posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:40 PM
What an experience this has All been....
My thoughts twisted and turned until I cannot even recognize what is original and what has become...
I've visited this site for some time and on since around 2005. Probably more regularly from about 2007 until the present time.
Sometimes I think I got a better education just visiting this site than I ever did through my years of "higher education".
Actually, I don't just think it...I know it to be true. Sad... but, so true.
However, I noticed myself becoming someone I didn't quite understand....or even know.anymore.
The more the constructs of my world changed, the more I changed. The more I learned about the constructs of my world, the more complex it all became
to me.
But, it was the complexity that made me realize the need for simplicity.
Sometimes we need to take a few steps backwards to see what direction we need to go towards....and sometimes it really is that simple.
Sometimes we just need to take a break to get a clearer perspective on Life.
That's all I had to say.....
carry on