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Olympic Athlete Claims Blacks are superior to Whites

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posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

You could be correct. Plus, none of the black guys I know like the cold or are interested in Hockey anyway, LOL!

You could be correct, I'm not sure a sport like Golf would really be affected by the denser and faster twitch muscles. Instead it requires expert concentration, and skill at reading the greens, etc. Hockey really is a lot like football on ice, so I think black athletes could dominate it, but who knows?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I have to disagree a little here, in sports where it it just down to pure muscle power and bursts of energy I think you are right, the genetics will give a black person a slight advantage, however when it comes to other sports such as say tennis there still needs to be technical ability, doesn't matter how hard you can hit a tennis ball if you cannot aim the hit as well.

This can be seen in other sports such as football (Soccer to you uneducated Americans
) here in Europe there are are a lot of talented black players, but there are still more talented white players. Even in American football which to be fair relies mostly on power still has a lot of white players because there is a skill factor too.

I think athletically they does have a small advantage, I would not say it was huge, but in a lot of sports skill and ability over ride pure strength and power and they don't have any particular advantage in these cases

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:44 PM
this is actually a fascinating subject to me and it should be fairly obvious to everyone that it's true. hopefully research can be done to figure out how this can be. i think it's somewhat amazing.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by PrinceDreamer

however when it comes to other sports such as say tennis there still needs to be technical ability, doesn't matter how hard you can hit a tennis ball if you cannot aim the hit as well.

I would have agreed with you, until the whole Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, steroid records in baseball.

Hitting a baseball might be the most difficult thing to do in any sport. You are hitting a round ball with a round bat, and the ball is travelling at almost 100 miles per hour and jumping around as it comes toward you. You literally have a fraction of a second to observe it, make your decision on whether or not to swing, and then swing the bat 180 degree arc and make contact with only millimeters of margin for error. Yet, when a handful of players started taking steroids, they began to dominate the sport, and break all the previous records.

Skill is definitely a necessary component, but skill can be learned. Pure unadulterated athletic talent cannot be duplicated.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 02:59 PM
Sure black people are better at running than whites etc, but generally they are pretty crap at swimming.

Point is, people are what they are - nothing racist about speaking the truth.

There will be lot's of things that white people are better at than black people - but none of it makes either a better person and that is what's really important in life.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:02 PM
only on a good day,,

if ur white,,just comes natural,,
all the time

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:16 PM
I think that hormone levels play a huge factor in what the OP said.
Look into it and you'll see what I mean.
I don't want to elaborate because this thread is like walking on eggshells.
Nonetheless I'm happy that this thread has been civilized thus far.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:18 PM
The guy is right, so whats the big deal? Your average black guy and average white guy have different builds/body structure as far as I can tell. Seems the blacks have longer legs and limbs and shorter torso compared to white's, so it stands to reason that they would be better runners. Why do people have a problem with this? I'm white-I realize the average black guy is probably faster than me,the average asian is probably better at math etc. No reason to take that personally, it is what it is, why not discuss it? I can run fast enough and am smart enough to get along just fine in my life, so why should I care if someone else has slightly better abilities in some area's? I really don't see why people get so bent out of shape about this.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Thank you all for your comments, and thank you all for keeping it civilized
I must admit when I read this article I was a little narked IMHO I agree with most posters here, that black people are in general better at athletics than whites, but to say this is because of slavery is silly in my opinion. If this had been a Boxer, or maybe Olympic Wrestler (I was going to say Pro Wrestler
)then it might have made a bit more sense. (Ok flames at the ready) Would it not make more sense that the superior athletic gene Michael talks about is down to his ancestors who lived in West Africa, I should imagine that back then being able to run fast over short distances was very useful more useful to a hunter than a slaver.
edit on 2-7-2012 by Hess88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Hess88

I dunno, I think selective breeding might have played a significant role as well. Imagine the difference just a couple of generations could make if Olympians were bred to Olympians. That is kind of what was going on during slavery years, and it still goes on today, although more voluntarily. I have some friends that were both Olympic athletes, and their kids are pretty damn amazing. I also have a friend where both of his parents were collegiate athletes, one went to the NFL, and now the son plays in the NFL, as does his younger and older brother.

I think breeding has a role in it as well.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Hess88

I dunno, I think selective breeding might have played a significant role as well. Imagine the difference just a couple of generations could make if Olympians were bred to Olympians. That is kind of what was going on during slavery years, and it still goes on today, although more voluntarily. I have some friends that were both Olympic athletes, and their kids are pretty damn amazing. I also have a friend where both of his parents were collegiate athletes, one went to the NFL, and now the son plays in the NFL, as does his younger and older brother.

I think breeding has a role in it as well.

Why would you breed a slave that could run fast, what job would you have them do ?

edit on 2-7-2012 by Hess88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Hess88

why would you breed a slave that could run fast what job would you have them do ?

Good point. Make them harder to catch too! I think the idea is to breed the slaves with the most muscle mass, lowest body fat, best coordination, etc. Running fast is just a by-product of overall athletics.

They say sexual attraction is due to survival of the fittest. Men are attracted to women that look like the best breeders: Pretty hair and nails, nice curves, wide hips, creamy skin, bright eyes, overall healthy look. Women are attracted to the best providers, muscles, toughness, confidence, a few scars, a commanding demeanor, etc. In regular world, everyone finds someone else of their same caliber, but in selective breeding, only those best of the best are allowed to breed, and any unhealthy or subpar babies are cast out.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:17 PM
There is gene that codes for "taller than average", almost all basketball ball players have it, funny how all basketball players are over 5' 6". Making a statement that is fact is in no way racist, in the UK most players are white, in the USA most are black but all probably have the gene, just in the same way a large percentage of any given race will have genes that are more common to them than to another race. I dont see any people of the Pygmy tribes being in basketballl teams but maybe they can aim better and would do better in shooting events than the average western person.Each race has its own gene pool that makes a difference to their way of survival etc. Before anyone says I will just say I am aware that people have for a long time been moving continents and so the gene pool is a forever changing part of nature.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:20 PM
maybe this can explain the difference.
best "slavery produced Boxer in my generation,, EVER,,
Tiafello Stephenson,, a Cuban Boxer.
best boxer ever,,
still stings like a bee

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:33 PM
Sports, and winning at them has allot more then just muscles...

Its a way of life..

A belief, and how bad you want it..

I disagree, it has anything to do with colors or genetics.. We can do anything we want to..

As far as the Olympics, if you look closely allot of the black and blue and yellow, races all have poor backgrounds or some form of dysfunction.. Take a look if you do not believe me..

I think its a condition, and these people just want to win more, to get into a better position then their competitors..

Sigh as far as the Hockey, vs Basketball argument..

in 99.9 percent of poor neighborhoods in America, their is a basketball net, whether in a park or in a driveway somewhere..

No ice rinks, No slapstick no pads no ice skates needed...

We just need a basketball..

I refuse to believe I am inferior to anyone athletically because I am not the right color...

Keep believing that, and it will be your truth....

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:48 PM
I find this both interesting/funny and disturbing. My father just before he retired, a detective in Buffalo had been contacted by federal authorities to help look into unsolved cold cases regarding slasher murders that coincidentally occurred during Bills away the cities they were visiting! Can you imagine if any comes of it! Wow - I see a movie in the making...

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:50 PM
Where as its not a politically correct thing to say, as a while person, im not offended. Though i suppose to white athletes that's pretty damn racist!

I was once informed at school that black people are better athletes because of their muscle mass or something, i dunno.

Another poster mentioned what Chris Rock once said about it and Chris Rock was absolutely spot on! I love that guy!

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 05:07 PM
OK, I can't resist.

I totally agree with the guy - blacks make far better athletes, in general, than whites. It's freaking obvious. No problem there. More power to them...

But if a white man made the claim, for example, that whites are better at chess because they have a higher general IQ - do you think this would be acceptable? Obviously not. He would be ridiculed, and called a racist.

Yet, at bottom, how is this different than a black man claiming superiority based on genes?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

better at chess
i think thats still Big Blue,,or Kasperov?

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Hess88

why would you breed a slave that could run fast what job would you have them do ?

Good point. Make them harder to catch too!

Exactly what I was thinking

I think the idea is to breed the slaves with the most muscle mass, lowest body fat, best coordination, etc. Running fast is just a by-product of overall athletics.

Im still Inclined to believe it has more to do with a few thousand years of living in West Africa with Lions & Tigers & Other such beasts than a couple of hundred years of picking cotton & alike (said with the up most respect )
but I think we should agree to disagree on that one

They say sexual attraction is due to survival of the fittest. Men are attracted to women that look like the best breeders: Pretty hair and nails, nice curves, wide hips, creamy skin, bright eyes, overall healthy look. Women are attracted to the best providers, muscles, toughness, confidence, a few scars, a commanding demeanor, etc. In regular world, everyone finds someone else of their same caliber, but in selective breeding, only those best of the best are allowed to breed, and any unhealthy or subpar babies are cast out.

On a serious note this is something I am very aware of but it is something for another thread I hope to start soon

one thing I was concerned about was the timing of this which no one has picked up on yet, it is buzzing on the internet about this at the moment
but a link closer to home would be this one UK... Is It Riot Season Again Yet?.... The Police think so....,
edit on 2-7-2012 by Hess88 because: Carp Link

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