posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 01:20 PM
"Left is right, right is wrong." We've all heard this phrase, I think. If you haven't, let me explain. It's a witty little rhyme meant to represent
fashion sense that avoids associating oneself with homosexuality. Fashion advice for straight men...right. Anyway, wearing your ear ring in the right
ear means you're gay. Hence, "right is wrong." However, I was out celebrating the 4th, and the various abuses I put my body through inspired a very
amusing thought:
Everyone who ever used that line is an idiot. See, all it takes is a little mathematical talent. Let's assume that the word "left" has the value of 1.
Now assign the value of 2 to the word "right". Next, assign 3 to "wrong." Here comes the fun part.
According to this sentiment, not only does 1 = 2, but 2 = 3 as well. And since 1 and 3 both equate with 2, that means 1 = 3 as well. But wait, this
can't be right! That's means left is wrong too! Okay, both left and right are out now. Hold on - let's dig a little deeper. If we switch it around, it
means that wrong is right...which means both left AND right are acceptable. Now the bombshell: if they all share the same value or meaning, then that
makes the whole thing worthless. Nothing can be both left, right, and wrong at the same time.
So next time someone makes a comment about, "Dude, your ear ring is in the wrong ear. The right ear is for homos, man," just look at them and laugh.
Laugh deeply, from the belly. Because now, you and me,
we know the truth, don't we?
Happy 4th, everyone!
edit on 5-7-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)