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Originally posted by Daemonicon
How is it an assumption when we are witnessing everything expanding? If everything is expanding, it had to have come from somewhere. Trace it all back, and I bet you, you will find a central point from whence it all came.
First off, no, it requires a ton more faith to believe the universe came from nothing, then expanded for no reason, then stars were born out of a chemical reaction, then chemicals were fused to create new elements, which required stars to begin with, and then certain rocks were rained upon for millions of years, and those rocks developed an atmosphere (by the way, did you know life cannot be "created" in an oxygen environment, yet it requires oxygen to live?), and after millions more years, the primordial soup that was created (from the rain, remember?) spawned the first "simple celled organisms" (which are not simple, at all - they are more complex than most cells today), which grew up to be more complex living organisms, which then went on to become our ancient, ancient ancestors.
It also takes a hell of a lot more 'faith' to believe some omnipotent being burst everything into existance.
Compromising between Evolution and Christianity is not Christianity at all. It's a foolish attempt at trying to bring "the best of both worlds" into one, and it doesn't follow the Biblical account at all. With that belief, death would have come before sin, a clear contradiction to the account of Genesis and the fall of man.
Waited thousands or millions of years, depending on your particular view of Christianity, and then decided "Whoa now, my creation is going how I wanted it to go. I had better send myself, claiming to be my own son, to Earth and have myself tortured and killed. That way, I can forgive everyone's sin. (This sin, by the way, was my fault as well. Since they were my creations, I knew what they were going to do, so I threw a mystical tree into the mix, and forbade them to eat from it. Even though I knew they would, only so I could kick them out, and then follow the whole 'sacrifice' myself thing.
Yeah, you're right.. the big bang doesn't make sense.
Originally posted by iamhobo
The Big Bang couldn't have occured unless the universe existed inside of another space. Hence, in order to have an explosion, it must occur within an already existing area.
Unless of course, the law of physics isn't really a law to begin with.
Originally posted by MissSmartypants
reply to post by jiggerj
Some scientists say what is happening is actually "inflation" rather than an explosion....more like what happens to cake batter as it bakes.....there's no hole in the center of it, everything expands evenly to fill the space.
Originally posted by jiggerj
I've always wondered (supposing there was nothing before the Big Bang) where the space came from that our universe expanded into.
Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
Well I think your question is easily explained by the fact that the big bang was not actually an "explosion", it was an "expansion" or "inflation". That is actually what is causing the galaxies to get further apart even to this day... the space between those galaxies is expanding, the galaxies are not actually shooting away from each other. The space between galaxies actually grows and thus they appear to move away from each other. If the Universe did in fact start as a very condensed point of energy or a singularity, the expansion of space would cause that energy to diffuse evenly and there would be no apparent center point.
Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
The universe did not expand into space. Space was created with the universe.
You're confusing 'space' and 'nothing'.
Space is 'nothing' with crap floating in it.
Nothing is... well, nothing.
'Space' expanded into the nothing.
Originally posted by Infi8nity
Why would we think its moving away when its still? I thought the universe expanding theory meant that every thing was being stretched out.
Originally posted by Daemonicon
In the way that I have always envisioned the Big Bang, there is no 'hole' at the center. There is a 'point' yes, at which everything that is now expanding, would have started from.
Forgive my crude drawing, I am NOT an artist by ANY means. I have tried to show an explosion. In an explosion, everything escapes the central point in equal and opposite directions as fast as it can. This is the best I can do to explain my idea, and to depict it.
Originally posted by Lionhearte
People still believe in the Big Bang? It's completely outdated, totally impossible, illogical, non scientifical and nonsensical and is only even feasible as a mathematical equation on a piece of paper, if hardly. Yet if you ask a believer of this dying faith they will ask you to ignore the "small problem" of something coming out from nothing, and look at the rest of the theory, which is also has some problems.. and more problems. Then more problems arise with the theory.
People just look at the so-called "proof" via interpretations of observational data that do not relate to reality. Microwaves MUST mean that everything was once in one spot that exploded/expanded? Red Shifts MUST indicate greater velocity the older the light is from ever farther objects away from Earth?
Where are our free thinkers?
You guys can believe whatever you want, and state whatever opinion you'd like. My opinion is this - Stop making false assumptions and interpretations and use your deductive reasoning abilities to understand that this never has nor ever will be proven as a viable theory.
How is it an assumption when we are witnessing everything expanding?
It also takes a hell of a lot more 'faith' to believe some omnipotent being burst everything into existance.
Originally posted by phroziac
OP, did you see the thread a few weeks ago where they found a galaxy that according to current understanding of the age of the universe and the time it takes to form galaxies, should not exist? They can either form faster or the universe is older than understood. But the cosmic background radiation was dated, and is 13 point something billion years old. I feel that the big bang was a local event and not a universal event. To think that what we see from here is all that there is and that that nothing ever existed before the oldest things we can see, ever ever ever ever ever ...and yes, i understand that when we look at something 13 billion light years away, that we see what it looked like 13 billion years ago.....these things we see at that distance probably have been destroyed and re-formed into something else a couple of times by now....) Infact, if there are aliens 13 billion light years away that became an interstellar species 200 years ago, we would have no way whatsoever to know about them. And they would have no way whatsoever to know about us at all....unless they have superluminal transportation and came here, but why would they come here if they dont know anything is here?
So uh, basically I'm trying to say i believe in multiple big bangs in different places. And i think that galaxy that seems to be older than the big bang probably *IS* older than the big bang.
This is so hard to understand. I mean, how can time have a beginning? and at the same time, how can it NOT have a beginning? What was there before time? How did time start if there was nothing there to start it? .....
My mind is spaghetti-ing itself up again, gotta go..