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A Blue Hand???

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posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Lucidious
When I was about 7 a strange thing happened at school during recess. At the end of the grass field there was a chain-link fence and an old beat down house. There were rumors going around that a crazy woman had lived there who killed her husband and son. There were raised beds on the ground like someone had been buried there. The rumor (being kids) was that it was bloody mary and if you put your hand through the fence she would come out to get you. About six kids and myself went over to check it out and I decided to put my hand through the fence. There was a window at the back of the house with no glass. When I put my hand through we all saw a glowing red hand pass behind the window. We all saw it and ran screaming to tell the teacher. The teacher didn't belive us and shrugged it off. I'll never forget that.

Hey Ludicrous, What school was it you went to? It wasn't Grandmont Elementry by any chance was it?

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 11:34 PM
For as long as I can remember up until I was 7 or 8 (at which point i stopped staying in a certain bedroom) there was this double-doored closet which made TONS of noise at night. My grandma swore to me it was just the wind/airpressure but sometimes it would open a couple of inches and close again. The doors on that closet didn't fall closed- once it cracked open it should fall open unless somebody closed it.
In that particular room and no place else, I also have a long history of falling dreams- with one catch: When I wake up I really am falling (off the bed).

I dont know if its related, but during my young teen years I grew absolutely paranoid about sleeping and it remains to this day. I can't sleep in strange places unless I can sleep on the ground or on another hard surface.
At least once a month on average I awake suddenly in a panic. I bolt straight out of bed in a split second with my fists clinched and my hands up knowing EXACTLY where to turn to face the threat, but there's never anything to be afraid of.
My senses are generally very sharp when I'm asleep. I wake up on time when my alarm clock fails me. I wake up just before an earthquake strikes. I wake up if somebody enters my room. Not only do I wake up when something is wrong, I usually know -EXACTLY WHY-. This makes it very unnerving when I wake up with the impulse to defend myself and have no idea why.

I also have the tendency to sleep curled up in a ball, as well as to tuck my blankets around myself so that there are no loose areas through which something could get under my blanket. I couldn't tell you why- just a couple of eccentricities I have. I also like to be out of view from the door into the room where I'm sleeping, if at all possible. If not, I just turn my back. I CAN NOT sleep otherwise.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 08:19 AM

I also have the tendency to sleep curled up in a ball, as well as to tuck my blankets around myself so that there are no loose areas through which something could get under my blanket

I also have the exact same ... "thing". I HAVE to have my hands underneath my body, or in a fist with my thumbs tucked in, OR curled up in a ball. I always feel like something is going to come up under the corners of the sheets and do I don't know what, so I've always gotta check they're all tucked in, or even better wrapped around me. I also have this strange "feeling" where I need to have one arm in a half fighting stance position so I can easily strike out if something tries to attack me. That probably relates to the needing to have my fists clenched.

I've also got a VERY irrational, and VERY strong fear of looking out of a window when I'm alone, especially at nighttime. I'm always afraid there's going to be something looking back at me. For the same reason I sometimes have to close the bedroom door and put a doorstop behind it so no-one could get in without making a good racket. The door thing most likely has to do with the various apparitions I've seen ove my life. And the fear of looking out of windows probably relates to the reoccuring set of dreams I had throughout my youth, but as far as I can recall, there is no logical or rational explanation for why I should be so paranoid. I literally jump whenever I hear so much as the timber in the cupboard contracting as the air cools. Often I THINK I hear footsteps but that is most likely just my own paranoia.

I KNOW what is causing the cupboard or floor to creak, or window to rallte, or what's causing that shadow, I KNOW I'm the only one in the unit, I KNOW it would be VERY unlikely for something to be looking back at me in the window considering I live on the second story, and I KNOW that nothing is going to sneak up under the covers and grab me, yet I still have these fears.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 07:09 PM
I think I know just what you mean. We both know there is no threat, and in my case I know that I'm not really an easy person to scare. What I'm getting at is that I can't figure out why I took on these little ticks. It makes me wonder if I had some nightmare i've now forgotten or if I saw something that I have forgotten or whatever- because I couldn't imagine that I became so picky in this one area all on my own.

I also forgot to mention- the other day my eyes played a trick on me which reminds me of this thread, although I AM SURE it was just my eyes playing a trick. I opened by eyes as I was laying in bed and saw a tarantula crawling up the wall near by bed. I jumped up and turned on the lights but it wasn't there. I turned the lights back off to figure out what shadow I had seen... there wasn't even a shadow there. My eyes just made it up.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Opps wrong thread,

Though an interesting one

[edit on 15-9-2007 by asala]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:08 PM
Please read this post it may help with a few theories and my experience once. I touched my dream once which was weired in a real setting of reality, eyes open.

From this thread this may also be of interest.
My posts seem to link up with others and others do to randomly.'

[edit on 15-9-2007 by The time lord]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
At least once a month on average I awake suddenly in a panic. I bolt straight out of bed in a split second with my fists clinched and my hands up knowing EXACTLY where to turn to face the threat, but there's never anything to be afraid of.

I get something similar to this.

The only difference is it is a dream albeit very real. It is dark and I am in my bed. There is something in the doorway that I cannot see (I have never seen anything).

During this "dream" I am very scared. I know that I need to face up to this thing. The only problem is I can't move or speak. I am sometimes aware that I am dreaming too but it is still very scary.

Does anyone have any similar experiences/ideas?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
I also forgot to mention- the other day my eyes played a trick on me which reminds me of this thread, although I AM SURE it was just my eyes playing a trick. I opened by eyes as I was laying in bed and saw a tarantula crawling up the wall near by bed. I jumped up and turned on the lights but it wasn't there. I turned the lights back off to figure out what shadow I had seen... there wasn't even a shadow there. My eyes just made it up.

I have had that too. We have a cat and for while I kept seeing her in our room. She would walk across the pillows or across the bed and I was sure she was really there. Very weird as most times she is downstairs asleep for most of the night and cant come into our room unless she has learned to open doors.

I think that it is possibly a trick of the dark. Your eyes can't focus on blackness so they make something up. Maybe you were half sleep but not aware of being so or you were thinking about something which made you see it.

I was watching a tv documentary (I will try to find out what this was) about the brain and how we see only 20%. The brain stores and retrives the rest from memory. That could explain alot.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Not sure if this is related but I was reading this thread and it mentions a blue hand. This is to do with dream states and worlds.

Gain Control of your Dreams

It discusses the books by by C. Castenada where he explores dream worlds and ways of controlling your dreams. You can start to learn to do this by observing your hand before sleep and then trying to observe it in dream state.

When you can do that, you are on your way. He describe his own palm as looking distorted and bluish, never the less he was conscious in his own dream. And have control of the dreams (!!!)

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 05:25 PM
Well quite a few who have seen a blue/green hand as children ..scary indeed!

I remember a hand and the color blue ,but that was my dad's hand leaving a blue mark on my butt after i broke his model ship he spent weeks glue-ing !

Rather that than the OP's experience !

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by qonone

I can't believe this thread. I suddenly decided to look on google to see if anyone had the same childhood memory as me and it seems people have. I thought I was the only one and I've told many people who have never had the same experience.

When I was younger (can't remember age) I used to sleep on the bottom half of a bunk bed in the small room in my parents house. One night I'd gone to sleep and woke up during the night. I remember opening my eyes feeling wide awake and I couldn't see anything as it was pitch black. I could feel several hands all over my body and all I could do was lay still. It must have gone on for a good 30 seconds as these hands moved around my body and grabbing on to me. After that all I could remember was jumping out of bed, turning the light on and all of a sudden a hand grabbed hold of my leg from under the bed. I shook it off and ran into my mum and dads room. My parents were downstairs at the time so I ran around my parents bed and lay on the floor looking through the bottom of the bed frozen stiff. I must have been there for a good hour or 2 just looking under the bed in the dark.

I remember my dad coming in talking to someone, turned on the lights and then went out. I was so scared I couldn't even get up to tell my dad, I just stayed laid on the floor looking under the bed.

To this day, everyone I've told have never had an experience like this which made me feel like I was the only one who had this experience.

It could have been a dream but I remember it so vividly and every time I think about it, its the same, no difference in what I remember or see when I think about it.

I couldn't tell you the colour of the hands as I never thought to look back and see. Funnily enough I carried on sleeping in that room as my uncle used to sleep on the top bunk.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 11:53 PM
This is a very interesting thread
Ive had strange experiences as a child. When we moved into my 2nd house i remember vividly seeing 2 spikes coming out of the floor in one of the closets. I was curious but I did not touch the spikes because I was actually afraid they ran deep into hell. Nobody else saw them, and my parents wouldnt even look they just told me it was my imagination. The next day, the strange spikes were gone.

I also remember having an experience seeing a blue hand on my floor while I was lying in my bed. It was dark except for my nightlight and I VIVIDLY remember seeing it on my floor right before I was suppose to go to bed. I remember that it seemed to just stay in one place, and then it sort of crawled under my bed. Soon after that I ran into my parents bedroom and slept with them that night. For years afterwards I was scared of "something" under my bed. This all happend when I was around 5 or 6 years old.

Many mysteries abound in childhood.


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