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Reverse discrimination at your job centre. How is this leaflet acceptable? (United Kingdom)

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:42 AM
I hear what you were saying OP but the fact is that PATH was legitimately set up to represent the interests of what is reportedly an under represented group.
Don't get me wrong, I dislike 'postive discrimination' whether on gender or racial lines as all it does is create ill will and polarise separation. Plus some of it is clearly BS. I worked in Bradford, UK (which has been a major Asian area for years now) when my employer set up an accelerated training programme for Asian staff. New recruits were coming in at a higher pay level and bypassing others in the queue for training. Not only that they had things like support groups and awaydays for black staff.
Heck you could argue that whites were the minority in that area. What about a 'support group' for them?

edit on 7-7-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
reply to post by Mclaneinc

The leaflet is for training and not jobs!

The only tension in Leeds is from illiterate white people who only concentrate on what minorities have on their plates.

The UK is a country where 99.9% of the elite is white. If you are a white person and your are a failure in life, it is no fault of minorities.

You are not disadvantaged by the help they get; you are disadvantaged by your own stupidity.

I think you will find there is tension on both sides, if you believe not then I think you are unaware or unwilling to accept there is.

As for bombarding the race issue at me I don't really understand this, the leaflet be it training or jobs is border line silly by playing sides. I've not bashed the white superiority drum or even gone in that area, I've quite clearly said that EVERYONE should be offered employment.

I've not said I was disadvantaged by the help 'they' get so cut the stupidity insults, my wife is a 'minority' if you will so don't play the nasty white crap at me.

Learn some manners...They are free..Or do you need training?
edit on 7-7-2012 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by hotel1
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
I did not use any ism's in my post. You come over in your posts as being exteremely butthurt or having a victim mentality. Im not judging you, or your opinions I would ask you if consider colonialism to be responsible for all the worlds ills, how many members of ethnic minorities would be prepared to their respective countries of origin today?.

I'm not but hurt and I'm not feeling like a victim. I am utterly enjoying myself watching all this panic among some global whites who have a serious race supremacy complex and who are freaking out at the realization that we are a multi-cultural as well as multi-racial world. It's just killing some of you guys and I love it. I love every single second of it.

Carry on.

Freak out some more.

PS In answer to your question. With the compensation of ALL stolen and pillaged resources, sure everyone would be happy to go back where they came from. However, that would also mean that the white colonists must vacate South Africa, US , New Zealand , Canada, Australia and any other lands they stole , and take their culture with them. Leave the resources right where they "discovered" them. Yes, yes. I see nothing wrong with that. We can all play that game. Let us all RETURN from whence we came.
edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

There is no discrimination here; ethnic minorities and blacks do very badly in North Yorkshire. The authorities are simply trying to alleviate disproportionate rates of unemployment.

Since when was Leeds in North Yorkshire?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by starchild10

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

There is no discrimination here; ethnic minorities and blacks do very badly in North Yorkshire. The authorities are simply trying to alleviate disproportionate rates of unemployment.

Since when was Leeds in North Yorkshire?

You are right, North Yorkshire starts at the city limits of Leeds; but who cares?

It's all alien territory for us southerners.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by starchild10

'postive discrimination'

Positive discrimination as in quotas is illegal in the UK. Quotas do work as proven in the US where racism was confronted by an insistence of proportionate quotas in certain jobs.

These regulation was brought about to challenge unfair discrimination that secured jobs for incompetent people just because they are white.

Ironically the greatest beneficiaries of positive discrimination in the US are white women who have long been victims of sex discrimination.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
So now you are claiming you speak for everyone, wrong! you dont. I am anglo saxon and I would certaintly not return to Germany nor I suspect would many other people return to their countries of origin where brutal dictators steal their own treasuries, and murder their own people in huge numbers, or to places where murder is considered an honour, or other places that collapsed into chaos when outsiders withdrew or were forced out.

I am not freaking out over any of this I have just entered a debate there is a difference, and it is the central reason for the existence of sites like this one.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:05 AM
To be honest it's pretty much pointless, because working class white people on JC are no different than blacks or asians anyway.

They should be helping out the neglected working class, no matter the skin tone. Go to Yorkshire or Lancashire, tell me white people have some sort of privilege.

It's okay to promote these ideas if you have a job, or if you're some sort of middle class cretin, but don't tell white people who are going hungry, because they don't have jobs, that being denied opportunities because of their skin colour is a positive thing. Maybe in the bigger picture it is, but an individual who can barely survive doesn't want to hear it.

It's great for the middle class white people and those with secure jobs to act like impoverished white people and communities don't exist, but i'm sorry to tell you that they do

But what do you expect from CApitalism, it's a system that breeds inequality and racial division as it's unable to give each section of society a fair go. If we got rid of Capitalism and embraced Socialism we wouldn't have these divisions.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by hotel1
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
So now you are claiming you speak for everyone, wrong! you dont. I am anglo saxon and I would certaintly not return to Germany nor I suspect would many other people return to their countries of origin where brutal dictators steal their own treasuries, and murder their own people in huge numbers, or to places where murder is considered an honour, or other places that collapsed into chaos when outsiders withdrew or were forced out.

I am not freaking out over any of this I have just entered a debate there is a difference, and it is the central reason for the existence of sites like this one.

Uh, yeah no. You asked me for my opinion and I gave it to you. Am i dealing with someone who has ADD or something ? You don't remember what you post ?

And yes you guys are freaking out.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Yeah. Go ahead and chuckle. But you are the one throwing a fit and feeling all uncomfortable because people who are not white are finally being given the chances they should have gotten long ago. You may be laughing at me on a little puny website, but the whole world is laughing at you.

edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

no, we are all laughing at you for trying to claim billions of people are laughing at that internet pesona

Save your racist group think divisive agenda for self haters and anti white racists- you will find no succour here racist

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady

Originally posted by starchild10

Originally posted by Ilovecatbinlady
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

There is no discrimination here; ethnic minorities and blacks do very badly in North Yorkshire. The authorities are simply trying to alleviate disproportionate rates of unemployment.

Since when was Leeds in North Yorkshire?

You are right, North Yorkshire starts at the city limits of Leeds; but who cares?

It's all alien territory for us southerners.

That's right, so why are you giving your uneducated opinion? You might as well go and speak about Danish society, it's about as foreign as we in the north are to you.

Nobody in the north, caucasian or asian, wants to hear from some privileged white southerner. It's your lot that have stripped the north of all industry and hope, you're the reason whites, blacks and asians up here are fighting for scraps

Most these minorities moved to the north because of our thriving industry, because we got things done and created, and there was enough work for everybody, even asian migrants and people from the caribbean... then what happened? Your lot destroyed everything
edit on 7-7-2012 by JailTales because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by JailTales

oh, just good for middle class whites, not middle class asians and blacks

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by blueorder
reply to post by JailTales

oh, just good for middle class whites, not middle class asians and blacks

Please try to follow the conversation. I'm not talking about middle class asians and blacks, I'm talking about the well-off white people who are happy to see the white working class disadvantaged because it doesn't affect them

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
You are correct that I asked for your opinion, and when you made your laughable claim to speak for everyone I posted a reply that refuted it. I am certain I do not have ADD but i am begining to think you have a comprehension problem, you also seem to not understand the concept of rational debate and conversation.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by hotel1
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
You are correct that I asked for your opinion, and when you made your laughable claim to speak for everyone I posted a reply that refuted it. I am certain I do not have ADD but i am begining to think you have a comprehension problem, you also seem to not understand the concept of rational debate and conversation.

We're not having a debate. Just because you post some words in response to a comment I make doesn't mean we're having a debate. I'm not here to debate you . As someone who's three different races as a direct result of colonialism, I think this is just hilarious watching a white person lament that "others" are getting help after decades of being stomped on because of their skin color as a result of the actions of others who just so happen to be the skin color of the one lamenting. It's stupid. The whole complaint is stupid and selfish. Oh, and a bit naughty.

Give me a break.
edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher

Originally posted by hotel1
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
I did not use any ism's in my post. You come over in your posts as being exteremely butthurt or having a victim mentality. Im not judging you, or your opinions I would ask you if consider colonialism to be responsible for all the worlds ills, how many members of ethnic minorities would be prepared to their respective countries of origin today?.

I'm not but hurt and I'm not feeling like a victim. I am utterly enjoying myself watching all this panic among some global whites who have a serious race supremacy complex and who are freaking out at the realization that we are a multi-cultural as well as multi-racial world. It's just killing some of you guys and I love it. I love every single second of it.

Carry on.

Freak out some more.

PS In answer to your question. With the compensation of ALL stolen and pillaged resources, sure everyone would be happy to go back where they came from. However, that would also mean that the white colonists must vacate South Africa, US , New Zealand , Canada, Australia and any other lands they stole , and take their culture with them. Leave the resources right where they "discovered" them. Yes, yes. I see nothing wrong with that. We can all play that game. Let us all RETURN from whence we came.
edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

This will probably be my last reply to you mainly because you have missed the entire point of this thread. This is not a hate thread. This is not a thread comparing races. Its not about slavery, its not about how the "white man keep everyone else down" No, you've got it all wrong my lovely.

This is a thread that begs the question: "How can we have equal opportunities when discrimination is still taking place?"

If you want to contribute to the thread then fine, but at least know the point that is being debated and stop emotionally letting loose on people. If you feel the need to cause some trouble go and make a tread about slavery in america, im sure that would be right up your street.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher

Originally posted by hotel1
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
I did not use any ism's in my post. You come over in your posts as being exteremely butthurt or having a victim mentality. Im not judging you, or your opinions I would ask you if consider colonialism to be responsible for all the worlds ills, how many members of ethnic minorities would be prepared to their respective countries of origin today?.

I'm not but hurt and I'm not feeling like a victim. I am utterly enjoying myself watching all this panic among some global whites who have a serious race supremacy complex and who are freaking out at the realization that we are a multi-cultural as well as multi-racial world. It's just killing some of you guys and I love it. I love every single second of it.

Carry on.

Freak out some more.

PS In answer to your question. With the compensation of ALL stolen and pillaged resources, sure everyone would be happy to go back where they came from. However, that would also mean that the white colonists must vacate South Africa, US , New Zealand , Canada, Australia and any other lands they stole , and take their culture with them. Leave the resources right where they "discovered" them. Yes, yes. I see nothing wrong with that. We can all play that game. Let us all RETURN from whence we came.
edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

This will probably be my last reply to you mainly because you have missed the entire point of this thread. This is not a hate thread. This is not a thread comparing races. Its not about slavery, its not about how the "white man keep everyone else down" No, you've got it all wrong my lovely.

This is a thread that begs the question: "How can we have equal opportunities when discrimination is still taking place?"

If you want to contribute to the thread then fine, but at least know the point that is being debated and stop emotionally letting loose on people. If you feel the need to cause some trouble go and make a tread about slavery in america, im sure that would be right up your street.

No. I wont.

Maybe that should be your last reply to me because I know who and what you are and you didn't think this subtle crap would get challenged. You thought everyone would just agree with you and join in on your little racist pity party. The fact that you call efforts to EQUAL the playing field by lifting people of color to the same level as Whites "discrimination against whites" is again , ignorant , selfish and foolish. I know exactly what your post is about. I reject it and you. And that's what you have a problem with.

Have a nice day. Don''t be naughty k ?

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:45 AM
has anyone shown this to their local MP?

What PATH is doing is clearly against the law, it is descrimination. If I was to make an exact copy of that flyer for a group i setup i would be in prison right now.

Also I must add

"PS In answer to your question. With the compensation of ALL stolen and pillaged resources, sure everyone would be happy to go back where they came from. However, that would also mean that the white colonists must vacate South Africa, US , New Zealand , Canada, Australia and any other lands they stole , and take their culture with them. Leave the resources right where they "discovered" them. Yes, yes. I see nothing wrong with that. We can all play that game. Let us all RETURN from whence we came. "

Well no, Britain conquored all those territories to claim ownership. That is different from being a parasite, like you

edit on 7-7-2012 by dmsuse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Yeah. Go ahead and chuckle. But you are the one throwing a fit and feeling all uncomfortable because people who are not white are finally being given the chances they should have gotten long ago. You may be laughing at me on a little puny website, but the whole world is laughing at you.

edit on 7-7-2012 by skepticconwatcher because: (no reason given)

no, we are all laughing at you for trying to claim billions of people are laughing at that internet pesona

Save your racist group think divisive agenda for self haters and anti white racists- you will find no succour here racist


What was all that about? and WTF is "anti white racists"?

You over state your case, you are badgering and you are out of order.

Nobody is laughing at skepticconwatcher other than the deranged voices in your head.

Take a chill-pill and back off.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
No. I wont.

Maybe that should be your last reply to me because I know who and what you are and you didn't think this subtle crap would get challenged. You thought everyone would just agree with you and join in on your little racist pity party. The fact that you call efforts to EQUAL the playing field by lifting people of color to the same level as Whites "discrimination against whites" is again , ignorant , selfish and foolish. I know exactly what your post is about. I reject it and you. And that's what you have a problem with.

Have a nice day. Don''t be naughty k ?

Okay, before i leave you like a 5 year old to your own devices, i shall simply what's going on.

Blacks and Ethnic minorities are being offered help to build skills to get them into work. (no problem with that)

Whites are not being offered the same type of help. (This is where the problem occurs)

Both have received the same education but one is receiving more help than the other. (So why are we helping on group and not the other?)

I hate to see someone so blinded by his/her own racism that he/she cant even distinguish between someone wanting to give equal rights and opportunities to everyone and someone who just want to give rights and opportunities to a certain group. It must be painful for your emotional mind to live on those terms day in day out.

But this is where i unhook from you. Im not racist and im not going to be pulled into and argument defending myself. I say everyone should be given the help to develop skills and get themselves into work. I don't believe anyone should be discriminated against, simple as really.

Anyhow, thanks for taking part.

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