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The existence of Bigfoot

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by MrJohnSmith
reply to post by Vrill

Interesting post, I think your last sentence sums it up well, Vrill.

Why have we never come across remains or a skeleton ? Why with all our technical expertise, have we not filmed or captured one ?

Also, there would have to be a viable population, for their continued existence, so there would be many of them ?

Falls in to the same class as the " Yeti " and Loch Ness, and other lake monsters, folklore...

It would be great to think there is something out there, but it seems extremely unlikely, I would say.

our lame stream media parrot can see all eh eh
most folklore is truth

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam
Find some DNA, some bones, or shoot one, then you have my attention.

shooting one is murder, they are primitive humans and rare, its not that important that there is a need to shoot one

all you need to do is film one and get hair
not hard if you know how

like us they have a sweet tooth
go where they are known to exist
leave no scent like a hunter does
film with night vision if its night time
hair could be obtained from a very sticky substance placed where he is likely to sit when accessing the bait, make it like that so he has to sit or kneel on a sticky surface

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by canyouhandletruth
not hard if you know how

Fair enough. Care to back that up, show us what you've got?

Originally posted by canyouhandletruth
most folklore is truth

Werewolves, mermaids, satyrs, goblins, fairies, elves..... angels, flying/fire breathing dragons, cyclops, god, the devil.....the man in the moon, sylphs, salamanders, undines.....vampires, zombies, santa, elvis.....please feel free to interject and point out the truth of any of these things.....

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Vrill
What are everyone's thoughts on the possibility that these animals do exist. Has anyone thought that they have seen one?

Any thoughts?

Not sure about Bigfoot, though I have seen what could be described as a Yowie.

Not such a fleeting glimpse either, I still remember at one stage looking into it's eyes, the expression on its face. Thinking something along the lines of...this is bs there must be a logical explanation...Once I started to get over the disbelief (to some extent
) I actually tried to flush it out more into the open and get it on film, I think more to reassure myself I wasn't completely losing it, than anything else.

Obviously, like all others before me who claim similar, I failed, which causes even me to wonder. Strange, to say the least. Instead I ended up being caught in some very unusual game of hide and seek... with something that in any logical sense, doesn't exist.

Though being a general skeptic I wouldn't expect anyone else to believe it. I still struggle with the idea myself and have found no satisfactory explanation.

I don't doubt that people encounter such things. How and why, I have no idea. Logically, it's very unlikely to be a biological creature in any normal sense, or their existence would have been proven and cataloged as a species long ago. I'm not really partial to the paranormal idea either. Which leaves..... psychological phenomena?

There is something we are not understanding here IMO, beyond hoaxes and misinterpretations. Whether a real creature or a psychological one, there are at least some aspects of this phenomena that point to it being beyond what we are able to understand, presently.

edit on 17-7-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

Truth of some sort.

Mermaids? Actual gorgeous women living in the ocean? Unlikely. But a creature such as a dogon/manatee glimpsed at a distance, and only fleetingly? Legends can arise from very unlikely sources, and time and distance make it into something it most assuredly is not.

While manatees are kinda cute, gorgeous women they are not...

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam
Find some DNA, some bones, or shoot one, then you have my attention.

Prior to their recent discovery "Bili Apes" were nothing more than reports made by the local population who made claims to seeing on occasion a Hominid who showed characteristics and mannerisms diferent than other Apes.

Even when Scientists finally decided to take the reports seriously it took them more than a year of well funded efforts to locate the animals. They did real scientific work, and went off frequent and sustained eyewitness reports, they did not wait for a dead body, or DNA evidence to show up.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 02:42 PM
About 14 yrs ago, I was taking my boys to school early one morning. We lived in a small town in North Texas. As we were crossing the bridge that went into town, my boys started yelling and pointing to the waters edge. I looked to where they were gesturing and I saw a very large ape-like creature with brownish red long fur. It looked as if it was scooping up water and drinking from the lake. Believe it or not my first thought was not "oh my gosh its bigfoot!" It took several times of running it through my mind of what exactly did we see. We pulled up to an officer near the school and the three of us told him what we saw. I know he thought we were nuts. I dropped the kids off at school, and took the officer to where we had seen this creature. I know he didn't believe us until he found prints at the waters edge. And until that moment I had never believed in the big hairy guy. I wish our sighting had not been so fleeting. The boys and I talk about what we saw that day, and it still seems amazing that we were allowed the pleasure of seeing what most people still deny exists. Seeing is believing! And I know that I can never prove it to any hard skeptic, we didn't have camera phones at the time. All I can say is at least the three of us know what we saw that morning and I know that we don't have to prove it to each other, and I guess thats all that really matters.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

Truth of some sort.

Mermaids? Actual gorgeous women living in the ocean? Unlikely. But a creature such as a dogon/manatee glimpsed at a distance, and only fleetingly? Legends can arise from very unlikely sources, and time and distance make it into something it most assuredly is not.

While manatees are kinda cute, gorgeous women they are not...

Fair enough, I get what your saying.

Though I guess it is in the interpretation. IMO your explanation itself puts paid to the idea that "most folklore is truth". Most of it is not, whether or not based on some form of truth originally, being another matter entirely.

This is a very poor argument to use in support of Bigfoot's existence, I feel. Sort of reduces the subject to the realm of the mythical. I feel there could be far more to this than there is to fairies and Elvis sightings. Exactly what the truth of it will entail, I have no idea.

edit on 18-7-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

To actually believe in the existence of something like Sasquatch you need to have seen it. Or trust in the veracity of the folks claiming to have seen him.

I've seen it. ...and I know a few who have seen it as well, and I believe them.

Most people have no reason to lie about this. Given the usual response that such claims get, there's really no upside to claiming such a thing.

My own sighting is here on ATS somewhere, should be easy enough to find.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by seagull

To actually believe in the existence of something like Sasquatch you need to have seen it. Or trust in the veracity of the folks claiming to have seen him.

Perhaps, yet I regularly find the opposite. That most believers have never encountered such a thing and possibly believe others stories a little too wholeheartedly and readily. This was highlighted with my meeting a "Yowie researcher" at one time. Though he had many stories of sightings from the same place as my encounter (from otherwise strangers), which I appreciated, he had never seen one himself although he believed fervently. He also explained that to him, my encounter was classic Yowie behaviour.

Yet I, who was actually there at the time standing about 25 metres away at one stage gazing into it's eyes, am still baffled by the whole thing. I probably always will be.

I often wonder about this, personally I would prefer if people simply kept an open mind. I guess I worry that believing too easily could get people led up the garden path at some stage. Open minded doubt, if there is such a thing.

I've seen it. ...and I know a few who have seen it as well, and I believe them.

Fair enough.

Most people have no reason to lie about this. Given the usual response that such claims get, there's really no upside to claiming such a thing.

I agree that there are people telling the truth and that some of these will not be mistaken about what they encountered. Exactly what they did encounter is the baffling part IMO. I guess it's easy for people in the US to be Bigfoot centric, yet this is an older phenomena than they might realise, that covers several continents.

I suppose we each have our own standards for acceptance. The biological reality of such a thing existing, at this stage, is not one I can reconcile. Even after seeing something like this, I find myself looking for alternate explanations. I guess this is because stories and sightings are all anyone has. This sounds unreasonable, the excuses for this don't cut it IMO.

My own sighting is here on ATS somewhere, should be easy enough to find.

Yes I have read it before, fascinating, thanks.

Above all else that people would usually associate such encounters with one thing stood out, I found. Almost some type of delayed reaction. I did notice an aversion to the bush some time later, that took some time to get over. Alone in the bush, a very long way from anywhere, a feeling of vulnerability. Sounds a bit silly, perhaps understandable though. Whether a simple apparition or otherwise it had an effect, it was a feeling that kept me from going too far bush for some time.

My answer to the whole phenomena is.....?????

edit on 19-7-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

My answer to the whole phenomena is.....?????

The same as mine.

"WTF was that?" or words to that effect. Investigating as best I could I was just as confused at the end of it, as I was when the episode began.

It's a mystery. I've a sort of an answer... There's something out there knocking about in the woods, it's the what portion of it that still bugs me...and I've no answer for that.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Vrill

I don't post on here very often, mostly I just read replies and leave it at that but I had to chime in on this particular thread. Bigfoot is something I've been fascinated with since I was a child. I grew up basically in the forest. I played a lot of video games sure, but most of my free time was spent (and still is) in the forest, which was on the east coast of Canada up until I was about 14, when I moved to the west coast off and on, and now I'm up in the north. In all the time I've spent hunting, practicing survival skills and camping in various forests I've never once seen, heard or smelled anything that leads me to think Sasquatch is legit. Bears smell bad and I think people mistake them for that whole Bigfoot thing about how they smell bad supposedly. I believe in the possibility of Sasquatch of course, I'm no close-minded fool. However with just the sheer amount of time I've spent in the forest I find it highly unlikely. With how large a breeding population would have to be, and with how good I've become at tracking over the years, it just seems silly that it could still be undiscovered. The most convincing evidence so far in my opinion for Bigfoot are 4 things: 1) The unidentified hair Josh Gates found. 2) The photo from the park in Quebec. 3) The noise recordings, although most of them sound artificial. 4) The supposed footprints, although that is easily faked.
All in all, what I'm trying to say is that I just don't see how I never found anything after all these years, and believe me when I say I've looked. I spend almost every single weekend in the forest hunting or camping, and usually go in the evenings three times a week during weekdays just for the hell of it. No animal that big could just go bumbling through the brush and not leave a trail no matter how hard it tried, you would have to fly over the forest floor to do that. Now can Bigfoot fly? I'd say no lol.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 04:08 PM
It is not impossible for some large primate species to evolve in the forests of North America. And - if it is smart enough - to remain hidden from us. But people conquer more wild land and encounters with this creature become more frequent. The question is - when we find Bigfoot... will already be to extinct because of habitat loss?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by TranscendentSnake

look deeper

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by thegodoftears

Not so much evolve, as relocate. But your point remains correct. A large, unknown primate would, with little effort, be able to flourish in many, many parts of North America...and if eye witness reports, mine among them; are to be believed? It does.

Just what it is that people are seeing is the debate... Not that they're seeing something.

Frankly, I don't know what it is, but I do know that it is.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Dr Melba Ketchum says we are related based on the DNA .


posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:11 AM
What could they be? Everybody wonders. What about...Homo heidelbergensis? "some populations of Heidelbergensis were "giants" routinely over 2.13 m (7 ft) tall and inhabited South Africa between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago.[5] and

or maybe Loren Coleman thinks it could be related to "Paranthropus boisei" , "Of the two schools of thought about what Bigfoot/Sasquatch might be, I come down on the Paranthropus side of the theories versus the Gigantopithecus one."

"The paper may have wide-ranging implications on other Paranthropus findings, hominology, and Sasquatch studies. Just saying." quote from article here

recent report on eye-witness sighting of Sasquatch

Craig Woolheater on January 25th, 2013

Here is the original sketch of the creature witnessed on May 29, 2012, drawn by one of the primary eyewitnesses. The being was tall, dark, and covered ground with amazing speed while walking.

see sketch and full report here

Something is out there. Way to many reports.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Vrill

I would say that this a good defense to the whole "weve never found a body" but the first chimpanzee fossils were only found in 2005

not quite the same as find a skeleton but when you consider that it took that long to find something we were looking for as opposed to something there hve never been any real searches for it could explain why we havent found anything yet

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 06:43 PM
I don't know if Sasquatch exists or not -- I have certainly never seen one personally nor evidence thereof. And even though I am a life-long skeptic for the most part, my gut tells me this of all the "monster legends" may be the one that surprises everyone in the end.

Whether Bigfoot is in fact real or not, the one "debunk" that always drives me nuts is the argument that there has never been a carcass found. Right. First of all, how do you know? I know if I were to come upon a decomposing large animal in the deep woods the last instinct I'd have is, well, let's dig into this SOB and see what it really is.

Diminishing the lack-of-carcass argument even further is the fact that any animal that dies in the wilderness is almost instantly set upon by scavengers and its remains scattered to the Four Winds. I have seen animal remains dozens of times that could have been anything from a deer to a bear to a..., well, fill-in-the-blank. Nature is a very cruel mistress once a heart stops beating, and in very short order biological organisms can become unidentifiable to even a trained observer.

I have lived in the Pacific NW on and off for half my life -- 24 years or so, and have been in some very remote parts of the Cascades. I have spent days and weeks in rural areas and in the wild. I can never remember seeing ANY animal remains anywhere ever that weren't roadkill.


Not one deer, not a bear, not a cougar..., nothing.

Some (most) mythical creature stories are complete BS, but I'm going to keep the porch light on for this fella until someone produces empirical evidence that outweighs the mountain of anecdotal that we have on the record.
edit on 28-1-2013 by SBMcG because: horrendous grammar

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 06:51 PM
To clarify my above statement about animal remains... I have never seen a WHOLE freshly-dead animal in the wild. I have seen PARTS of that animal after the fact.

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