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Something isn't right here........

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posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:57 PM

The United States has been slowly but surely increasing it's power in both military might and assets grabbing since the initial strike on Iraq that was largely sold as a way to protect innocents from weapons of mass destruction. Since that day, we have learned that there was never any credible intelligence that led to that conclusion and the act of ware we waged was unjust and not allowed by our Constitution.

Take what it that you will but you must understand that this event birthed the Patriot Act robbing us all of our basic freedoms that have been afforded us since the inception of our country. This was done on the basis of fear, manipulation and falsehoods and the law passed without the public blinking an eye in the wake of public outrage for revenge on the attacks on our country.

You mention Viet Nam and WWII here. Blocula has interesting threads relating to these wars, especially WWII, Pearl Harbor and what may have brought that about, in part. I propose to you, in this well thought out thread, that this was always the intent. And therefore, despite the beauty of the document we label our constitution, with it's we the people, etc, mentality, this was always what was going on. Nothing new.

If we presuppose this, then the question your thread should then be addressing, is who and why, was the purpose, as we suppose certain things about humanity, with this "constitution", and the meaning of being an American, that this should protect the inalienable and natural rights of humanity, of being an individual and all that should entail...

So, I ask who? because, obviously if we acknowledge that this has been false flag all along, and what that flag is and should even stand for, then we must question the root of identity of our country, and then, if Mr. JPZadeau is correct, ourselves, as that is what the country is, isn't it? And then the why? And isn't that why we are all members of a site such as this.

Of course, conspiring is real. We have laws about conspiracies, the most obvious proof I can site that they, fact, are the site itself, in and of its stated purpose, is genuine. But even and most obviously because of, threads like yours and their obvious intelligence, I have to question, and logically it begs the question, who are we and what are we about here...

Why would humanity, if this thing exists as we know it still, do such things to itself, to so obviously destroy itself.
Why would there be so many made up, obfuscating, illogical, "reasons" to fight wars, to deafen its own "rightness,"
to tie its own arms behind its back, if you will......

This is what I would like every thinking, conscious, caring human being to think about while they read your very well stated words. Because without that knowledge, and acknowledgement, we are all just sitting on a computer, typing stuff to impress each other, aren't we?

Another thread, sympathetic to the ideals of yours, speaks of revolution, and overthrowing a government....and yet, this "government" is directly an extension of what we are, sitting together in relationships, but looking at our cell phones...

There is much more at work here, then we openly acknowledge..... for we do not even know where to start with the why and the who. 1984? We had already experienced this as a population when it was written, long before 1984, and the warning it encompassed and represented was long ago rung as a bell.....
Until we realize that , what good is it to do what Sinny suggests. or even believe in a movement called "occupy."
This is the biggest joke to me....something called occupy to set us free. Think about the parallels linguistically with WWII, Nazis: Unite and Occupy---come together and sit inside and within something that isn't and doesn't belong to you. What????
edit on 7-7-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by tetra50

You have mentioned Blocula and JPZ in the same wall of text, in that, I must grant you a fail. That said, I could not read your post because it hurt my eyes and I think you probably posted it from a cell phone. I will try to read it later and thank you for your comments but I would ask you one small favor, please do not ever mention Blocula and JPZ in the same post.............
edit on 7-7-2012 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:09 AM
S&F and replied so I can read through the whole thread tomorrow. Seems very interesting!

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Helious

If it makes you feel any better, America won't be around much longer.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by Screwed

I think it will just under a big sign that says "NEW MANAGEMENT" and I sure as hell don't mean Mitt.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Helious

even if I wasn't I wouldn't submit myself to the unconstitutional actions of the TSA regarding unwarranted search and groping.

Yes, because the TSA always find what they're looking for.

criminals looking for criminals ... yea, makes sense.
edit on 7-7-2012 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Maluhia

The "TSA" along with the ATF and DHS are rogue agencies. The people have no desire for these institutions, they have no desire because there is no need. They are in place in SPITE of the people and not to serve them as any government agencies should be.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Helious

So sorry to hurt your eyes. Perhaps you have a problem reading, and therefore, should not be writing in expectation of replies with words.
Having mentioned member at opposite ends of the spectrum only proves that I read, relate, and attempt to translate. There was no cell phone involved. Strange you would think so, there being so many words that upset you since doing that on a cell phone would be very difficult.
I guess you don't welcome thoughtful analysis.
I will remember and not read your subsequent threads. Thank you so much for your response. Perhaps you should put your cell phone away, pick up a book, read a little more and stop writing.
Sorry, I tend to respond to what I get. You started it. I thought what you wrote was thoughtful and well written. I find your response to anyone thinking about what you were saying, inane, frankly.
Fail? That is so childish a response to anything. I guess you like to wax intellectual in pretense, only, and then expect one liners and youtube links in response. Okay. I'll avoid your threads in the future.

edit on 7-7-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by tetra50

Perhaps you should message me and I can explain paragraphs to you.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:40 AM
It's pretty easy to see how this happened. The baby boomers are of the opinion as a majority that these things need to happen so that Jesus can come back and fix things. It's all about rapture and a deep seated hatred for Muslims.

I know there are a lot of people who will be offended by that, but they were not offended when their leaders were doing the things leading up to this. They readily gave away our liberties because of fear and hatred. They don't understand the principles our country was founded on. They put religion above country and their religion is incompatible with any other.

Our future hinges on whether the majority can pull together long enough to overlook their differences and make the sacrifices necessary to take back our country from the current scumbags. It has to happen this election and into the next one because we have already gone too far with the rest of the world. The damage we have allowed is enough to destroy us.

From now on we need to isolate those warmongers amongst us who want war and send them to fight their holy war by themselves. They have God behind them so they don't need weapons. A lot of them are old, but I don't think we should judge them, instead we should just ship their walkers with them. I do not think we should send another soldier to fight a war for religion just so he can be killed, have his legs blown off by an IED or be castrated by the same or both.

We have an uphill battle to fight now because our government has decided it is time to remove every option we have in taking their power away from them. It is very dangerous. We have to force those who caused this to take responsibility for their actions no matter who they are. Every person needs to understand the ramifications of their actions and own up to it. It will get ugly. People will cry and scream their innocence even as you repeat their words back to them. They will kick and scream and deny everything because that's what they do. We just need to be strong enough to tell them we are done with their silly little game.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Helious
reply to post by tetra50

Perhaps you should message me and I can explain paragraphs to you.

LOL Really LOL
Perhaps you should message me and explain how everyone's point of view doesn't count, and punctuation automatically should pre-empt thoughtful analysis.
No, you're right. I am wrong.
Whatever I said was totally trumped and obfuscated by my lack of punctuation. Have a good night. Don't want to tire you.
Thanks for the laugh, anyway.

edit on 7-7-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Helious

everyone in the USA knows this and it has been talked about on ATS a Very long time.. issue is..

can we really stop it? If so, how?

Guns? LOL.. Technology? Legislation? OWS? LOL.. the big 4 are tied up~! Now what?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:16 AM
The ambitions of petty tyrants have always been with us and will likely not go away anytime soon. The steady aggregation of power here in the United States has been happening perhaps ever since we trashed the Articles of Confederation of Perpetual Union and went with federalism. Even so, The Constitution for the United States of America that replaced this Article of Confederation eventually came with a Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights many thought were unnecessary due to the express limitations all ready placed on the federal government and the implicit limitations many of our Founders believed were damn near express in that if the power wasn't expressly listed, that power was not expressly granted, thus that power did not exist within the federal government.

Today, those who have seen the steady aggregation of power and what it has done to We the People's Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness know full well it was a prudent move to create the Bill of Rights and even in that prudence so many of our friends and neighbors today have inexplicably and mysteriously come to believe that it is the Bill of Rights themselves that grant them their rights, and this in spite of the clear language of each Amendment that reads obviously as a prohibition on government not a grant of rights, and this in spite of the Ninth Amendment that makes expressly clear that none of the Amendments within the Bill of Rights are grants of rights. Thank God the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution and God Bless the wisdom that foresaw the need for the Ninth Amendment.

Even so, it is, as it has always been, expedience that has been the biggest threat to our own liberty. We have not, as if we ever could, had our rights taken away from us. We have willingly and mindlessly, perhaps too trustingly surrendered our rights in the name of expedience. Yet, as Thomas Jefferson wrote all those years ago, and to paraphrase him, there comes a time when going along to get along only takes us to a place where we no longer can get along. A time when expedience is no longer expedient, and a time when pragmatism is no longer practical. We seem to be irrevocably headed towards that time today.

I often hear it said that desperate times call for desperate measures, but this remark is only a justification for making bad strategies. Respectfully, I would argue that desperate times demand measured response. We must come to understand the problem with going along to get along. We must understand the profoundly contradictory notion of agreeing to disagree and insist that if we are all ever going to agree, then we must agree to agree. We must come to ask; how is it we can all ever agree upon surrender to tyranny? We must come to believe that we can, at some point, agree to agree on liberty once again. This kind of agreement requires a measured response to the petty tyrants and their sycophants.

Easier said than done, but I've never come to have a thing worth having that was easy to obtain.

It is We the People who do hold the inherent political power in this country, and it will be We the People who either succumb to tyranny or reign it in. We will never reign in tyranny by screaming for democracy and distracting ourselves with voting and the dog and pony shows of elections. We can only reign in tyranny by jealously guarding our rights and zealously defending them. That jealous guard and zealous defense need not be violent, but it must be sure and true. Without that, we will surely succumb.

Great thread, Brother. Thanks for your considered and necessary effort.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
The ambitions of petty tyrants have always been with us and will likely not go away anytime soon. The steady aggregation of power here in the United States has been happening perhaps ever since we trashed the Articles of Confederation of Perpetual Union and went with federalism. Even so, The Constitution for the United States of America that replaced this Article of Confederation eventually came with a Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights many thought were unnecessary due to the express limitations all ready placed on the federal government and the implicit limitations many of our Founders believed were damn near express in that if the power wasn't expressly listed, that power was not expressly granted, thus that power did not exist within the federal government.

Today, those who have seen the steady aggregation of power and what it has done to We the People's Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness know full well it was a prudent move to create the Bill of Rights and even in that prudence so many of our friends and neighbors today have inexplicably and mysteriously come to believe that it is the Bill of Rights themselves that grant them their rights, and this in spite of the clear language of each Amendment that reads obviously as a prohibition on government not a grant of rights, and this in spite of the Ninth Amendment that makes expressly clear that none of the Amendments within the Bill of Rights are grants of rights. Thank God the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution and God Bless the wisdom that foresaw the need for the Ninth Amendment.

Even so, it is, as it has always been, expedience that has been the biggest threat to our own liberty. We have not, as if we ever could, had our rights taken away from us. We have willingly and mindlessly, perhaps too trustingly surrendered our rights in the name of expedience. Yet, as Thomas Jefferson wrote all those years ago, and to paraphrase him, there comes a time when going along to get along only takes us to a place where we no longer can get along. A time when expedience is no longer expedient, and a time when pragmatism is no longer practical. We seem to be irrevocably headed towards that time today.

I often hear it said that desperate times call for desperate measures, but this remark is only a justification for making bad strategies. Respectfully, I would argue that desperate times demand measured response. We must come to understand the problem with going along to get along. We must understand the profoundly contradictory notion of agreeing to disagree and insist that if we are all ever going to agree, then we must agree to agree. We must come to ask; how is it we can all ever agree upon surrender to tyranny? We must come to believe that we can, at some point, agree to agree on liberty once again. This kind of agreement requires a measured response to the petty tyrants and their sycophants.

Easier said than done, but I've never come to have a thing worth having that was easy to obtain.

It is We the People who do hold the inherent political power in this country, and it will be We the People who either succumb to tyranny or reign it in. We will never reign in tyranny by screaming for democracy and distracting ourselves with voting and the dog and pony shows of elections. We can only reign in tyranny by jealously guarding our rights and zealously defending them. That jealous guard and zealous defense need not be violent, but it must be sure and true. Without that, we will surely succumb.

Great thread, Brother. Thanks for your considered and necessary effort.

This ^^^^^^^ is the best thing I have been pleasured to read this month! Outstanding.

Damnit, those tyrannical bastards will only let me give you one star............. haha

edit on 7-7-2012 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

George Orwell and Aldous Huxley "brave new world" would read each others work and converse over there concepts of the way society would turn out. Funny thing is they both where high ranking masons
And now look where we are today.
edit on 7-7-2012 by NRGFreq because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by Helious
What in the hell are we doing?

I believe the question is, What in the hell are THEY doing?

I would willing do a lot to change things, but I am one of only a few. Everyone else I know around me is out having a ball like none of what is happening, is happening.

I am very angry with all of them. They are the damn problem in this country, worse than the politicians. Why? Because bad people exist everywhere. It's only when the good people let them get away with it, that it continues.

Would a colony of ants let a grasshopper take over their colony? Like hell they would. They'd swarm that bi*#& and say you ain't touching us, we outnumber you my thousands. The American people could be like the ants. They instead choose to be delusional. They are sick.

If a cleansing of the earth ever comes, I hope it's all the sick people who get washed away, and those of us who are socially responsible, just, and fair people will be left to start over again.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Helious

All I see is a re-hash of every 9/11-related thread on here, especially the truth movement vs the OS.

Uh-huh, our country sucks.

Yep, it's gone downhill since the Patriot Act.

Any ideas for solutions?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 04:39 AM

My thoughts most days

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:26 AM
Considering democracy has never lasted this long before, we seemed to have forgotten, like any other previous democratic country (guess how many the world has known), the stuff it takes to be that democratic country, the reasons we got here in the first place.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:56 AM
Reminds me of the song Amerika by Rammstein

edit on 7-7-2012 by LittleEskimo because: To add video

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