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Question on polygamy

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posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:53 PM
I'm not sure whether this should go in this forum, or possibly one of the political forums, since it deals with both the subject of religion and politics. I put it here since the point I am trying to make is usually made most frequently by the religious folk rather than the political guys anyway.

My question is this. Gay marriage is bad, because marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is the foundation of our society and civilization, because it encourages procreation, which allows us to continue on. Man/man and woman and woman cannot procreate, therefore they should not reap the rewards that marriage brings.


Going by this definition, why is polygamy not allowed? If procreation is such an important thing, why discourage MORE procreation by not permitting men to have additional wives? Hmm? It would discourage failed marriages since husbands could just legally bring in their 'mistresses' as another wife. So it would decrease failed marraiges, increase procreation, and heck, increase the number of people around children that would be able to help raise them. So, if you are going to use the procreation argument as a reason gay marriage should not be allowed, why not give a
to polygamy?

Having said that, I didn't list any of my views on the matter, of course I don't support polygamy, but I was thinking of this the other day so I figured I would pose the question. It's one of those illogical questions made logical in the realm of this illogical reason for not allowing gay marriages
So I'm just wondering how someone would resolve this question...

[edit on 6-10-2004 by W_HAMILTON]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Good question at that. When did Christianity become disillusioned with the practices of the patriarchs of the old testament?

Few pronouncements of the early Christian church explicitly prohibit polygamy, since the practice appeared very uncommonly in Graeco-Roman society. Early Christians desired to condemn polygamy, because it conflicted with the prevailing mores of the Graeco-Roman society in which they lived; yet at the same time they had to explain the clear permission given for it in the Old Testament. Saint Augustine demonstrates this conflict in his consideration of the polygamy practiced in the time of the Old Testament patriarchs when he writes in The Good of Marriage (chapter 15, paragraph 17) that though it "was lawful among the ancient fathers: whether it be lawful now also, I would not hastily pronounce. For there is not now necessity of begetting children, as there then was, when, even when wives bear children, it was allowed, in order to a more numerous posterity, to marry other wives in addition, which now is certainly not lawful." He declines to judge the patriarchs, but he certainly makes the current illegality relatively clear. In another place, he wrote, "Now indeed in our time, and in keeping with Roman custom, it is no longer allowed to take another wife, so as to have more than one wife living [emphasis added]."

The leaders of the early Protestant Reformation revisited the morality of polygamy. Martin Luther advised Philip of Hesse that although he found nothing unbiblical about polygamy, he should keep his second marriage a secret to avoid public scandal, and because he couldn't use the bible to refute it effectively. Some groups of early Anabaptists, such as those in Munster, also practiced polygamy. On the other hand, John Calvin condemned it, and sanctioned polygamy did not survive long within Protestant morality.

The Catholic Church clearly condemns polygamy; the Catechism of the Catholic Church lists it in paragraph 2387 under the head "Other offenses against the dignity of marriage" and states that it "is not in accord with the moral law." Also in paragraph 1645 under the head "The Goods and Requirements of Conjugal Love" states "The unity of marriage, distinctly recognized by our Lord, is made clear in the equal personal dignity which must be accorded to man and wife in mutual and unreserved affection. Polygamy is contrary to conjugal love which is undivided and exclusive." Most Christian churches of any denomination condemn polygamy.

What I am getting from this (and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong) is that it was an attempt to conform with societal customs. An attempt to mainstream their fledgling religion perhaps? Subsequent protestant off-shoots became more and more opposed to polygamy to the point that it became doctrine. Interesting in that something that was done for no other reason than to "fit it" so to speak has now been practiced for so long that it is considered dogma.

I found this history here and found it to be an interesting read.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:39 PM
Thanks for your response, but...

...can none of the good bible-thumping Christians answer my question? Since we are put on this earth to be 'natural' and procreate to further the human race, why do you all frown on polygamy?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:45 PM
Because it's not about procreation. The bible declares that peoples will be fruitful and blessed with children through faith in God, as a reward.

Marriage is about matrimony, a union of two souls in the sight of God. It is apparently one of his 'gifts' to us. Polygamy is forbidden in Christian and Judaic dogma.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:47 PM
The state supports the idea of a functioning, contributing, and stable family...not just the end of procreation, but the end result of stable family life as well.

In the state's eyes, neither gay marriage, nor polygamy further that end. I would disagree on the gay marriage idea not furthering the end, as they could always adopt (were it allowed everywhere) and still acheive the desired result, but polygamy does not seem to constructively work to that end....(at least to the state and the majority of religions).

Polygamy does exist still in some cultures (Mormon, no?) and I know some Wiccans who practice it (just that they have one legal spouse, and another mistress/boyfriend, etc.) at least in theory.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
Since we are put on this earth to be 'natural' and procreate to further the human race, why do you all frown on polygamy?

Actually, God's purpose for us (considering that he is God, and gets what he wants), is to transcend the 'natural' and become 'supernatural', as he is. Nature, as we will recall, is the devil. And he is the God of this world.

Really. That's what it says...

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Polygamy = more women

More women = more babies = more procreation, and procreation = good

More women = more parental figures to take care of the babies = good

Polygamy = bad ?

I'm not getting it

I'll just chalk it up to yet another hypocrisy in religion

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 01:57 PM
Actually, no one knows if there is a God, much less what God's purpose is.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
Actually, no one knows if there is a God, much less what God's purpose is.

If a man should have any doubts about the reality of God, then he has condemned himself to eternal banishment. Belief in God requires unwaivering faith.

Polygamy does exist still in some cultures (Mormon, no?)

Elements that are a breakaway from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints practice polygamy. The church itself condemns its practice.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
If a man should have any doubts about the reality of God, then he has condemned himself to eternal banishment. Belief in God requires unwaivering faith.

Hey, I know where that quote is from! That was one of Osama's tapes, right? Am I right? What do I win?!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:15 PM
I've never seen that Polygamy was a sin or anything. It's more of a society thing than a religious thing. Even in the New Testament we find references that polygamy was accepted.

1 Timothy 3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

Titus 1:6 An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.

It looks as if one wife is preferred for leaders, but no one ever says that having more than one wife is a sin. Sin was having sex with someone else's wife, not having multiple wives. We practice polygamy in the US. We can have as many wives as we want, but just one at a time.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:20 PM
What the ??

So you mean THE BIBLE says we should practice polygamy?

And we as a society say no, that's wrong? Oh snap, better 'majority rules' a polygamy bill thru your local governments asap! Call your congressmen now or we are all doomed to eternal hell for going against God's word!

dbates said: We practice polygamy in the US. We can have as many wives as we want, but just one at a time.

Heh, heh.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:26 PM
Polygamy is in our genes.
How many men cheat on their wifes, girlfriends? A lot.
How many people get divorced after a few years of marriage then get married again? Quite a lot.
Being with only one person is rare in this world. Our instinct is telling us to spread the genes, as much as possible. This urge is much stronger in men, then in women.
As we are advancing in science, as a society, mentaly, intelectually, spiritually, we are trying to create this "bond of two people" as an idealistic concept of love, a concept of mind which then stands above our animal instinct. It all works good in theory, and more and more in real world, but we are still far away from actually achieving its realisation in majority of human minds.


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:27 PM
Hey I'm all for polygamy! But I want to have lots of husbands. Lots and lots and lots of pretty boys! Tall ones, thin ones, muscley ones, pale ones, tan ones! I'll have them all! Whoo!
Great idea huh?! Bring on the harem of hot guys!

*sees the looks* What?!? Why should guys be the only ones with their own harems?!?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
Thanks for your response, but...

...can none of the good bible-thumping Christians answer my question? Since we are put on this earth to be 'natural' and procreate to further the human race, why do you all frown on polygamy?

Welllll,.......... Folks seem to pick and choose what they want from the Bible. As one of those "good bible-thumping Christians" you mentioned, I can't answer your question--exactly. You see, the bible says that the leaders of the Church should have one wife. Some translations say ELDERS, others say DEACONS. I think that requirement was expanded BY MAN, not GOD over time to include all marriages.
Using the NEW CENTURY VERSION, which I find easiest to read, I went to 1 Timothy 3: 1-2. to find the following:

1 What I say is true: Anyone wanting to become an elder desires a good work. 2 An elder must not give people a reason to criticize him, and he must have only one wife. He must be self-controlled, wise, respected by others, ready to welcome guests, and able to teach.

PLEASE take nothing I quote at face value. Check it out yourself. Read the surrounding verses to verify to yourself that I used it in it's proper context. Check other Translations. You can do that online at
Ultimate Bible Study and Resources Center
Some of us do believe the bible is God's inspired word, and want to know what He really said, not what somebody says he meant. There is almost always a difference.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Dru
*sees the looks* What?!? Why should guys be the only ones with their own harems?!?

You can only pop out a baby 'bout once a year! Once the biscuit is in the basket (or is it oven??), you're outta commission for 9 months! You don't need more than one man! Silence woman!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
Polygamy = more women

More women = more babies = more procreation, and procreation = good

More women = more parental figures to take care of the babies = good

Polygamy = bad ?

I'm not getting it

I'll just chalk it up to yet another hypocrisy in religion

Um, you're still missing it. Study the bible. It says go forth and be fruitful. Nowhere does it stipulate doing so by one man marrying many women. It says, just like the preacher at the altar, when he marries a man an a woman, that is the way it was intended.

The union of two souls before God.

That was Gods instructions to his followers.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by paperclip
Polygamy is in our genes.
How many men cheat on their wifes, girlfriends? A lot.
How many people get divorced after a few years of marriage then get married again? Quite a lot.

Yeah, that's nature for you, but it's not hereditary. It has to do more with a trend of people having no conviction, sense of commitment, and constantly taking things they love for granted. Guys cheat on their spouses because they're selfish, self-serving, slaves to their sexual impulses. They care more about getting off than being faithful.

That's my opinion.


posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by W_HAMILTON

Originally posted by Dru
*sees the looks* What?!? Why should guys be the only ones with their own harems?!?

You can only pop out a baby 'bout once a year! Once the biscuit is in the basket (or is it oven??), you're outta commission for 9 months! You don't need more than one man! Silence woman!

Eh who cares about kids? That's what Birth Control is for! I'm just in it for the lots of hot guys!

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:13 PM
Dru, you're turning a perfectly good discussion in to chit-chat. Besides you're talking about polyandry - having more than one husband. You'll need to start you're own thread on that one.

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