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This could happen if Obama gets elected

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posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 07:55 PM
Of course mandatory health care insurance, business's going bankrupt because of that, followed by health care insurance companies going bankrupt, the small one's that have to raise premiums alot forcing people to go to the larger ones, medical equipment makers because of the tax, this flattens out the economy.

The Bush tax cut is gone, going back to the original tax code, before George W Bush got into office, federal spending goes up, followed by Obama going back to the printing press, printing more money, inflation comes back prices go up everywhere more so than now. This creates a depression on a global scale.

The stock market crashes, the Nasdaq goes down to 500.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:11 PM
It doesn't matter who wins we loose. Same game just being played by different players. Face it corporations and special interest OWN the politicians no matter if they are red or blue. How much does it cost to run for office and get elected? They have been bought heart mind and soul. It's politics there are no "good" guys anymore. Don't mind me hold on to the warm fuzzy feeling that the "good" guy gets elected and everything is going to be all better.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:11 PM
This is what's going to happen no matter who gets elected.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by cybro

Agreed. I wish everyone could quit fighting over who would make the better oppressor. Silly Straw Man your head is all stuffed with straw you think you have big ideas but it's just a nest of church mice.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:24 PM

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:24 PM
I guess you could vote Romney but then you have to worry about the White Horse Prophecy.

White Horse Prophecy

The Constitution is in trouble the United States goes bankrupt and the White Horse rides in and saves us all with the Conman Morman Beliefs of Joseph Smith, Jr. And the US lives happily ever after worshiping the golden book and the superman castle.

I wonder if Romney would be sworn in with the conmans golden book?

edit on 2-7-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by warren3720
Of course mandatory health care insurance, business's going bankrupt because of that, followed by health care insurance companies going bankrupt, the small one's that have to raise premiums alot forcing people to go to the larger ones, medical equipment makers because of the tax, this flattens out the economy.

The Bush tax cut is gone, going back to the original tax code, before George W Bush got into office, federal spending goes up, followed by Obama going back to the printing press, printing more money, inflation comes back prices go up everywhere more so than now. This creates a depression on a global scale.

The stock market crashes, the Nasdaq goes down to 500.

Hey mr. Romney. Shouldn't you be on the campaign trail instead of posting on ATS?

edit on 2-7-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 08:28 PM
Banks are getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar, US manufacturing rate is at its lowest point in 3 years, China growth slowing, Japan and China just started a 3 billion currency swap.....if you notice every time that we get some QE, the effects are becoming less effective.

Time is quickly coming where it won't do squat. Then your going to see a dive bomb!

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Get your affairs in order. Get out of debt as soon as you can, stock some supplies. You have guns? Bury them in protective wrapping. Bury ammo, as much as you can. Get a water purifier system. Get yourself as out of the system as you can, and lay low. Be invisible as possible. Get prepared, we have tough times comming to us. We will prevail, we will win.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 09:10 PM
Secession !!

The US needs to secede from Washington.

Cut them off from the rest of the country and fence the whole damn thing in like a zoo.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by warren3720

What makes you think the Bush tax cuts will not be re-passed? Obama has already extended them once. And the Republicans will likely gain seats in congress, too, giving the tax cuts even more life.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 09:34 PM
You're right about the Bush tax cuts. He has been adamant about that. Only he's stated he is going to end the cuts ONLY for those making 250k or more.

This doesn't affect the average Joe.
Then again. He may lie.

I am no psychic

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:02 PM
If I were Romney what I'd be doing is recruiting as many people as possible ( alive?) that worked on Reagans initial action project so that he gets on message.

Blah blah trickle down blah blah so on and so forth til youre blue in the face. I dont care. The 80's was a tremendous time for the United States and the 90's was an extension of that.

Obviously we cant have Reagan back so at least we could get the team back together with the experience to pull us out of this mess.
edit on 2-7-2012 by 11235813213455 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by 11235813213455

Are you sure you don't mean trickle up? That's where the majority of wealth has gone for the last 30 years.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 11:19 PM

edit on 2-7-2012 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by warren3720
Of course mandatory health care insurance, business's going bankrupt because of that, followed by health care insurance companies going bankrupt, the small one's that have to raise premiums alot forcing people to go to the larger ones, medical equipment makers because of the tax, this flattens out the economy.

The Bush tax cut is gone, going back to the original tax code, before George W Bush got into office, federal spending goes up, followed by Obama going back to the printing press, printing more money, inflation comes back prices go up everywhere more so than now. This creates a depression on a global scale.

The stock market crashes, the Nasdaq goes down to 500.

No none of that can and ill happen.

Businesses do not go out of business because of health care. They go out for other reasons like lack of demand.

Bush's tax cut only helped the rich. The millionaires can afford and extra few percent raise.

There is no massive inflation. Its actually too low and is no evidence that itll ever get that high.

Where do you guys get these crazy dooms day fantasies from?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:25 AM
If you sit back you will realize that the ups and downs of capitalism are inevitable. As there are less winners in capitalism, who get their ducks in a row to be on the winning side, with the money trickling up, there will be more and more people, who have to accept worsening conditions. So you have a situation where more and more money goes into fewer hands. Eventually a tipping point will be reached, where the spending of the 99% cant keep feeding the 1% and thats where you have your bust. Of course you can soften the blow somewhat through inflation and whatnot, but in the end its inevitable.

Imagine unchecked capitalism goes on and on, in the end you have one winner who holds all the capital and everybody else is the worker, with the competition gone out of buisness because of a steadily declining buying power of the masses, having been bought up outright.

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