posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:15 PM
We all know from history that The US broke away from Britain because of the actions of King George III. However could history have been different if
The British Monarchy had not been restored?
After the English Civil war and the excecution of King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell became "Lord Protector Of The Commonwealth" On his death Cromwells
son Richard took up the position of Lord Protector. However Richard was not up to the job, and this resulted in the Monarchy being restored and King
Charles II was crowned.
History tells us that Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard where very in the belief (And also by their actions) that the 13 American colonies should be
just left to handle their own affairs without interference from the mother country.
So. If the Monarchy had not been restored would the American War Of Independence still have occured? It makes you wonder if it hadn't then what
would America be today?
As a footnote, The English Civil war also saw action on The US mainland It was refered to as "The Last Battle Of The English Civil War". For those
who may be interested. Details here:-