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Aluminum, Alzheimer's and The Camelford Incident

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by daskakik

It is supposed to be the 3rd most abundant element on the planet and exists naturally in soil, water, air, plants and animals so I don't really think you can get away from it.

Point well taken. It sure is.

But I still think that the stuff should be heavily regulated in the things we ingest and smear on ourselves. I think that if we take in to account all that we know about the effects of aluminum on the human organism that that would be common sense.

edit on 7-7-2012 by Xoanon because: .

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Xoanon

Sounds like a way to drive eugenics to me. Find a way to affect the poor by providing them their own demise. Lots of low cost tap water, and aluminum cookware. Throw in all those aluminum can soft drinks and booze....

If i were a mad scientist and wanted to destroy people who were of a low social status, this is how I would do it. Longevity has lots of benefits that the poor usually don't get to be a part of.
edit on 7-7-2012 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Aluminum hydroxide neutralizes acid. It isn't just something added to the antacid, it is the antacid. Using an alternative makes sense.

Thanks again, I can be a little slow on the uptake and did not realize that aluminum was the active ingredient in antacids.

Personally, I use yogurt.


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Xoanon

Sounds like a way to drive eugenics to me. Find a way to affect the poor by providing them their own demise. Lots of low cost tap water, and aluminum cookware. Throw in all those aluminum can soft drinks and booze....

If i were a mad scientist and wanted to destroy people who were of a low social status, this is how I would do it. Longevity has lots of benefits that the poor usually don't get to be a part of.
edit on 7-7-2012 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

I've switched to cast iron and glass. I try to avoid plastic and aluminum every chance I get. Better health, and better economy to boot!

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Sounds like a way to drive eugenics to me.

I totally hear you on that one, bigfatfurrytexan, a couple of years ago I would have gone straight there too.

But lately I have been experimenting with taking full responsibility, or at least as much as I am able to, on to myself when it comes to these types of things. Mainly because I have found that getting wrapped up in who 'they' are and trying to figure out where 'they' are at causes me to spin in circles.

But like I said, just experimental, if things don't work out I will just switch back to 'them'


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I've switched to cast iron and glass. I try to avoid plastic and aluminum every chance I get. Better health, and better economy to boot!

I love that, getreadyalready,

I learned recently about local produce and found out that by buying our fruits and veggies locally a unit of currency can become 4 times more effective as it circulates locally rather than being sent immediately away from the local economy as it would be if spent at the grocery store.

I am always surprised and heartened when it turns out that by focusing ourselves on better health and on our communities that it causes a cascade of local goodness.

Could you elaborate on the iron, glass, economy thing? It would be a great addition to the thread and I know folks would be interested.

edit on 7-7-2012 by Xoanon because: .

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 06:48 PM
there is a medicine that is supposed to remove heavy metals, its called humet r, please see link,

This diagram shows the effective action of Humet®-R in carrying 10 vital minerals into the body cells. Potassium and Magnesium are released fully from the Humifulvate® chelate (see our page on definitions) The individual body cells will only absorb the other 8 minerals if that body cell requires them. If the body cell does not require them, they are carried away as waste. It is thus impossible to overdose on any of these minerals. The freed Humifulvate® then acts as a Heavy Metal Detox and attaches to any toxic heavy metals (such as Lead, Cadmium, Mercury or Aluminium) and removes them as waste.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Minnie1985

Hello Minnie1985,

Thank you for your concern and what appears to be a helpful link.

Just wanted to let you know that the link wants to take my machine to some Russian site that Chrome does not even want to be directed to, in fact, my software is telling me that the site is going to load me up with a heaping bowl of malware.

Can you fix that?



posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Xoanon

hi, sorry i really don't know why that has happened, i use google chrome, i typed in humet r and it was the first website it came up with, i have mcafee site advisor on and all it says is that the site hasn't being tested yet,

i first visited this site last year as i'd just started to learn about how bad heavy metals are, i even emailed the company for some advice as i was considering having my amalgam fillings removed and i got a very helpful reply, although i can't afford to get my fillings removed safely as i turns out its very expensive,

i hope you manage to get on the website safely

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:14 PM
I never use deodorant, since I shower each day I never smell of sweat either. Ever since I was a kid I only brushed my teeth before bed and never in the morning, and I don't have a bad breath or holes in my teeth either. Don't let them fool you thinking you need those things.
edit on 7-7-2012 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:42 PM
most old people take lots of shots/vaccines and they have aliminum and mercury...i think it's vaccines that are causing it, along with environmental pollution, flouride in our water...etc, etc.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by MerkabaMeditation
I never use deodorant, since I shower each day I never smell of sweat either. Ever since I was a kid I only brushed my teeth before bed and never in the morning, and I don't have a bad breath or holes in my teeth either. Don't let them fool you thinking you need those things.
edit on 7-7-2012 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

I'm the same way, but it isn't because the companies and health professionals are lying to the public, it is just genetics, habits, and bacteria. A dentist told me to cancel my dental insurance, because I'll never have a cavity. I brush my teeth once per day, in the morning when I get up. I don't drink too much coke or tea, but I do drink them occasionally. It is just genetics. I never have body odor, even when I'm pouring sweat from working in the yard. Sometimes I get that sweet manly smell, but it isn't that old sweat smell, and its gone as soon as I rinse off or even just cool down for awhile. Body Odor is caused by bacteria, not sweat. I have a friend that smells even immediately after a shower. He battles it all the time.

Some people need deodorant and flouride treatments and dental work, and others just don't. Some of it is their health habits, and some of it is just genetics.

I have the crystal deodorant also, but I stopped using it after I realized it had the ammonium alum in it. I rarely use deodorant at all, and never antiperspirant.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Normal deoderants have never worked for me, and I hate the feeling of wet stinky pits. I will be trying the crystal sticks, thanks.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:52 PM
What? The crystal sticks are no better? Sigh...

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 10:01 PM
Iodine supplementation excretes Aluminium (also bromides, flourides mercury and lead).

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:58 AM
Now that the concept that the combination of fluoride with alum. accelerate Alzheimer's, has come to light.

It reminds me of Batman where the Joker used peoples every day cosmetics to poison the city giving them the joker face. But it was required that they used 3 (I think) different poisoned products in a period of time for the combination to work.

Then what? Vaccines? Would that be the 3rd eugenics poison? Because that is what we are talking about. TPTB and eugenics systems. Think of it as a system. Government is a system, corporations run in a system, corporatism,fascism runs in a system. This is the eugenics system. We are sheep in a pasture. And the not worthy sheep are poisoned to leave more pasture for the worthy ones.

Unfortunately The worthy ones are chosen by their monetary worth while those chosen on top are manipulating the whole monetary system in their favor. This produces eugenics programs. Eugenics programs are seen throughout history, but are rarely needed/used in a free prosperous society.

If you want to enslave a nation and run it like a human farm, all you would need is to control the value of the currency. Then the eugenics programs would be sneaked in. I mean come on, your running a business here (people farm). Those that aren't finding a way to produce labor for the debt based pyramid scheme currency are just eating grass that can go to the worthy sheep right?

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 06:16 PM
There are protocols to eliminate aluminium from the body. I'm trying to find one I saw on serrapeptase aiding in chelation of aluminium.

Silicon, in and out of the body, will help turn aluminium contamination into a form that your body will not absorb.

Aluminium can help eliminate radiation exposure toxins.

Now my inner conspiracy theorist is saying - hey, if they are spraying aluminium into the atmosphere and governments and industry have gone DEEPLY out of their way to pretend that the recent radiation problem isn't.....well they sure wouldn't then also start introducing something into the bioavailable intake systems that would help counteract the thing that they say didn't have any effect.

I'm so clever there I even confused myself.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 07:05 PM
anyone take prozac?
that is aluminum based,.
why would they spray aluminum,. oh I dont know..same reason one would take prozac?.
It is a dumbing agent. I have noticed many people that are heavily fluoridated seem to be a bit
disconnected from the world around them.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:37 PM
Pardon my being a little late to the thread here but I caught it by round about referral. Anyway.. I have a stupid question that might help that sick feeling I've been getting since I started reading this thread.

If Aluminum can link to Alzheimer's for adults...pray tell....what does it do to infants or, God forbid, does it pass the blood barrier between mother and child while pregnant?

We've had this little sickness going around lately....perhaps everyone has heard of it? Autism. My son can be counted among it's sufferers. I've been hunting for 10 years now,for what did this to him and to SO MANY other kids now compared to any time previously. This never crossed my mind. Perhaps TOO common to have thought about? Anyway....I've felt whatever is destroying our Children is ubiquitous. It has to friggen common we don't even see it or think about it...but NOT common to the point of being everywhere and on everything 25+ and more years ago. That was when Autism was still somewhat of a rare thing, not so common every school in this area has accommodations for it.

Any ideas? Think it's possible? ..or is it just a really dumb question after all?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by RightInTwo

The best body deodoriser I've found is bi-carbonate of soda. This stuff is brilliant - far better than the pit rocks on sale in health stores. Mix some bi-carb with a nice essential oil, like citronella, for a foot deodoriser - it works like a charm. I dilute bi-carb in a colloidal silver solution for my underarms - you just need a little spray each morning and it lasts all day. Dissolving it in plain water would be just as good I guess, but I just feel the colloidal silver kills any bacteria - kinda like added protection. Also, as most people know already, it's a great teeth cleaner and removes stains far better than most proprietary brands. Oh and it's dead cheap!

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