Hello people. I hope everyone is well.
I am MrTheOutspoken. I am 30yrs old, married, and from the UK.
I had a screwed up childhood, my parents are Jehovahs Witnesses, which ripped my family apart. I blamed religion, blamed god, gave up my beliefs and
went off the rails.
I spent my teenage years abusing drugs, myself and everyone around me. I hit rock bottom at 17, living on the streets, being thousands of pounds in
debt to drug dealers. One day sat in a #ty sheep hut in the forest, hiding from the dealers who were going to beat me, I realised things had to
I pulled my finger out my arse and changed my life around. I met some wonderful people and they have helped me to become a caring person.
Things hadn't seemed right, many questions rattled in my mind. I saw the starving children, I saw the murder and corruption, I saw the horror before
me. That one question went over in my mind,
I did not understand the drug law (I understand on this site I cannot go into detail) I wrote letters to the government, media and drug advisory
council. The government responded, which was so empty it was like they had not even read my first letter, I wrote back to the Home Office, then to
several MP's, then to the drug advisory council, then the scientific committee on drugs, then several newspapers. No response.
I began to research the drug law myself and the things I discovered have shocked me to the core. My whole world was turned upside down. I began to
plan to take my government to court, under the human rights laws as the drug law is arbitrary. I thought to myself I wonder what would happen if the
church became involved in this lawsuit, can I argue a case against the church.
I picked up one of my parents bible books and flicked through, I almost broke down when I read the names. This book is using quotes from rockerfella
(a satanist- who says he's a Jew), rudolf kittel (a NAZI), and Charles Russell a known freemason.
I began to discover more and more, until everything suddenly became clear, and the simplest explination unfolded before my eyes.
Now my question has changed, instead of "why would god..." it is now......
WHY WOULD GOD DO THIS? The answer, he wouldn't!
So if god hasn't, WHO or WHAT has. Then the truth showed its ugly head "it will perform GREAT signs, It will mislead ALL who dwell on the earth".
I am awake. I love it.
My favourite sayings I heard recently "the truth cannot be told by anyone, the truth is something you must discover. It is a journey of questioning
everything to gain the correct perspectives.
Peace to mankind, respect everyone, forgive your enemy, discipline with love.
***MOD EDIT***
Not an Introduction Thread
*Closing Thread*
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With that said, I'm going to have to close this thread as it does not comply with the above stated rules. After you have managed to get 20 posts under
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edit on 7/6/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)