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Real ID & that Little Gold Star on Your Driver’s License

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posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
reply to post by AuranVector

RFID driver's licenses are optional in some states.

However, those who do NOT have a Gold Star will be prohibited from boarding Federally regulated commercial aircraft, among other things, and ANY other purpose that the US Secretary of Homeland Security shall determine.

Does it say anything about requiring the Gold Star to be permitted to vote in a Federal election? Seems like a good application of the star system..

Not that I am a fan of this whole concept.. of RFID cards..

Good question. But no, a Gold Star will not be necessary to vote in the 2012 Federal elections. Simply because all States will not be compliant by that time. But eventually, it may be for elections in the future.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Advantage
Just my opinion, but its WAY too late to worry about real IDs and tracking. Youre tracked right now. Youve been tracked since your birth and since you received a social security number and everything youve done since ( drivers license, job, bank acct, internet access, a car, insurance, etc) you have been tracked. RFID in your license isnt a huge deal if you think about it. There is no SEND to it.. and something has to be right on it to read it. Its not like drones are gonna read your license in your wallet.
Id suggest a little exercise. Start from your birth and consider all of the things that have entered you into databases and that required your proof of existence. Waaaaaay too late to worry about a little star on your DL.

You have a point. But the RFID chip in the Driver's License is just one more control and a sign of the tightening of the net around us. And it's not just National control, but International control -- so NWO - One World Federation.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
Not in my state and several others I will worry about when they try to do that here which they wont!

They will. All States will be compliant. Read the OP.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by XeroOne
You know, RFID chips are rather fragile. Some people accidentally destroy them by sticking them in the same pocket as their cell phone. Just saying.

Thank you for sharing that suggestion. I will remember that -- you never know when it might be necessary.

But I need to remind people that without the Gold Star you will not be allow to board a US commercial aircraft or do anything else the Secretary of Homeland Security decides on.

It wasn't really a suggestion, neither am I advocating the intentional destruction of RFID chips. I'm just saying sh!t happens sometimes.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Mrgone

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by Mrgone
I took an LED flashlight and held it directly to the back of mine, it's under a year old. This should allow you to see if there is anything under the surface.

Mine has nothing

If anyone finds something post your pic. Let's see these buggers


Does your DL have a Gold Star on it? It's a MICRO-chip, are you sure it can be seen with the naked eye?

No gold star. It's completely see-through with the flashlight. There are no hidden parts. Washington DL

If you do not have a Gold Star, your DL is not chipped ... yet.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by XeroOne

It wasn't really a suggestion, neither am I advocating the intentional destruction of RFID chips. I'm just saying sh!t happens sometimes.

Understood. Thank you.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:34 AM
Has anyone tried to use a flashlight yet, taken a picture?

Show me what I'm looking for

My state may not have one but if yours does if like to know what I'm looking for. And I don't mean the star. There are ways to "see" one. There must be.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by abeverage
look up fed road state grants if your state receives any funding from the fed gov then your state will be left with one of two options, join up with the real ID or lose funding for them roads.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Mrgone
here is a link to see what your looking for it is the face of GW our first Pres of to left look for the link that gives you this and the the READ ID looks like this TAG YOUR IT er USA/ NWO cert

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:43 AM

It's very simple to do. And I would like to see one so that I can look for it in the future.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:45 AM
I live in southern california and my new license doesn't have a gold star or say that it isn't proof of federal identification. Just a couple of extra bar codes and pictures on it.

Personally I don't see what the big deal is about RFID chips in ID's or license. If you don't like the idea of it, then just leave your license in your car and carry your passport around as a form of ID.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:50 AM
Chip the card and then make it mandatory for everyone to carry (which they already do) it because you need to drive then you have instant GPS on all driving citizens. The day is coming that we are going to find out just how small these devices can be and they are probably all around us and we just don't realize how sophisticated this technology really is at this point in time.

NWO here we come.

You won't even be able to take a dump in the woods in 10 years without it being monitored.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Meh....renewed my license no star and wont need to renew it till 2020 YEP 2020 so what I get to stay chip free!

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by havok

I went to the 2010 map of States compliant with Real ID and my computer froze. I could not close my browser and had to just down completely.

When I rebooted and got back on ATS, I found I had been logged off -- even though I had not logged off ATS.
Is this normal?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by Mrgone
here is a link to see what your looking for it is the face of GW our first Pres of to left look for the link that gives you this and the the READ ID looks like this TAG YOUR IT er USA/ NWO cert

Thank you, Bekod, for the links.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
Meh....renewed my license no star and wont need to renew it till 2020 YEP 2020 so what I get to stay chip free!

I don't think so. They will ask that all come in for the new licenses no matter what the expiration date is on your non-chipped card.

“Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington have joined Maine and Utah in passing legislation opposing Real ID.”

The Real ID Act:

My State is one of the States that passed legislation opposing Real ID. It doesn’t matter, they’re doing it anyway.

State compliance deadline is 2013, unless they have recently extended that.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Rivetlikewhoa
I live in southern california and my new license doesn't have a gold star or say that it isn't proof of federal identification. Just a couple of extra bar codes and pictures on it.

Personally I don't see what the big deal is about RFID chips in ID's or license. If you don't like the idea of it, then just leave your license in your car and carry your passport around as a form of ID.

Using your passport, I suspect, will only be a temporary fix. There is a serious move to replace the passport with a chipped "Passport Card."

In any case, I'm sure they will find a way to chip the passport. It's only a matter of time.

If you're not aware of the controversy around the Real ID Act:

“The Real ID Act has faced criticism from across the political spectrum and remains the subject of several ongoing controversies.”

“Opponents of the Real ID Act include libertarian groups, in particular the Cato Institute; immigrant advocacy groups; human and civil rights organizations, including ACLU; Christian advocacy groups such as the ACLJ; privacy advocacy groups, including 511 campaign; state-level citizen's groups such as North Carolinians Against Real ID and Floridians Against REAL ID; good government and government accountability groups; labor groups such as AFL-CIO; People for the American Way; consumer and patient protection groups; some gun rights groups; many state lawmakers, state legislatures and governors; The Constitution Party and others.”

“ Real ID is opposed by such groups as Gun Owners of America, by the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal as well as the Obama administration.”

“Along with the Bush administration, the Real ID Act is strongly supported by the conservative Heritage Foundation and by many anti-illegal immigration advocates.”

“ Founded by evangelical Christian Pat Robertson, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) participated in a joint press conference with the ACLU in 2008, highlighting the broad diversity of the coalition opposing Title II of the REAL ID Act. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has also voiced concern about REAL ID.”

“Several legal challenges to REAL ID are underway by individuals in state courts, including Adrian Wyllie in Florida and Kaye Beach in Oklahoma.”

“Among the 2008 presidential candidates, according to a February 2008 CNet report at, John McCain strongly supported the Real ID Act, “ (John McCain is a NWO shill - my note.)

“Barack Obama (for his Hispanic voters, I'm sure -- my note.) and Ron Paul flatly opposed it,”

“while Hillary Clinton called for the law to be reviewed.”

“ In a September 2007 interview Mike Huckabee expressed opposition to the Real ID Act, calling the Real ID Act "a huge mistake".

The Real ID Act:

edit on 3-7-2012 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by knowledgedesired
Chip the card and then make it mandatory for everyone to carry (which they already do) it because you need to drive then you have instant GPS on all driving citizens. The day is coming that we are going to find out just how small these devices can be and they are probably all around us and we just don't realize how sophisticated this technology really is at this point in time.

NWO here we come.

You won't even be able to take a dump in the woods in 10 years without it being monitored.

As far as I know, the RFID chip in the Driver's License is not a tracking device. So they say.

In any case, they have all kinds of ways to track us now. I believe GPS is now going to be mandatory in all new cars. iPhones & SmartPhones can GPS track you.

I agree that all the tracking & spying technology will become even more difficult to detect and more pervasive.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by AuranVector
no they did not 2013 is the dead line get with it or lose the Fed road funding that is called black mail and extortion, UTAH does have it now at the top left corner it has the shape of the state with UT USA in green letters this is to show that it is real id er REAL ID. also there are two bard code strips on is the ID DL info the other is the reader when pulled over it will be imbedded with why, who, when and what fines if any imposed, TAG i'm IT NWO/ USA cert as well

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:24 PM
The first step to a cashless society is to force everyone in this society to have a Universal Unique Identifier. It does not need to be a "chip", it can be any uniquely assigned number. Your SSN if you are in America is an example. The purpose of having a chipped card is so it can later have a unit of account functionality. If anyone get's in the way of the political agenda, questions anything, or disobeys anything they can just shut off their chip. Hungry, no where to go except to the "criminal underworld" or die. The problem is they themselves are criminals that just have more power than a 2 bit street thug.

The real reason for it is basically taxation. With a virtual account system, the taxation would be 100% enforcible with no say weither the tax is just or not. They will then feed off your work for their liveliehood like so many vampires. If we actually got services we could put to use for our taxes, it wouldn't be such a big deal because of economics of scale, but the use of our tax moneys for corporate bailouts, warfare, and bigger, scarier bombs is a huge waste of resources.

This may not matter as it looks like WW-III is now here. I am saddened by the ignorance of our species of the truth that is our existence that a child can understand, but so many have forgotten. Love, voulentary cooperation, sharing is the answer, not forced coersion using fear. It will be done, Thy will be done, may there be peace on this Earth.

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