posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 03:30 AM
Zeus is pretty cool, but it's important to remember that it is only capable of destroying ordnance above ground.
It is of no use against buried mines, nor does it have an integrated mine-sweeping or mine-sensing capability that I'm aware of. It's just a cool
and handy laser zapper.
As for combat use -- against humans, there are issues regarding the use of high-powered lasers on the battlefield, and not just a few, and they are
technical, not just moral, political or anything like that.
There are many simple and effective ways to defend against and disable light-based weapons on the battlefield, and secondary casualties are inevitable
if lasers are used by friendly forces in any sort of concentrated formation.
Lasers, regardless of operating frequency, are extremely dangerous to anything with eyes -- friend or foe -- and light has an annoying habit of
reflecting back from targets in unexpected ways.
Still, it's a very cool system, and a harbinger of things to come.
After all, being able to chop up one's enemies without making a sound from a long way off is not a capability any self-respecting 21st-century
general would want to be without.
Zeus may not be the one to do that, but there are other projects out there that most certainly can, do and will.
[edit on 10/8/2004 by Majic]