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Chinese Ghost Cities Popping Up in....Africa?

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posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Monkeygod333
The only people that will be making money are those supplying the materials and the labourers.

China has been building ghost cities in their own country for about twenty years now. There is massive corruption in the party and corporations.

It's also a method of creating "fictional" wealth, keeping industries going that would otherwise have crumbled.

China has single-handedly created the largest property bubble ever seen, and when this one bursts it's enough to collapse the entire global economy on its own.

There is only one possible alternative in my opinion - China is preparing for war.

When it came to light that there were cities being built all over China and there were no people living there, many believed that they were killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand they were keeping their economy going through the building of internal infrastructure, and on the other they were building numerous locations for their citizens to evacuate to if they ever came under attack form another nation.

Imagine they went to war with another nation tomorrow. Within a week they could empty every major city to these smaller satellite cities and their enemy would suddenly have a hundred more targets to attack. It actually makes sense.

It's what we did in the UK during WW2, evacuating London and sending the young all over the country. If we'd had entire cities built and waiting we could have moved the entire population out of London during the war and continued to fight without losing as many lives or as much hope.

Personally, I'm leaning towards China just letting corruption in their party run out of control. I've seen a couple of reports from economists warning about the Chinese property bubble, and many of them are convinced that when it does collapse it will be many times the magnitude of the banking collapse we are experiencing right now.

As for why they're building in Africa - my best guess is it's cheap land, and there's plenty of corruption in Africa too.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:43 PM
The Chinese are great planners. First they build the city, then they build the factory. Building the factory first limits production.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:52 PM
Its been said several times in this thread ....
Agenda 21!
For those that do not know about agenda 21, I would encourage you to look it up. This fits the agenda 21 (NWO)
And yeah there are plans here. Look it up. Check out the maps of what the US will look like.
Countries know bad shi# is coming and they are preparing for the aftermath and implementation of the NWO.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Whateva69

lets say you overthrow a country. what do you do with the people already living there?
really do you think they would happily mingle and live among those who they have just had a war with? no right, so what if you pick them up and plop them down in an empty city. There they are isolated and out of the way.

Now what I would look for is how to move the people from point A to point B, B being the empty city.
How many people does it hold? how many trucks, buses, boats and planes does it take to move that many people? and where are they ?

That would be a very humane gesture but can you point to any time in history when the victor of a war has relocated the losers to a nice new city?

I don’t give the Chinese that much credit. If they were really humanitarians do you think they’d have over 500 million of their OWN PEOPLE living in poverty?

Just sayin’!

edit on 4-7-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

It's what we did in the UK during WW2, evacuating London and sending the young all over the country. If we'd had entire cities built and waiting we could have moved the entire population out of London during the war and continued to fight without losing as many lives or as much hope.

I understand the significance of this strategy but how many ghost cities do they have? Do we really know?

Wouldn’t these shiny cities in the desert be an easy target as well? Certainly military strategists wouldn’t target them first but if activity began in these towns they’d be easily obliterated.

Also, from a military standpoint, they’d be hard to defend; you can't sustain your defenses without beans and bullets. Being in the desert limits the ability to be self-sustaining (very little in the way of crops or livestock) and the isolation of the cities (nothing around them but dirt and sand) make them logistically difficult to resupply.

Just food for thought.......

edit on 4-7-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:06 PM
Someone in China is just playing an extreme version of sim city thats all

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by warpig221
I think it's simply because the Chinese are just really, really weird.

I mean, look at some of this Chinese weirdness...

China: Where the Weird Things Are
edit on 7-4-12 by warpig221 because: (no reason given)

I seen those pics before.

Looks very similar to what you can find in Hollywood...


posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by seabag

Concentration camp / prison camp just on a larger scale, it wouldn't take long to add security fences.

Maybe that's not what they are built for, but its an option on how the city's could be used.

Love and harmony

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by mrballistic
When they start building them here, I think then we got a concern..

I believe the idea of a way to store wealth for now. Until they start building them in America
then something weird is up...

Um i think they are already..... but in small scale.

Keep in eye on condos being build in your area.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by planefixer
Its been said several times in this thread ....
Agenda 21!
For those that do not know about agenda 21, I would encourage you to look it up. This fits the agenda 21 (NWO)
And yeah there are plans here. Look it up. Check out the maps of what the US will look like.
Countries know bad shi# is coming and they are preparing for the aftermath and implementation of the NWO.

I’m most scared about how the US is moving toward Agenda 21. The new Execuctive Order 13575 signed by OBAMA is another step towards this plan.

Don’t give me any grief about this FOX NEWS video, people!! Listen to what they say and don't kill the messenger!

edit on 4-7-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:16 PM
There's a lot of government waste in the United States. Remember Ted Steven's "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska? Is it so hard to believe a similar, or greater, amount of spending corruption could occur in the PRC?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by planefixer
Its been said several times in this thread ....
Agenda 21!
For those that do not know about agenda 21, I would encourage you to look it up. This fits the agenda 21 (NWO)
And yeah there are plans here. Look it up. Check out the maps of what the US will look like.
Countries know bad shi# is coming and they are preparing for the aftermath and implementation of the NWO.

You may be right.
Agenda 21 For Dummies

love and harmony

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by jude11

I seen those pics before.

Looks very similar to what you can find in Hollywood...

Is that supposed to make anyone feel better????

The land of fruits and nuts does it so it’s somehow acceptable or normal??

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by dreamfox1

Um i think they are already..... but in small scale.

Keep in eye on condos being build in your area.

I think those are just condos you see in America!

Beware of FEMA camps though…

The concertina wire is usually a dead giveaway!

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Castillo

There's a lot of government waste in the United States. Remember Ted Steven's "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska? Is it so hard to believe a similar, or greater, amount of spending corruption could occur in the PRC?

I get what you’re saying but….there was only ONE bridge to nowhere and it didn’t cost BILLIONS.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t build a Bridge to Africa either.

Tell me what you think it is when you look beyond government waste.

edit on 4-7-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by detachedindividual

It's what we did in the UK during WW2, evacuating London and sending the young all over the country. If we'd had entire cities built and waiting we could have moved the entire population out of London during the war and continued to fight without losing as many lives or as much hope.

I understand the significance of this strategy but how many ghost cities do they have? Do we really know?

Wouldn’t these shiny cities in the desert be an easy target as well? Certainly military strategists wouldn’t target them first but if activity began in these towns they’d be easily obliterated.

Also, from a military standpoint, they’d be hard to defend; you can't sustain your defenses without beans and bullets. Being in the desert limits the ability to be self-sustaining (very little in the way of crops or livestock) and the isolation of the cities (nothing around them but dirt and sand) make them logistically difficult to resupply.

Just food for thought.......

edit on 4-7-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

I entirely agree with your observations, but under any war scenario the international community believes that civilians would not be attacked. Of course, we know that things don't go this way, but if a foreign nation were to attack one of these cities/towns without justification it would be considered a war crime.

If there are military installations in a major city that we are all familiar with - and lets face it there would be - that would come under direct attack, and the legality of that is more clear.

If the US were at war with China, they would presumably attack Beijing. But would they have any excuse for attacking any one of these satellite cities?

I still think the most likely explanation for them is simply corruption in the party with corporations.

Interesting about the strange structures and patterns in the desert too. At least one of them is obviously a runway, and the end of it has been used for targeting. If you zoom in you can see the damage. Then further to the right there is a huddle of buildings that look as though they've been used as targets too.

There are also a LOT of tracks leading out from that runway. Like thousands of vehicles have driven out across the desert from that one location.

My suspicious mind is telling me that it's a training site for something. It's possibly no more than a military exercise facility, testing targeting of enemy air fields and perhaps even a land invasion?

edit on 4-7-2012 by detachedindividual because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:51 PM

178 countries..
The second pic (if this works..I'm new here. Sorry) is implementation percentage of all 178 as of 1998. Only 6 years after they officially adopted agenda 21. I would imagine they are pretty close to 100% by now.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Their version of Fema camps?
Kind of gulag for the excommunicated or exiled?
Don't need fences, its out in the middle of nowhere.
Different colors for the different enemies of the state.
In another era it was different color stars sown on clothing.
Do we have higher res of this from space?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by seabag

Maybe this is a 21st century style Chinese colonization attempt, the massive Chinese populations need to live somewhere?

Also I would just like to say, look at how bland and cultureless these Chinese buildings are just mass produced cloned buildings painted in bright different colours.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:02 PM
I'm surprised no one realizes what this actually is.

China doesn't follow a conventional war plan, China follows a policy of peoples war. Demographic occupation.

At the moment China Maintains a population that is no 1 in the world, when economically ready they will drop that policy and occupy these cities and regions.

Step One, build the Chinese cities as preparation zones for when they start their population expansion, training facilities really everything is color coded by specific purpose, some will branch out into farming, military and defense. various labor groups etc.

Step Two when trained deploy the population to cities set up in other regions of the world, refill new cities with new trainees wash rinse and repeat

Cities like this in Africa will serve as colonization bases, citizens will then expand out into these vast unoccupied territories build farms, expand suburbs and colonize the region, this is why Utah and other parts of America have these frontier Chinese bases in out case these are pre occupied fronts learn the American culture, make friends establish businesses because of immigration laws in places like America they need an established "breeding pool" on land because we'd never allow let's say 10 Million Ethnic Chinese to simply suddenly immigrate and they have to do this all in tandem to "surprise every one"

One day you will wake up, and hear China has lifted it's one child ban, within a 30 day span prior most likely these cities will have been occupied in mainland China a month or two later the first people trained will be flocking to cities like this in Africa and other locations and begin colonization they will flood Millions out into the world while allowing a Billion plus at home to have 2-3 children or more each effectively raising their numbers to 3 Billion or more adults in a 15-20 year time span globally, In the states they will start churning out legal US citizens into the voting population as well as other nations around the world develop voting blocks in specific states to affect govt policy and prevent intervention

They will conquer much of the globe without ever breaking a law or firing a single shot (at least that is the plan)

Specific colonization plans, Much of Africa, South America, Influx into the two continents least capable of resistance for demographic domination. Domination of Australia via sudden demographic surge Domination of Canada by sudden demographic surge and mass influx of illegal immigration into Siberia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan in Tandem, Key strategic demographic surge in the United States of America

Africa and South America, Oz and Canada provide new Chinese nation States on almost every continent, Siberian and US expansion assures influence over 2 more major UN security council members.

Genocidal war against angry African natives not dissimilar to the European model in the the Americas is likely after the first 20 years of the plan has been implemented probably the only shots ever fired and not until long after the plan has been implemented to fruition and there is no one left to oppose them. Europeans will likely be left largely alone in Eurasia with a mid run region of Caucasoid/Asian integration in central Asia particularly the Kazakhstan region and central Russia as Caucasians are not considered a truly "inferior" race like the rest are within the Chinese Govt and there are "inbreeding concerns" the plan in fulfillment will see roughly slightly over half the globe made Asian or Asian mixed for demographic control of the Globe.

These initial "settlers" will be highly trained with very specific purposes again that's why the color coding, regimented, specific, disciplined with goal oriented action specific to region and location.

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