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911 - an inconvenient truth

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posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
If you want you can try this little experiment, get two pieces of wood that are identical in size. Pour fuel on the face of one and light it, slap the other one down on top of it sandwiching the fire. Do you really think the towers were still burning when everything came down so fast and the dust was so think people couldn't even breathe yet this magical fire not only survived but managed to leave molten globs that took a month or more to cool down?

You guys are not presenting a very convincing argument, just arguing with nothing for evidence to support your attacks on character and sites, and evidence, yet I am asking again, what in hell makes you so certain you got it right?

A paycheck is the only logical conclusion

The problem with that experiment is that fuel only burns its fumes, and the base combustible was not burning. In putting out the fire, it is snuffing out all sources of heat and energy. In the collapse on 9/11, there was way more combustible material that was in the process of burning, which could not logically have all been snuffed out completely. Air pockets all throughout the rubble fed the fires underground, and as the cleanup progressed, sometimes fire would flash out.

I'm not trying to argue with no evidence. I'm try to make sense of the "evidence" the conspiracy theorists push on this site. If it doesn't make sense to me, I'll speak up.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Varemia

to the poster before you, people reap what they sow.

To your comment, I am glad you want to pursue this tack since you want to portray yourself as knowing exactly what happened.

You claim there was burning debris that was still burning? Then how do you explain that the people were blown to tiny bone fragments and found on rooftops . Logic would dictate that those smoldering embers would have been expelled outside the building as well. You can't have it both ways, either all the debris remained inside the collapse or all the debris was ejected as if a detonation blew everything to bits.

Taking this a step further, and the video evidence of the collapse shows a massive ejection that even launched steel I beams the length of a football field or more, and considering those beams weighed tons and were photographed appearing like arrows piercing another building, how do you propose to keep office furniture inside the building?

How do vehicles outside the collapse have melted door handles? How do windows get blown out of vehicles, or have their engine blocks melted?

You guys got all the answers I'm sure...

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by anoncoholic
attacks on character

Like these ones?

they have absolutely no moral fiber

Pure evil POS and all they can do is make everything around them stink.

the mindset of evil

they have no moral conscience and neither do the pro's who defend them.

A paycheck is the only logical conclusion

I decided to talk to you directly regarding your cherry picking my comments that were a reply to someone else since you seem to take issue with them.

I have a sense of morality that is outraged by cold and dead-hearted people. The kind of people who don't care for others... the kind of people who would look the other way when a crime is committed, but not just a crime of opportunity, but ongoing crime making a perpetual opportunity. The kind of people who defend them are the same kinds of people who commit them

If the shoe fits then you can wear it too.

Like unto the days of Noah this world has no morality. There is no compassion for others, victims are just sol if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. People will lust after everything but truth.

Funny you guys can never stomach it isn't it?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by anoncoholic

Actually most of your attacks were in your first post so I fail to see how they were a response to someone else. But the main thing is I thought that god didn't like hypocrites?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
You can't have it both ways, either all the debris remained inside the collapse or all the debris was ejected as if a detonation blew everything to bits.

Or how about:

The building fell down in an uncontrolled, chaotic manner, so some of the debris fell outside the footprint?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:53 AM
I wonder if Steve Cobern Deuche of Popular Mechanics has seen this video?
No doubt he would potty himself if he did watch this video.
Building 7 detonated - NEW FOOTAGE

edit on 4-7-2012 by poppycock because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2012 by poppycock because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

you think this is my first thread? You think your typical replies change from one thread to another? You think I am as weak at the knees as you are because you refuse to face the truth and confront liars?

I have the intestinal fortitude to stand up for you since you are too lame to stand up for yourself. Every time I do though I am attacked for standing at all.

And you wonder how they managed to pull it all off? I would suggest you do some soul-searching and let me worry about mine. My relationship with God is honest, my relationship with people is honest. I can't help it if the truth hurts so much you think I am about inflicting pain on your delicate ego's, I can reconcile my words with God though.

The real hypocrite here is coming from someone who is taking the personal stand rather than the evidence recognition. Perhaps you see yourself as someone who has all the answers too? If so, bring it, I am sure the world would like to know exactly what happened that day without all the smoke being blown up our collective asses.

You guys get your noses out of joint because I am being blunt? I am sure you would prefer I pat you on the back for spreading disinfo and protecting mass murderers too...

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

or how about you watch 911eyewitness and listen to the explosions, watch the detonation, and reconsider your opinion of the way events went down that day. The narration is annoying, taped with that gotchya outlook and even though the raw footage of this filming has been in a lawyers office pending criminal charges that never surface it doesn't negate the truth.

Rick - the guy who filmed 911eyewitness was ruined both professionally and character -wise for bringing the truth out. Just one more victim of 911

How many millions more need to die before you realize you are but a mere statistic too?
edit on 4-7-2012 by anoncoholic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by poppycock

It's a fake. It was made to humiliate truthers who post it without checking their sources. That's why there's a UFO in the top left as the building falls, and a hidden message inverted along the right hand side insulting you.

Perhaps you should be more careful when picking your sources.

edit: Also if you edit it to only contain the bit after v= between the yvid markers, then it will work.
edit on 4/7/12 by exponent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by poppycock

bad link, could you post it again as I would be interested in seeing an angle of it that wasn't a network feed that was in collusion of covering it up after the fact. During the attack they were reporting real-time but eventually they started marching goose-step with the tale and sales pitch

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
bad link, could you post it again as I would be interested in seeing an angle of it that wasn't a network feed that was in collusion of covering it up after the fact. During the attack they were reporting real-time but eventually they started marching goose-step with the tale and sales pitch


In reality, when the situation was chaotic and many variables were unknown, you agree with them, as you have very little actual definitive evidence. Once they began reporting on the facts of the day rather than speculation, you're disagreeing with them.

This is not the behaviour of someone rational, you can't accuse worldwide media networks of colluding just because you disagree with what they said. It seems you're willing to do this to anyone though with not the slightest bit of self awareness.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by exponent

You are saying I agree with the MSM who are nothing but cooks pitching the flavor of the day and because of all these flavors of truth the perps are able to pull it off.

I guess you believe in that magic bullet too. I guess you believe all the election bs they spout off too. I guess you believe there is integrity left in the MSM news dissemination. Funny how we don't get world news anymore but we do find out who was entertaining.

Truth is a flavor. Absolute truth is the only one that is palatable when a crime has been committed. Swaying public opinion to attack multiple countries over the years over assumptions is as evil as the entity that seeks to profit from the engineered truths being promoted.

Whats the flavor of the day I wonder?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by anoncoholic

The flavour of the day is nonsense being spouted to try and disagree with me before you've even posted a single fact.

Let me know when you have any evidence whatsoever to back up your claims. I haven't even seen you specify where someone lied explicitly.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by exponent
reply to post by anoncoholic

The flavour of the day is nonsense being spouted to try and disagree with me before you've even posted a single fact.

Let me know when you have any evidence whatsoever to back up your claims. I haven't even seen you specify where someone lied explicitly.

I suggest you start right in your own post in the quotes above this text. I didn't present a single fact? I posted the ISBN of a book, non-fiction and written by the head of a task force, I posted an audio clip that proves Popular Mechanics lied and I asked why the need to lie if there was nothing to hide. I posted a video of 911 that wasn't a network feed and you guys call it blah blah blah.

That is the flavor of your disinfo and gatekeeping

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by anoncoholic
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

you think this is my first thread? You think your typical replies change from one thread to another? You think I am as weak at the knees as you are because you refuse to face the truth and confront liars?

I have the intestinal fortitude to stand up for you since you are too lame to stand up for yourself. Every time I do though I am attacked for standing at all.

And you wonder how they managed to pull it all off? I would suggest you do some soul-searching and let me worry about mine. My relationship with God is honest, my relationship with people is honest. I can't help it if the truth hurts so much you think I am about inflicting pain on your delicate ego's, I can reconcile my words with God though.

The real hypocrite here is coming from someone who is taking the personal stand rather than the evidence recognition. Perhaps you see yourself as someone who has all the answers too? If so, bring it, I am sure the world would like to know exactly what happened that day without all the smoke being blown up our collective asses.

You guys get your noses out of joint because I am being blunt? I am sure you would prefer I pat you on the back for spreading disinfo and protecting mass murderers too...

My nose isn't out of joint. I'm amused by you, not offended. I was merely pointing out that god - if he was real - probably wouldn't like a hypocrite. So admonishing people for insulting others and then doing it yourself might land you in his bad books.

I also think accusing other of egocentrism in a post where you talk mainly about how amazing you are is a bit of a hoot as well.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:32 PM
Why have all the brainwashed OS'ers not properly addressed the Hoboken video on page 1?

Multiple explosions can be heard just before the collapse, the smoke at the base in undeniable, and multiple explosive flashes can be seen coming from the tower just as the last chopper hovers near to it, literally just before it collapses.

These facts cannot be denied, and they are clearly being ignored by the OS'ers here.

Are you ignoring them because you know it will blow the cover on the OS?

A detailed comment from OS'ers on this video would be a wise idea if you are to retain any credibility. A reply that has detailed points, no lies, no pseudo science, and no ad hominem. Just relevant facts. I cannot see how you deny what you see in that video. It will be interesting to see how you can explain the unquestionable explosions in that video!

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by thegameisup
Why have all the brainwashed OS'ers not properly addressed the Hoboken video on page 1?

Multiple explosions can be heard just before the collapse, the smoke at the base in undeniable, and multiple explosive flashes can be seen coming from the tower just as the last chopper hovers near to it, literally just before it collapses.

These facts cannot be denied, and they are clearly being ignored by the OS'ers here.

Are you ignoring them because you know it will blow the cover on the OS?

A detailed comment from OS'ers on this video would be a wise idea if you are to retain any credibility. A reply that has detailed points, no lies, no pseudo science, and no ad hominem. Just relevant facts. I cannot see how you deny what you see in that video. It will be interesting to see how you can explain the unquestionable explosions in that video!

It just doesn't make sense to me that the explosions would be silent in the video cameras that were literally right next to the towers. You're talking about mysterious booms taking place almost a minute before the collapse. In literally every demolition, there are loud charges going off, and then immediately the building begins to come down. That's because the point of the explosions is to sever the important parts of the building. Once the explosion happens, the building comes down instantly.

Why is 9/11 the demolition exception to you?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:06 PM
here's an inconvenient stillframe from a BBC broadcast;

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by RoScoLaz

What, pray tell is inconvenient about your still-frame there Mr.?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by exponent

thanks for the tip on the utube posting.
I can't see a ufo or a hidden insulting message in the video.
No comprende senor.

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