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911 - an inconvenient truth

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posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
reply to post by exponent

I will remove nothing. You still want to pay this game of much ado about nothing and your refusal to address the OP speaks volumes about just how much consideration should be put into either of your repliers.

In other words you literally don't have any response to what I said, so you're trying to insult me again. I've just reported the posts instead. It's a shame that you can't even be civil.

Read that book linked in the OP then get back to me. Excuse that Popular Mechanics liar then view 911 eyewitness and explain how and where explosions came from when even a molotov cocktail doesn't explode. Try to poo-poo it away and post a vid of a fuel air bomb that has to aerosol the fuel in order to create that massive and rapid burnoff of oxygen that creates a vacuum type of detonation and not the detonations that are viewed by seismic signature In case you didn't know it, the force of an explosive always hits down. Air being burned off doesn't affect the ground as deeply.

Are you joking here? The initial fireball is of course a deflagration not a detonation. Molotov cocktails don't explode because they are designed to set things on fire. You're just grasping at straws here.

meh... pointless to keep asking you all to stay on topic here... find the easiest argument you think you can win and run with it while ignoring everything else. Typical and expected since you guys are consistent.

You accuse me of going off topic after you ignored my replies and called me a shill or otherwise complicit? Perhaps you should learn some civility.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 01:27 PM
This thread is now closed for a moment while people take a bit to collect themselves.


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