the first time it ever bloomed.

First, not all lilies bloom in the spring. What kind of lily is it ? You said day lily which does bloom this time of year if you're in the northern hemisphere. A tiger lily will bloom from late june through mid july depending on light conditions.
You wasted 10 years growing a lily that didnt bloom ? I'd have tossed that years ago for something more productive. Perhaps you have one of those rare lilies that only bloom once in a lifetime.
Please note if any of these conditions have changed in your yard during the past year.
Did you or a neighbor take down a tree?
Was a building taken down nearby that would change the light levels in your yard?
The reason I ask is that for the past 20 years my yard has been deep shade. Last summer the people who live behind me took six trees down in their yard to make room for a swimming pool. Now I have grass growing up in my pebble patio because the light levels have changed. We went to pebbles because we could not get the grass to grow in this area and it was always muddy. Now I have grass and I dont want grass there.
What color is the lily ? That will help me identify it and perhaps answer why it only bloomed just this year.
edit on 7-7-2012 by karen61057 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:56 PM
Very nice post.

Plants and animals becoming confused is something I can most definitely notice. Recently I have noticed my dog started losing his winter coat a lot later than other years. Same thing with other people's dogs I know. It seems they are confused (just like I am) about the seasons, they are definitely not regular this year.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:03 PM
more flags then comments means that too many average minds on ats looked at this post and couldnt admit the truth in its wisdom.

beautiful post, your family has been pretty damn accurate, the death of the female being was one the worst things to happen to human kind.. another was the death of men being leaders and fathers. take a man out in the 'wilderness' or nature, and have him treat and take care of his family for 7 days.. odds are they will end up sick and possibly die. keep that man in soceity, he will continue to work, self greed, build more ego, and gain false pride..

I 100000% agree that we need to bring back the balance of feminine energy with the masculine. all balance has been lost since what I will call "the new ways of man". and it has not only destroyed the spirit and heart of human kind world wide, but the planet and many of its species world wide. man will not agree with this because he hides behind a mask given by false-soceity. this is why this amazing and utterly TRUE post of the OP has little responses thus far.

when we put logic, reasoning, ego before intuition, heart, and spirit.. we loose out BIG time. everything becomes backwards and even nature starts to become affected by our backward ways of thinking and being..

~ whatever happens in the near future, humanity deserves. its the only way to bring balance back to not just human kind, but nature of this planet as well, which we have destroyed ever so quickly...

Love is an art
edit on 7-7-2012 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:08 PM
Very interesting indeed, the part about the men being lost, It seems to me many men feel depressed, empty of meaningful reason to be here at all, I thought about this fact only the other day, and was wondering why that was.

Also the season changes and confused animals sounds about right too. :/ I guess to get better it has to first become worse, hoping fukushima will be taken seriously soon, and oil spills, and air pollution, GM foods and flouridation of the drinking water, and ..... all the other things that we do that is just plain and simple insanity.

We live on a most beautiful rock in space, why we do not take care of our home is beyond me. So wether this prophesy is fact or fiction, there is nothing in there that we should dismiss as being wrong thinking.

We need to act now, what the small man can do is stop bying the products that do not agree with our earths policy for survival, buy ecological local farm produce ( we need to eat less anyway so never mind that it is more expensive), stop buying ready food, stop eating at Mac fast royal food chain(s), buy eco fabrics, glass rather than plastic, raw rather than processed, exchange rather than buy new, recycle....Turn off the lights, take the buss, train and/or bicycle not the car. use eco friendly cleaning products and start being communities that cares for its neighbours and family members again. For every change you make you are contributing. Even if you can not make all changes at once make the ones you can now.

Every other day I border on just up and leave everything and get back to nature, but I guess I like most are lost on how to get started. Where to go, how would my family survive? What could I contribute to such living... so I try to do the little I can do with what I have.

Thank you OP for reminding us that there is still time to act but it has to happen now.

S&F for telling the story...

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Thank you for posting this. I think it's accuracy is astonishing and impactful. If only more people paid attention to ancient wisdom. Being a person that has moved to where the bears live and adopting an even more 'down to earth' lifestyle than I already had, it just feels as if it's necessary and required to be prepared for something coming.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by IAmD1

Every other day I border on just up and leave everything and get back to nature, but I guess I like most are lost on how to get started. Where to go, how would my family survive? What could I contribute to such living... so I try to do the little I can do with what I have.

Come and buy a home in small-town Saskatchewan. Towns and villages away from major centres are becoming ghost towns because the old folks are dying and corporate farmers are buying up their land. This leaves no one in the small towns and houses are cheap, cheap, cheap! Don't purchase a large acreage. This is expensive. But there is the odd abandoned 10 acre parcel to be had for a song!
Basically everything you need to live, you can grow here. Plus with tons of lentils, peas and wheat being farmed, this is the place to be in an apocalypse (LOL!). Now if we could only get farmers here to stop listening to and using Monsanto crap, this would be paradise!

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 07:43 PM
All that the Grandmother says, rings true to me. Especially:

She told me we must work with the women to help heal their pain. In these times that are coming, she told me, we must learn to help women regain their power

The instigators of the male dominated religions, with help over the centuries, from successive political systems, have always known that women are more intuitive and in tune with Mother Nature and have always known that if women were ever allowed to show their true selves, there would be peace and harmony and true, natural spirituality from the heart and more importantly, there would be no need for the religions and political systems that those men created to give themselves money, power and control.

LoveisanArt says:

I 100000% agree that we need to bring back the balance of feminine energy with the masculine. all balance has been lost since what I will call "the new ways of man". and it has not only destroyed the spirit and heart of human kind world wide, but the planet and many of its species world wide. man will not agree with this because he hides behind a mask given by false-soceity.

I totally agree and I've often thought that the reason men nowadays perhaps feel so lost and aren't sure what their their roles are anymore, is because the brainwashing\conditioning that everyone has been subjected to over the last 2,000 odd years, is slowly but surely being eroded.
Men are having a hard time coming to terms with the breaking of the conditioning that has told them that they are the superior beings and women are not worthy of equality.

Females are better able to cope with the changes because, as the Grandmother says:

It is the women who will remember who they are. Because women have lived for many thousands of years now, knowing who they were but never being able to speak the truth through their mouths.

I think that if the world really is coming to an end, it's because more and more people are realising just how much and for how long, we've all been lied to. People are more open now to actually feeling what's in their hearts, rather than what they read in a religious book.
TPTB will do anything they can to keep things as they have been and will even go so far as to build their 'safe-houses' or 'bolt-holes', set the timer for the final destruction and then start all over again. With, of course, all the old lies and attitudes firmly in place, ready to indoctrinate the survivors and new borns.

Hopefully there are some powers for good out there, battling against the evil and perhaps we should all open our hearts, connect with the true powers of the Universe/the Gift/the Underground Stream and send out Light to conquer the dark.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by 5pooky

Such a remarkable post 5pooky, thank you for this.
I could go on and on about the terrible shape this Earth is in.
But we all know already...because we actively participate in it's destruction.

I honestly agree and think that everything you posted rings true today.
All men have given into their wordly desire for a false sense of hope and "wealth".
And for what exactly?

We have allowed greedy men to ruin where we call home all for a dollar.
Face it, the people have allowed it to happen becaude they've lost their guts.
They've lost their will to overcome a few men with alot of "money".

Money isn't everything.
It's only everything to those who live for today.
We need to live for tomorrow.

We've ruined today.


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by IAmD1
We need to act now, what the small man can do is stop bying the products that do not agree with our earths policy for survival, buy ecological local farm produce ( we need to eat less anyway so never mind that it is more expensive), stop buying ready food, stop eating at Mac fast royal food chain(s), buy eco fabrics, glass rather than plastic, raw rather than processed, exchange rather than buy new, recycle....Turn off the lights, take the buss, train and/or bicycle not the car. use eco friendly cleaning products and start being communities that cares for its neighbours and family members again. For every change you make you are contributing. Even if you can not make all changes at once make the ones you can now.

Well put D1. although it is probably too late to help Mother Earth, every little bit helps. I believe also that what is coming is like a 'shedding' of herself, a renewal, a new beginning. It will not be doom and gloom for everybody. But it will be a wonderful chance to get back to nature. Mankind has destroyed her enough.
Time is up.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by aBeneGesserit

The Seneca Tribal custom was the Old Women of the tribe chose the Chief that was a male. They also chose the "Delegates" that would represent the Seneca Tribe at the Iroquois Conferation. (5 Tribes that later became 6 tribes that helped each other and went to war together. They were a tough nation.)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:45 PM
As a woman I so want to get grimy in this thread but I won't. I am trying to balance my feminine and masculine. This is my so-called cross. "They" also changed the calendar from lunar to solar. But it is what it is at this time.

This mentality as stated by OP traces back to ancient Egypt.

edit on 7-7-2012 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by 5pooky

with all due respect, its a team sport

Janet Napolitano
Sonia Sotomayor
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Queen Elizabeth

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by 5pooky

let those who hear the call, heed the words


+6 more 
posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
more flags then comments means that too many average minds on ats looked at this post and couldnt admit the truth in its wisdom.

And judging those who are anonymous to you is a sign of enlightenment?

I offer the possibility that many were moved by the OP thus the stars and flags, but felt they could not possibly add anything to such a magnificent post hence the lack of comments.

Is a comment required upon viewing the Mona Lisa? Private appreciation is not worthy?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Reply to post by 5pooky

Lol If a bunch of metorites were to crash into the Earth that would be game over. There would be no women left to heal anything and most wildlife on land would die. This prophecy makes no sense.

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