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Proliferation of mindless "cultural" mediums (Clear Channel, et al.) - Part of NWO scheme?

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posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:38 PM
I've only been alive for 20 years but I can't help but notice the disturbing trend (as I'm sure everyone else has) toward complete mindlessness in radio and television.

Take the radio, for instance...the top 40 music heard on radio stations is complete and utter garbage. It's all the same - corporate, generic, non-offensive "rock" bands; and utterly offensive, illiterate rappers spewing the same idiotic garbage under different names. If you turn on any radio station in our major cities - they are most likely owned by Clear Channel or similar corporations...and they play the same pre-selected, repetitious 30-song set, over and over and over. Everything sounds the same...and the lyrics are clearly having a dumb-down effect on the nation's youth - have you heard how kids (esp. junior high and high school kids) talk these days? Even college-age kids are guilty of this but I have noticed a rapid decline in intelligence among junior high & high school kids, even in the short time I have been out. It's and white kids alike embracing the culture of mindless and completely offensive "rap" (and I actually like rap that has a message, but you won't find this anywhere near corporate radio).

The same holds true for television - American Idol, Survivor, any programming on MTV - and otherwise intelligent (or at least seemingly) people are eating this contrived crap up. I'd estimate that the VAST majority of kids & young adults aged 12-25 care far more about who wins the next American Idol than who wins the presidential election. It's utterly disgusting. Then, MTV pushes their rock the vote agenda (AKA Kerry agenda) on their brainwashed legions of followers. Almost EVERY young person I know abhors Bush and worships Kerry as their savior. When in truth, they are the SAME and either is simply a puppet to the NWO's agenda.

In fact, I think our NWO-ruled media came to the realization that Bush was unmarketable among America's youth (who are the most important in terms of brainwashing to establish their goals) they are creating support and pushing Kerry as some kind of "polar opposite" to maintain the level of government trust among young people.

In terms of the general dumbing down via radio and television mediums - it's simple - the youth of today are so mentally vacant that the vast majority have never HEARD of the Patriot Acts, and couldn't care less if they have.

I find this infuriating...everything is going according to plan. As a nation, we are as brainwashed as Nazi Germany. And it's only going to get worse...

Sorry for the rant, I had to get this off my chest. I hope this can start some sort of constructive discussion.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:15 AM
As many people know, Hansen's disease attacks the nervous system, decreasing the ability of people to feel in their extremities first. The consequence is deformations; feet become stumps from normal activity that produces injuries for which people do not respond.

In the same manner, the lack of local news is comparable to the disruption of the nervous system. When the central nervous system is the source of stimulation, you have something like epilepsy, firing of the neurons and synapses as a false signal to otherwise functional stimuli.

In the same manner the centralization of messages produces deformations in a social structure, and while such a population is more easily robbed by legal shenanigans, the consequences of these false messages are analogous to the above diseases. Viewing the messages of totalitarian governments verses a decentralized format of active communities reporting local issues is poignant. Look at all the burnt out buildings in Germany during WW II, while the messages were rosy and the leader was continually approved.

Now look at America during WW II, with locally engaged communities, where the second amendment was such a strong argument against a Japanese invasion that it never happened.

The nervous system of local communities, local news, stories of human interest, no matter how allegedly insignificant, are far more important than broad based bludgeons from a central "authority." Local personalities selecting community favorite songs are also highly important, since it gives identity to something unique and valued.

These monopolies must be broken; otherwise the nation built from local communities will face awesomely catastrophic results.

[edit on 7-10-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:35 AM
This reminds me of the "is anyone else sick of MTV thread", yet more broad, and even with a twist, the NWO factor. I'll have to agree somewhat on the premise of it possibly being a NW scheme. If anything, it's just a huge carrot on the end of a really long stick that's being dangled infront of us, like a starving dog being teased with a piece of meat, hungry for more, though it doesn't know why.

I would go to label all rappers as being illiterate though, as they may be, some are actually there to share their story and make a point. But there are a lot who play the whole "gangsta/pimp whose backed by jesus" routine, which is sad in my opinion. I think this world need's more men than another gansta/pimp, though some I think just do it for show, any sincerity by them on that however can only be met with a chuckle by me.

I also dislike the radio, mostly full of ads anyway. Mainstream is not what it's all cracked up to be. Get out their discuss influences, share tastes, imerge yourself in the variety of the music YOU like and prefer, not what's HOT and soon to be NOT!

deaf fences hit

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:31 AM

Now look at America during WW II, with locally engaged communities, where the second amendment was such a strong argument against a Japanese invasion that it never happened.

The nervous system of local communities, local news, stories of human interest, no matter how allegedly insignificant, are far more important than broad based bludgeons from a central "authority." Local personalities selecting community favorite songs are also highly important, since it gives identity to something unique and valued.

These monopolies must be broken; otherwise the nation built from local communities will face awesomely catastrophic results.

I agree but I have a feeling hope is lost. Local community ties are not the way my parents talk about them my suburban, small town neighborhood that I'm from originally, people NEVER talk to their neighbors. My family has lived in the same house for 6 years now...and we've talked to our next door neighbors exactly TWICE - once when a storm knocked down several trees in both of our yards...and once when someone lost control of their car and crashed through both of our yards. I cannot even name any of our neighbors...but I digress. Without the existence of these simple ties - how is a rebellion, should the need arise, ever going to materialize? There is something I can't put my finger on, but this reminds me too much of Orwell's 1984...there seems to be a general distrust even among neighbors. There is no real feeling of community and judging from friends and acquaintances from different regions of the country...this seems to be the norm. And I have a feeling it is exactly what NWO or whatever you want to call it wants...

This reminds me of the "is anyone else sick of MTV thread", yet more broad, and even with a twist, the NWO factor. I'll have to agree somewhat on the premise of it possibly being a NW scheme. If anything, it's just a huge carrot on the end of a really long stick that's being dangled infront of us, like a starving dog being teased with a piece of meat, hungry for more, though it doesn't know why.

I agree with what you are saying but that wasn't quite the point I was trying to convey. I agree with you on the analogy though - the American people have been conditioned to eat this stuff up...the reason, I believe - is that these unimportant TV events and talentless "artists" create a diversion so far removed from reality/personal importance that the government can basically do what they want, such as pass Patriot Acts with subtle enough wording and "big words" that the brainwashed masses do not understand, and do not care to try and understand. To the average American, it just isn't worth it...because on the surface, everything SEEMS fine...they can go on listening to their mindless music, watching their mindless television shows and engaging in their shallow, hedonistic everything must be fine.

Sports is the other big diversion (and I admit to being a huge sports fan). But it's a sad state of affairs when Americans pay far more attention to the Super Bowl and World Series than national elections and acts passed to suppress our constitutional rights. Sadly...I firmly believe we are too far gone to turn the tide. 9/11 happened...the citizens "unified" under the umbrella of patriotism for maybe 3 weeks - and things returned to normal. In terms of pop culture - nothing has changed for the better. We could be attacked again (from the inside) - we could effectively have a total police state established....and within a month people would be back to arguing over who will win the next American Idol.

I'm sorry about the "stream of consciousness" nature of my posts. It's just the way I mind tends to move in 20,000 directions at once. I hope this wasn't too tedious to read.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:42 AM
you guys raise a lot of good points. i too have yet to talk to any of my neigboors. people are just so isolated in this capitalistic world of, you do what you do and ill do what i do. there is no collective thought among larger more developed communities. we are hermits, becuase we all have so much nice stuff to divert our attention there is no need to discuss problems of the world. television is the master of distraction. making everything seem ok! and molding our youth into incoherent droids of imoral and indecent behavior. if i see one more kid with a goofy hat tilted to the side and clothes 10 sizes to big im gonna bust a shank and grease those m***a f***as. see now im talking like them arrgghh!!! the battle is not completely lost, with internet booming in popularity, a new medium of distraction has emerged. as long as we can keep the content here to a sane level things should be
but yes for the most part our social structure is completly deformed! people are confined to their cars and houses, never daring to set foot in the nutral zone for fear of being *gasp* judged and confronted by their fellow humans. i love the way john titor describes the future, tightly knit communities, where they all sing songs around a camp fire. a far cry from the world of today. perhaps we do need a change, something to snap our friends and families out of their collective commas!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Freak
I agree with what you are saying but that wasn't quite the point I was trying to convey. I agree with you on the analogy though...

Yeam sorry about that, this topic is also a hot one for me, and I just really wanted to get that part out on what I think. But yes, the trend, during the past few years especially, have gone ballistic. They'll make a show about anything now, because they've conditioned us to be able to watch anything. This goes with the radio aswell. It could have something to do with not accepting the real reality of things as I think you mentioned before, and it seems us people are suckers for it.

A decade or two ago, TV was just TV, now it's become something so commonly and deeply integrated into peoples lives. It's a good diversion, if that, so that they can go about with their plans, without us giving it a thought, or maybe even with us debating it constantly and heatedly on the internet, but not really doing anything about it. We could be running our own conspiracy without even knowing about it... Hmmm...

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:34 AM
i think the mear fact we are discussing these things is a step closer to bringing about a solution.
it is doing something. everytime we argue about stuff, someone who is just passing through this site might pick up on a thing or two and then a chain reaction will occur, possibly. every time we open someones mind to these ideas, that is one more person who might get off that one way road to ignorance. for now this is pretty much all we can do, seeing as coorperations control all of the major media outlets.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:32 AM
You're all right, for too long has society been brainwashed. We're living in constant fear. We all know that when you're scared, you can't think straight. When you can't think straight, you're more susceptible to thoughts of things that can help you. Pretty much anything that someone tells you that makes you feel safer is going to stick.

More and more of us are seeing through this curtain of fear that's constantly with us. Fear of weapons that don't exist, fear of those labelled 'terrorists' that aren't a threat, fear of death. Without this constant fear, we'd be too hard to manipulate. We'd be thinking for ourselves therefore we'd demand change. This would be a huge inconvenience for our Governments.

More and more of us are waking up to the above, we're realising that we are being manipulated and we really don't like it. You just need to do a search for 'Awakening' or 'free thinking' on this forum, it's a good indication as to how many of us are experiencing this phenomenon.

I recently discovered a website that seems to be pretty relevant to what we are experiencing, it may be worth a look. I think it's pretty new though.



posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by sturod84
...everytime we argue about stuff, someone who is just passing through this site might pick up on a thing or two and then a chain reaction will occur...

So then lets keep our fingers crossed for this little butterfly effect of hope to kick into full gear...

If not you then who?
If not now then when?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 06:35 AM
I believe the solution lies with our children. As children we were sponges, absorbing everything the world had to offer--right or wrong. As we get older, our beliefs and habits become stronger. An adult raised from childhood in front of the TV may know everything Bill O'Reilly has to say, but he won't be able to form an independent thought to save his life, and that is how it starts. It's easy to let others think for you.
It's your duty, not just as an American, but as a human being, to be able to think freely for yourself. It is how the human race has survived for this long.
As far as the Clear Channel discussion goes, it's all about advertising. They make their money from the 30 second ads that companies buy. If people keep requesting the same Nickelback song 300 times in a row, then that's when the companies are going to want their ads played. Clear Channel is just trying to get their bone--blame America for the music.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Good discussion. I really think we are closer to 1984 than most people think.

Most of my friends didn't even know Mt. St. Helen's erupted...nobody my age watches the news anymore. And, if they do...they buy everything that is said on the news without questioning it.

I mean, it is cool to hate "A-rabs" these's sickening. You can go around and make fun of those who appear to be of Arab descent...whisper about them being them Osama...and usually it results in high fives from your mindless friends (I have never done this but I've observed it in almost every social circle from here in Pittsburgh to my supposedly "ultra-liberal" hometown). And it's exactly what the government wants. America's youth hate a pretty much faceless enemy, because they have been told to by the terror alerts and Fox News. If these people could realize for one instant that our government is far more dangerous than any person of Arab descent.

Hopefully we can turn the tide but 49% of Americans between 18-24 can't even locate New York State on a map...

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 06:05 AM
keep an eye on televisions hidden mesage, the north koreans get a subtle reference of dissent ever so often. the illuminati is preparing us for war. look at that dumb movie 'team america: world police' that everyone is gonna watch, kim jong il is the main villian, gee i wonder why. look back at the south park movie, remember saddam was the main villian, and then what happened... im really drunk and high

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Freak
I've only been alive for 20 years but I can't help but notice the disturbing trend (as I'm sure everyone else has) toward complete mindlessness in radio and television.

In a cultural critique written last year called "The Middle Mind," Curtis White argues that this "mindlessness" has even pervaded that which is thought of as "intellectual". His main example of this false image of contemporary American intellectual life is NPR. However, he doesn't blame the NWO, but just the way capitalism works. In short, the smartest consumers aren't the most profitable ones.

White's close reading of "Saving Private Ryan" is worth the time it takes to read the article. He uncovers cultural manipulation much more deviant than in Southpark

From "The Middle Mind"...

"The Middle Mind is pragmatic, plainspoken, populist, contemptuous of the Right's narrowness, and incredulous before the Left's convolutions. It is adventuresome, eclectic, spiritual, and in general agreement with liberal political assumptions about race, gender and class. The Middle Mind really rather liked Bill Clinton, thoroughly supported his policies, but wished that the children didn't have to know so much about his personal life. The Middle Mind is liberal. It wants to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and has even bought an SUV with the intent of visiting it. It even understands in some indistinct way that that very SUV spells the Arctic's doom. Most importantly, the Middle Mind imagines that it honors the highest culture, and that it lives through the arts. From the perspective of the theorized Left academy (of which I confess myself an ineluctable member--with reservations), the Middle Mind's take on culture is both well intended and deeply deluded.

One way or the other, what I'm here to tell you is that the Middle Mind is winning. That is, it has the most plausible claim to being the true representative of the public's opinion. This is good news insofar as it means William Bennett is not winning, but oh boy are there qualifications on this triumph. "

I think issue is a huge one for the future of America, and one that isn't discussed enough. PF, thanks for bringing it up.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 08:41 PM
link head hurts.....

i dont agree with catorgizing beliefes, into the left, middle, and right. if we were a free thinking society then we would all have different opinions that could be expressed. however the television and newspapers manipulate us into the think along the lines of the majority, or 'wat is right'. not everyone can fall into line with the set standard of moral obligation, and manner of conduct. that is why the dumb down the issues to such an extent that we can all fall into one of their predetermained catagories. imo...

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 11:54 PM
great thread, guys. really great.
you have glimpsed the world of 'media ecology'. it is nice to think things are so simple(and, they are, in a way, i guess), but there is more to it.
once you have risen above the noise, and see these patterns of media imprinting on the masses like pavlov on steroids and pcp, the first view you have is the top down pyramid structure.
what takes MUCH longer to realise and believe, and encompass in your thinking, is the bottom up stucture of the pyramid.
think about it. if you were elected president of the united states, tomorrow, what would you do? what do you think you could do? the answer is, 'not much'. why? because, as president, you are legally bound to previous agreements. you are bound by protocol. you are bound by the laws of the country(although you might spend your time changing these laws, you know, undermine the constitution or sumpin'). and, most importantly, you are bound by the good will of your constituents(although you might pass draconian measures to counter this effect if you have a red herring excuse like terrorism, or sumpin'). okay, so SAY you're the new self-established king of the red amerika, then. if you treat people too badly, they will rebel, and you will loose infrastructure, and therefore, power, so you are STILL supported, and therefore, subject to the COLLECTIVE WILL of the bottom of the pyramid. revolution is only a thought away.
and so, that leads us to the world of media, and the IMMENSE power that it has over the herd of people.
of course, there are those in the world of media(namely, the 'owners of the system'), who have an agenda to steer humanity into increasingly tighter pens. what they must contend with, is the collective good will of humanity. it seeps. it burrows. it replicates. it creeps. it is everywhere and nowhere. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and WE, oh thread brothers, are of the vanguard attacking the fortress of their totalitarian pressure!

it's better to burn out than to fade away! -the kargon.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 07:53 AM
great thread people, i live in the uk, and while our tv aint exactly highbrow, it is einstienian compared to some of the shows that have come "across the pond" some of what you americans are conditioned to watch is at the intellectual level of a 10 year old, full of flashy, fast cuts, designed for those with a short attention span, an increasing prevalence of magic and magic-related shows (charmed, buffy, etc) are perhaps an attempt to jade us about witchcraft and the occult so that when our child or relative brings home a "witchcraft for dummies" book and says she wants to be piper or willow, we'll just laugh, pat them on the head and let them delve deeper into the occult.

My mind wandered away a little from the topic, but its still relavent

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