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What is the deal with organized sport events, and why do people talk about them?

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posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 06:40 AM

I am from Denmark, and as a European I am mostly familiar with the soccer fan culture, and even though it might be very different than other fan cultures, on some areas at least, I suspect that the basic mentality behind it is universal.

I have never paid much attention to professional athletes or the events they compete in. I do exercise myself, I do swimming, rowing, martial arts, breakdancing and I love it all. But I have never, and would never bother watching other people do it, for money, on TV, much less spend my time debating the results, because personally I think they are meaningless.

Let me give you an example– two people, fans of opposing teams, spend an evening arguing which team is better. Why?

Do they do this to convince the other? – if that is the case it seems the end goal is to have all people be fanatic about the same team, which I think would just kill any sport completely. Imagine everybody on stadium all cheering for the same team, always. That would be boring I think. I don’t think this would ever happen, but why debate it if that is not the goal?

Do they do this to show their personal knowledge of the given system? - Seems reasonable that humans would do that, but why would anyone choose to educate themselves in a system that changes so rapidly and as I stated earlier seems completely meaningless, with no influence on the life of the common individual.

Is it proof of superiority? - Perhaps the athlete’s superiority. But the fact that one athlete or team beats another has almost no relation to the quality of life, prosperity, intelligence or physical health in the given city, state or country.

Fundamentally I imagine it is just about finding social connections, and sport does seem to allow people to do this. Stadiums are constructed like great big churches, where people of different backgrounds may come and share feelings, hopes and dreams. They have songs, costumes, rituals and traditions, the whole shabang. But why?

Do people really find it that hard to find something sensible to talk about, meet about and socialize about? Is all of this a product of greedy sports managers exploiting peoples’ needs, or what is the freaking deal?!
It seems to me that people who watch and talk about sports are just killing time, they are bored, and the same properly goes for those who watch reality TV and other such mind numbing dribble.

I am sure that if I look hard enough I’ll find plenty of stuff I myself do because I am bored. Like get high and watch cartoons – but even those actions I can justify (to myself at least) with more than just boredom – getting high is an escape from reality and some cartoons are actually quite educational – and I am sure that most people have good reasons for what they do, but I don’t know what they are, so if anyone can fill me in. Please.

I do have to admit, that I have at times watched a few breakdance videos when I wanted to learn a new move or something like that. But I don't think that is the case when people watch soccer, football, basketball or baseball on TV, not for 99% of the people watching, they are not trying to improve their own game. That much I know.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Mads1987
Do people really find it that hard to find something sensible to talk about, meet about and socialize about?

I would say it's more fun to talk about sport, especially if fans of different clubs meet and have a friendly banter about why they dislike each other's club then...i don't know start the paranoid ATS talk about "TPTB", "God", the end of the world, how eveything sucks, how life on earth is hell, how we are going to die and that World War 3 is around the corner and could start any minute.
A lot of people, when they meet up with friends don't want to talk about negative and/or depressing things. They just want to have some fun.
I know, i know, in the "perfect world" at least how some people here see it, they would read ultra-intelligent books and have conversation about philosophy and crap...but really, do the people who wish to 'waste time in a intelligent manner' really do this?
Isn't being here, talking about Celebrities and politicians, about a possible World War 3 and watching animal videos going "aaaaaw they're sooooo cuuute and intelligent" not also a waste of time?
What isn't a waste of time? Everything is in the end, some things are just either a more intelligent waste or more entertaining.

Originally posted by Mads1987
I am sure that if I look hard enough I’ll find plenty of stuff I myself do because I am bored. Like get high and watch cartoons – but even those actions I can justify (to myself at least) with more than just boredom – getting high is an escape from reality and some cartoons are actually quite educational

You can't be serious

Originally posted by Mads1987
I do have to admit, that I have at times watched a few breakdance videos when I wanted to learn a new move or something like that. But I don't think that is the case when people watch soccer, football, basketball or baseball on TV, not for 99% of the people watching, they are not trying to improve their own game. That much I know.

People watch sports for several reasons:
- It's entertaining and humans always wanted to be entertained and have fun
- It's sometimes awesome what those athletes can do. Every time i watch Pavel Datsyuk going crazy with the puck i just look like this:

- People get togethers. Be it in a sports bar or in the stadium, they start fan clubs, travel to away games. It's a great way to meet new people. Also at least in Europe they can get quite creative with their fan banners or choreographed events (I know americans are rather lazy, they get only off their seats to either buy some more pseudo-beer or when they get told to clap their hands over the PA. American sports fans are weird)
- To get rich. I guess i'm not the only one who already made several thousand euros through sports betting

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:17 AM
Sports... the original Reality TV. Ugh.. instead of who will snog who it's who will kick a goal, or who will punch runny fast in the nose or who will fake a fall..

I hate sports on the telly. It's called the idiot box, but you can go outside and watch this.

Like watching the weather channel on tv 24 hours a day, instead of looking outside your window.

Sure the weather in south america is different than it is in moscow, but .. it's just rain, clouds, wind, snow, hot or cold.

you can read about it tomorrow

people make no sense when they watch the footy.. screaming at the tv.. "Get it, kick it, run, go the bulldogs, go the crows.. go the eagles.." go AWAY!

And worse -- new crap like "Before the game" a show about the game, before the game starts. AWESOME IDEA.

I'd rather eat a can of anchovies after a week in the sun that sit thru live sports.. and I can tell you I'd keep the anchovies down longer..

tv really is the idiot box...

except now you're paying for it.. lmao, how more idiotic can it get?

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:21 AM
I don't know.

Why do some people chose to do drugs and watch programs made for children?

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:38 AM
First of, thank you for your reply. It's nice to get some second thoughts on the subject.

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
A lot of people, when they meet up with friends don't want to talk about negative and/or depressing things. They just want to have some fun.
I know, i know, in the "perfect world" at least how some people here see it, they would read ultra-intelligent books and have conversation about philosophy and crap...but really, do the people who wish to 'waste time in a intelligent manner' really do this?

I agree that people don't always wanna talk about depressive stuff, and personally I don't think it is very healthy if people are overexposed to negativity. Like how the media portrays the world as a chaotic and dangerous place, will eventually turn people paranoid.
But there are other subject and matters, and yes I do believe that people who are dedicated to science and philosophy spend just as much time thinking and talking about these matters as ordinary Joes do talking and thinking about sports - properly even more. And I think it is better to spend your time on stuff that might actually improve your life and give you new tools to overcome life's obstacles.

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
Isn't being here, talking about Celebrities and politicians, about a possible World War 3 and watching animal videos going "aaaaaw they're sooooo cuuute and intelligent" not also a waste of time?
What isn't a waste of time? Everything is in the end, some things are just either a more intelligent waste or more entertaining.

Well, if we suppose that the human race will eventually become extinct, earth will be engulfed by the sun and the whole universe will die somewhere in about 800 trillions years - then yes, every is a waste of time. But regardless of these assumptions your quality of life is still heavily influenced by what you chose to engage in, and talking about sports will only make you better at talking about sports, and most likely not give you a better life.
But politicians do unfortunately have great influence on our lives, so does wars. Both of these are man made illusion just like football, and have no real connection to the laws of nature, BUT, the outcome of these, unlike sport results, might very well have an impact on your life.

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
People watch sports for several reasons:
- It's entertaining and humans always wanted to be entertained and have fun
- It's sometimes awesome what those athletes can do. Every time i watch Pavel Datsyuk going crazy with the puck i just look like this:

- People get togethers. Be it in a sports bar or in the stadium, they start fan clubs, travel to away games. It's a great way to meet new people. Also at least in Europe they can get quite creative with their fan banners or choreographed events #I know americans are rather lazy, they get only off their seats to either buy some more pseudo-beer or when they get told to clap their hands over the PA. American sports fans are weird#
- To get rich. I guess i'm not the only one who already made several thousand euros through sports betting

- I think people want to belong - entertainment is just a word we use for a very broad variety of situations.
- yes, athletes do amazing stuff. But what is more fun, watching it or doing it?
- If it is just a matter of socializing, then why not do so through charity, science or something else that might improve life for others?
- I think that the only people really getting rich of this are the managers, the bookmakers and the athletes. Statistically I doubt there are much money to be made on gambling.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

What you are observing is war on the micro scale.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by mwood

I said cartoons, not programs for children. But I do watch both.
Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cleveland Show, Ugly Americans, Legend of Korra, Young Justice, Avengers something something.. and much more. So a little bit of everything, and I really do feel like I have learned or at least been inspired to learn a lot of stuff from all of these shows (maybe not Aqua Teen Hunger Force) but I hope you get the my point.

But either way, I feel I learn more from all of the above shows than I do watching some people kick a ball around.
edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by Mads1987

What you are observing is war on the micro scale.

Ah, so that is what it is.
Is that like an official terminology or theory or something. Sounds interesting.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

Just a personal observation.

The ball is the main weapon. It's just exchanged over the course of the "war".

Bats and gloves and hockey sticks are also weapons.

Talking about it is a minor skirmish.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by aaaiii

Interesting never the less.
But that still doesn't explain why people tend to get so fanatic about this stuff. I mean, football clubs are just companies, but I don't see people show the same kind of enthusiasm about any other product or company unless they are actually getting paid for it.
The only thing I see them, the fans, get in return for their support, financial as well as psycological, is that they get to take part in the victory in some abstract way - but that alone just isn't enough for me to get excited.
edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

I didn't used to be interested in sports. Then I got seriously ill. I find watching football and baseball to be soothing. It vicariously assuages my anger over my situation.

There is an aspect to war that soothes the savage breast. We are probably hard-wired to kill.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:15 AM


posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by aaaiii

Gloomy stuff. Illness sucks bad. Their is no reasoning with it and most of the time you are left without someone to blame. Atleast that is what I think.
I am born with a small handicap, nothing noticable, but had to get a lot of surgery done on my legs as a child, and I do find it unfair when this limits me, which is lucky not very often, but it does happen.

But I can't relate to your way of dealing with anger, or your inner beast, and I don't think we are hard-wired that way.
I think the suicide rates for veterans is a clear indication of just that. I think we are hard wired to fight for our lives, but only when we are cornered and forced to do so. Cause people don't do stuff, or can't do stuff, without being able to justify it to themselves, this even goes for 'crazy' people, and I don't think people feel justice in taking others lives, or just destructiveness in general, unless they feel like they are defending something important.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

The reason I think we're hard-wired to kill is that we are constantly at war with each other. Something is missing from the equation on the micro scale. Violent death.

Then we have the US. We kill for money, which in my opinion is a whole lot more reprehensible than a baseball game.

That gets me thinking. The players fight their battles for money but never really win the war.

Hmm. Good thread.
edit on 7/5/2012 by aaaiii because: Grrr.....spelling!

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by aaaiii

I think people are scared and have been for a long time, many thousands of years. Scared that there isn't enough, which is why people gorge themselves now that we live in a world of plenty - scared that others might hurt them, so we try to hurt others before they get the chance to kill us and take our stuff - also we fear the unknown, and this is all understandable. Fearing the unknown is human nature, and we do have a long history of war, starvation, death and suffering, so these feelings are somewhat justified.
I'd like to blame mass media, and even though I do believe they are helping to sustain much of the hatred, I do not think it is the source.
But at least in the western world these threats are no longer true, or at least, they are no longer a product of nature, but rather of people taking their frustrations out on each other - and it's all for nothing.

Either way, might have gone off track a bit here. But my point is, still, that we are not hard-wired to engage in war, but will do so if we feel we need to protect something important. But we don't lust for blood. Love perhaps.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by Mads1987

That gets me thinking. The players fight their battles for money but never really win the war.

Hmm. Good thread.
edit on 7/5/2012 by aaaiii because: Grrr.....spelling!

Had to read that line twice before it really sinked in. But you have a point there - it's the never ending story.

Good stuff.

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