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UK... Is It Riot Season Again Yet?.... The Police think so....

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posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:16 AM
Enjoy your riot, over here there is plenty of prison space so people tend not to do it.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Well said
However, sensible posts may get you lynched around here, so be careful!

reply to post by EvanB

Whichever way you cut it, within the system we currently have the Government does have a mandate, well, certainly the same mandate any previous Labour Government had from 2001 onwards, the Tories garnered more actual votes than Labour did in both 2001 and 2005.

That said, the system is screwy and needs wholesale reform, but people get distracted by their own immediate needs and selfish concerns without seeing the bigger picture. If the Unions, these "Occupy" groups, smaller parties etc all banded together and demanded root and branch reform of the Political establishment, then they would get a Government which would be more responsive to the people's needs, not those of bankers and big business.

But apathy plus greed prevents them from being a useful force. Blinded by their own short term goals (mainly hinged around protecting gold plated pensions and over inflated salaries if we look at the Civil service) and coupled with a general apathetic attitude from the public means they fail to see that the only way actual change is going to happen is a total overhaul of our antiquated system

Until people realise this, nothing fundamental will change.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by stumason

Stu, you know you are preaching to thr choir mate, and though my post was made with my tongue firmly in my cheek, I still believe that a wake up call is required..

How do you wake up a whole nation who permantly wants 5 more minutes in bed??

You pull off the quilt..

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by EvanB

How does one go about pulling off the quilt when the people under it firmly have hold of it?

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:20 AM
maybe the bankers that are left hung out to dry are actually the good guys ,abused by main stream media propaganda to make way for the elitist bankers to control every bank on the planet...

as for rioting ...well im dead against it...only people who suffer is us common folk and hard working shop keepers ...

society in general is sick, we are all distracted by false dreams of riches that we care little about everyday politics to put the GREAT back into BRITAIN...what we need is an honest man in politics who is prepared to put his life on the line to go against a hostile system ...

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:31 AM
Do I think a riot will occur...Yeah probably, but someone it going to kick it all off stirring the pot for their own ends. Do I want one, definitely not.

However If we can muster up a few thousand people to storm The City, great stuff!
My only request is that we all dress up like this...

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 06:46 AM
Rioting for food is one thing, Rioting for the sake of it, or because someone has something you dont, is wrong full stop. If the riots start again this year, I should imagine they will be a lot worse than last year.
so all of you who have commented like, I want a new TV, or Laptop, should be ashamed of yourselves
I would find it funny though if in a few months you come back with a criminal record or your property has been destroyed.
Hmm Irony or karma

anyways just a quick note for anyone who decides to riot near my house
what has a hundred balls & F***s Rioters?
My 12 bore

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:01 AM
Perhaps non-compliance will have some effect.

Non-compliance, as in;
Don't turn on the TV
Don't answer your phone.
Dont' go to work (as someone mentioned earlier)
Don't go out, travel, use public transport.
Don't buy anything
Don't even get out of bed...

for 48 hours..

If everyone did that, as a form of protest, would someone then decide to listen to everyone?
Seems a lot easier than rioting, a lot more peaceful, nothing gets destroyed (well, maybe the economy) nothing gets stolen..

Everyone has a rest, time with the family..
And the banks have to patch up their sinking ships which will be exposing every little scam they've got going as money will not be moving through their system.

Just a thought...

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by sitchin
maybe the bankers that are left hung out to dry are actually the good guys ,abused by main stream media propaganda to make way for the elitist bankers to control every bank on the planet...

as for rioting ...well im dead against it...only people who suffer is us common folk and hard working shop keepers ...

society in general is sick, we are all distracted by false dreams of riches that we care little about everyday politics to put the GREAT back into BRITAIN...what we need is an honest man in politics who is prepared to put his life on the line to go against a hostile system ...

I would disagree, I would ask where the money to start a bank came from in the first place, its old my view of Rome. Trace these families back and you would will probably find they were governors or tribal leaders that formed part of the empire hence where they got their money. Rothschild originally being germanic pagans that were absorbed into Rome as was common, they still fly the imperial eagle on their coat of arms.

Its easy to see that many are allied to Rome, the Empire as opposed to the Italian City, many of the City of London banks such as Barclays were founded by servants of Rome, in that case the Quakers, intent on undermining the system of rule we had in place here, namely our formerly Roman opposed monarchies.
The City of London itself was founded by Rome, their law is still Roman law and independent of the UK.

The mercenaries that fought the American war of independence were from Hesse, one of the last outposts of Rome. Unfortunately our current Queens family are also from that region of Germany.

Its interesting the Leichinstein voted in favour of their monarch retaining total power, he can Veto anything the government decide. The Queen has that right but does not tend to exercise it, though did once in Australia in the late 70 to remove a PM and has also once in Canada too I believe. However I actually agree with them to a point and I wish our Queen had vetoed Thatchers privitisation or our national industries, politicans just get blackmailed into selling us out to foreign interests.

Some people want it to be like it was 1700 years ago, except bigger this time as they did well. Politicians who truly stand up get slandered or shot. I would agrue instead in favour of undermining the entire system by finding out what blackmail material is being used then forcing the press to use it in a "public deserves to know" rather than keeping it to fulfil somones blackmail agenda.

Half the British MPs/judges are peadophiles for instance as shown when the FBI shut down a load of sites some years back, the names were hushed up as it would have caused a "national security crisis" their words not mine. It also seems that Gordon Brown was invovled with Lord Mandleson, despite being married, this is how they were able to control Gordon perhaps as a leak would have prevented him becoming PM and proved him, like William Hague to be lying about his own sexuality. Its hard to trust someone when they have lied about who they are. Robin Cook liked call girls, David Cameron took/takes coc aine and is a tax evader with his families trust being in a known drugs hub, Panama, many other Lords, the same. I want to do some work exposing this.

The entire system needs to fall to ring in true change, the world has never seen a democracy, this is a myth. We are a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy. The USA is a constitutional Republic.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

We should definately dress up if only to make CCTV indentification harder, perhaps a super hero movement, cops beating Micky Mouse, Shrek trying to kick down the doors of parliament would be pretty poignant stuff.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Protesting and rioting is a crime.
Stealing billions and ripping off the economy is just a scandal.

While the bankers, government , media etc continue with their scandals.......
We the people face prison for dare opposing it in the only way we know how.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by trustnothing

Pretty much all of that post is rubbish, but lucky for you I don't have the time right now to break it down piece by piece at the moment.

I will return, however, to dissect your lengthy tirade, later on.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by trustnothing

Hi, yep I mentioned these earlier:


It would be just awful, like being invaded by an army of jellibabies!!!

Oh the horror, I have nightmares about it now.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by trustnothing

Pretty much all of that post is rubbish, but lucky for you I don't have the time right now to break it down piece by piece at the moment.

I will return, however, to dissect your lengthy tirade, later on.

LOL The FBI op was Operation Dragnet I believe, I am not 100% sure though, Americans will remember. As for Hague, that is public knowledge, I was of course referring to his liasons with Lord Coe, but he got caught sharing rooms with another politician, he said it was to save money on expenses ROFL Brown/Mandleson was part of an uncensored chapter in a book called, MI6 - Inside her majesties secret intelligence service. That is not public knowledge.

Good luck, please come prepared I am digging out some of my information on other Lords, I will give you a clue it is the non domswho own offhore banks I be focussing on.

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Threegirls
reply to post by trustnothing

Hi, yep I mentioned these earlier:


It would be just awful, like being invaded by an army of jellibabies!!!

Oh the horror, I have nightmares about it now.

Aaahahaha, good old morphsuits! Right or wrong, that would be an awesome spectacle.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by trustnothing

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by trustnothing

Pretty much all of that post is rubbish, but lucky for you I don't have the time right now to break it down piece by piece at the moment.

I will return, however, to dissect your lengthy tirade, later on.

LOL The FBI op was Operation Dragnet I believe, I am not 100% sure though, Americans will remember. As for Hague, that is public knowledge, I was of course referring to his liasons with Lord Coe, but he got caught sharing rooms with another politician, he said it was to save money on expenses ROFL Brown/Mandleson was part of an uncensored chapter in a book called, MI6 - Inside her majesties secret intelligence service. That is not public knowledge.

Good luck, please come prepared I am digging out some of my information on other Lords, I will give you a clue it is the non domswho own offhore banks I be focussing on.

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

Lets start with

Lord Ashcroft - Belize

Belize and cross holdings

Ashcroft has close business and other connections with the Commonwealth country of Belize, and served as the country's ambassador to the United Nations between 1998 and 2000. In his 2005 biography, he admitted that it is a country where his interests have been "exempt from certain taxes for 30 years."[8] In 2009, the Prime Minister of Belize Dean Barrow told its parliament:[9]
“ Ashcroft is an extremely powerful man. His net worth may well be equal to Belize's entire GDP. He is nobody to cross. ”
Barrow also warned David Cameron that relations with Britain would be damaged if Ashroft were given a senior position in government.[10] In 1981, Belize had gained independence from the UK. Seeing the opportunity to build an off-shore operations base and control the country's financial service, in 1984 Ashcroft formed Belize Holdings (BHI), which became the vehicle for a parallel acquisition spree during the 1980s, beyond the scope of Hawley.
By the late 1980s, BHI had become one of the largest holding companies in Belize, with direct interests in or holdings via main operating company Stargate Ltd, ranging from telecommunications, property, the Belize shipping register, and citrus fruits.
In 1987, BHI led the formation of Belize Bank Holdings (BBH), which took control of Belize Bank from the Royal Bank of Canada. Belize Bank has become the country's largest financial institution, controlling some 50 percent of the market. BBH developed local and international interests in facilities services, finance and telecommunications. Belize Bank itself formerly held a majority stake in Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL), until it was nationalised by the Government of Belize.[11]
In 2005, under pressure from the Belize Government to bring transparency to its Belize based financial interests, BBH restructured, demerging its interests in England and Ireland into a separate company, Carlisle Group Ltd. BBH then renamed itself BCB Holdings

Yes you will notice the "Carlise Group" mentioned in there.

Belize not a paradise but a hub for human and drugs trafficking

A DEA map that came to our attention reveals San Pedro and other water-accessed locations in Belize are stopover depots for drugs, mostly coc aine, en route from South America to the US.

Drugs route, South America to Mexico

U.S. officials estimate that about 10 metric tons of coc aine are smuggled along Belize’s Caribbean coast each year en route to American consumers, the world’s most voracious illicit drug users. Additional loads arrive on flights from Colombia and Venezuela, landing on Belize’s farm roads and highways, where the shipments can be quickly unpacked, broken down into smaller bundles and ferried across the Rio Hondo into southern Mexico.

“We’re part of the funnel,” Police Minister Douglas Singh said in an interview here. “Mexico is above us, and Guatemala and Belize are part of the funnel you have to go through to get to Mexico. That’s making a lot of legitimate and illegitimate businessmen here prosper.

A Guardian article on offshore banking

On a conservative estimate, a third of the world's wealth is held offshore, with 80% of international banking transactions taking place there. More than half the capital in the world's stock exchanges is "parked" offshore at some point. The offshore aspect of the global economy is far from marginal; to a large extent it has captured any significant onshore economic activity that remains.

PS if you dont mind me asking Stu, why is your avatar the St Georges society of Toronto? Ive always thought you were a "civil servant," im thinking now its more likely Clarence House than Whitehall tbh.

PPS Regarding offshore, even HMRC held/hold? their assets offshore, now that is irony if ever I saw it!

here is a snippet from that article in 2010, I hope this has been rectified by now!

The findings by the Commons public accounts committee is the latest revelation on signing an outsourcing contract eight years ago, which MPs describe today as "highly damaging to the department's reputation".

In effect, to save an estimated £1.2bn, HM Revenue & Customs signed a £3.3bn contract with a firm now called Mapeley to hand over for 20 years the ownership and management of 591 tax offices, including the freehold of 132 offices to an offshore company then based in the Cayman Islands.

I will wait for you to reply before I take another turn

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by trustnothing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by EvanB

How does one go about pulling off the quilt when the people under it firmly have hold of it?

Drop the cup of coffee on their nuts.

(only a barbarian would wake someone up without bringing coffee, we may be rioters, but, we ARE civilised).

edit on 3-7-2012 by The X because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Hess88

Don't think there will be any riots and if there are, I think that after last year the ordinary people - who care about their community, their neighbours, and don't think the actions of banks means they can steal TVs and ipods and burn down local shops - will rise very very quickly. As happened last summer.

If you riot in Britain, pray the police get to you first. The British ain't taking prisoners.
edit on 3-7-2012 by AndyMayhew because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:46 PM
theres only one thing i dont agree with regarding rioting, and thats that we target the wrong people.

we shouldnt be looting highstreet shops, we should be taking from the 1%

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by DaveNorris
theres only one thing i dont agree with regarding rioting, and thats that we target the wrong people.

we shouldnt be looting highstreet shops, we should be taking from the 1%

So we need to ship out all the inner city drug dealers and spoilt brat bankersons off or Marbella or the Carribean to riot there against the 1% - you won't hit them in this country.

Mind, they could have a go at the Unionistas while they're at it

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