Originally posted by InfiniteConsciousness
There is no separating ourselves from ourselves....
We are the same person....
Not a PERSON. A person is a dead entity, existing only in the paper world of legalese and computers. It is used to control the living human being, and
it has a similar name than yours (but not identical - there is usually a slight deviation from your name, like having a "Mr." or SURNAME FIRST IN
CAPITALS, etc.), but the whole thing is - you are not a person.
Though there is an argument about 'artificial person' and 'natural person', usually when talked about a 'person', the one with the SIN (or SSN)
is meant - and by identifying yourself with that 'person', you perform a joinder, meaning that now you are under the authority of the system,
although the living human being would never otherwise have to be.
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I don't blame you though, because we all have been duped! People are angry at the system and talk about freedom, without realizing what they are
doing to support the system at the same time by performing joinders - they have all kinds of 'permits' and 'registrations' and 'driver's
licenses', although it's a basic human right to travel by any means (including by automobiles) without having to ask for a 'permit' from the
system. But they are clever, they use legalese instead of english, and they say you "drive a vehicle" instead of "travel by automobile". The
difference? The other sentence means you are engaging in commerce with your 'vehicle' - the other means you are simply using your right to travel.
Commerce requires a license, traveling does not.
Learn the basics, people.. it's somehow so hypocrite and frustrating to see people complain about things, write megalo-manic speeches about rights
and the system and TPTB, and at the same time nicely comform to be governed by acts and statutes, while not knowing the difference between LAW and
Learn, people, learn, please! That's the only way to liberate yourself..
Liberty means freedom from government tyranny - I hope most here at least know that much. You are the key to your own liberty, no one else!