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A Blue Hand???

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posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:15 AM
I'm 20, so my experience happened somewhere around 15 years ago, give or take a couple years.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by LordGoofus
Mirror it sounds like you and your brother might have seen a "shadow person". ALot of people have seen them, I'd say mostly it's just our senses/brain playing tricks on us but I believe these shadow people, whatever they are do exist, as I have one which has stood beside me pretty much 24/7 like it's watching over/observing me ever since I had an experience I can only describe as an obe.

Out of curiosity, most people seem to agree they saw these hands or eyes or had something grab them while in bed when they were between 5 and 10years of age. How old are you guys? (ie, what year did you have this experience?) It would be a VERY strange coincidence if everyone who has replied here where all in this age range and had the experience in roughly the same year as each other . If that was the case I think it would be evidence enough to form a group to research into this a bit more.

I just turned 30 about 3 weeks ago and when I had my "hand" experience, I was probably 7 or 8 years old. So it was about 23 years ago.


posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 08:42 AM
Creepy stuff. Personally I havn't had any hands experiences but a good friend told me of a night, when she was little, where 'something' tried to grab the covers off of her.

As a child I would regulary wake up to find sometimes clothes, that were rightfully on the floor, to be floating around the room or people, shapes and noises happeing when they shouldnt be.

One night though, when I was around 8 years old, I turned over in bed and looked up though the window. I saw a man shape running accross our garden and leap over the fence to the next garden, the freaky thing was he turned and looked at me looking at him and what I saw could best be described as a man with a piggy face, so much so it couldve been a mask... I made such a rucuss that my parents asked our neighbours to have a look around. I remember thinking at the time, "theres no way he will be here now, he was running somewhere."

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:03 AM
damn well that blows my possible everyone experienced this roughly in the same year(s) idea
Stay tuned for my next cunning theory

5-10years old seems to be a strange age for these "beings" to interact with us. What's the point? What's the motive? There is never any spoken word. Just a freaky hand, or something grabbing you. Running around for years and years getting your kicks out of scaring the wits out of 5-10year olds doesn't seem too sensible either, so what could these beings possibly want? Do they want to show us something but are unable to communicate, thus try to push/pull us towards whatever it is they want to show us?

Or could there be a darker motive?

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:29 AM
These stories are so creepy, I feel like vomiting.

When I was a teenager I was talking to my friend on the phone when what looked like a finger from a hand poked upward from inside my canvas bookbag. Like there was a hand or something in the bag, trying to get out, and the movement on the bag was very clear & striking. I was in an interior room with no immediate windows, so it wasn't the wind. My friend remembers that day because I almost shot out her eardrums as I kept screaming.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:31 PM
I vaguely remember seeing an eye above my bed and another at the local medical center. They were when I was probably about 5, and I am now 25. I don't remember anything about them (it was so long ago...), only that it happened. I'm curious to hear exactly what these eyes look(ed) like that people have seen. For example: were they human/human-like? Did they move or look around? Did they see you or recognise you? Were they real-looking or hazy?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 06:36 PM
This is very interesting to me!

When I was about 4 or 5 I remember playing in my room with my cousin and we heard a sound from the closet (every kids hates their closets lol). I looked over at the open closet and saw only for a flash a greenish right hand. I didnt stay to see what happened I was up and out of that room in 2 seconds flat.
But this thread brought that memory back to me, along with some other ghostly childhood memories...

Oh and I will be 23 this year on the 7th of December

[edit on 18-10-2004 by Gala-Kemen]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:53 PM
when I was around 6 I was reading in bed which was facing the window. My room was on the second floor. All at once the lights turned off in my room... I looked up and saw a greenish hand with what looked like the sleeve of a robe knocking on my window... loud enough that my mother yelled to me to knock it off. The next morning the phone rang and my grand mother told me that her sister had died. I mentioned the knock to my grand mother and she said that the same thing happened to her when her other sister and brother died. She told me that if she could she'd send the same message to me when she died. That was last week... My mom called me and I she didn't die... she didn't knock... Well perhaps it was because of her profound Alzheimers, but sure enough the next night I was awoken by a loud knocking on my wall.. She remembered I guess.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 03:33 AM
This is my first post, and this thread is what made me register. I have been reading a while and feel I need to tell this.

It is in referance to the 'shadow people' that were spoken about on the first page. I was 18, which was 6 years ago, when it happened. I was sleeping and for no apparent reason I woke up suddenly, and was wide awake. I noticed a shadowy figure of a man in my bedroom doorway. I watched it for a second trying to get my eyes to adjust. I said to it 'dad?', because I thought it might have been my father checkin up on me. Well it turned away with out making any noise. Where he was walking should have made the floor creak, but no sound was emmited. I jumped out of bed and ran into the hall, flipped the light on, and looked down the stairs. (for refereance it was a townhouse so the upstairs wasnt too large) I saw the figure step off the landing to the living room. Again I chased after it, but to no avail. I didnt see it again, and have no idea what it was. I was scared out of my mind and couldnt sleep the rest of the night.

After reading about the shadowmen I am pretty sure that is what the figure was. Can anyone point me in the direction of more information?

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 04:25 AM
This is really odd. This thread brought back a memory for me when I was about 4 years old. I was napping in a bedroom at my grandmother's house, and saw a hand come out of the wall. I'm 30 now, and to this day, I still remember it very clearly. Occasionally I think about it, but have no clue as to what or who it might be.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 06:33 AM
I've had a similar experience when I was about 5. That would put it around 1975. Both instances were in a well lit bedroom with the door closed. I'm on the bed when a hand and arm comes pulling itself up onto the bed using the covers to hold onto. The hand and arm were pale white. I was scared stiff and couldn't move or scream. The hand finally grabbed me and tugged a little, but didn't pull too much. But I kept looking to see what was going to pop up from the side of the bed and it never did.
What happened next, who knows, I probably fainted since I couldn't scream. The other time, it came up from the foot of the bed and grabbed my ankle. Same well lit room, and door closed. Must've passed out from that one too.

Never really thought about it until this thread. This must be some weird paranormal thing that affects children.

It might help to know the years and locations of these events.
So mine would be about 1975 in Lubbock, TX.

I don't recall any shadowmen, but currently I get the occasional visit by a ghost cat of all things. I can hear it gently walk on the carpet around my bed, and then I can hear it and feel it walk about on the covers. I know the walking sound pattern from my own cat. But when my cat is in the other room sleeping or eating, and its real quiet, I can hear the little footsteps crunching around the carpet going around the bed and then back again, and then poof on the bed covers. It always goes to the opposite side of where I am and then stops. Now it makes sense when late at night my cat is chasing something all around the apartment, purring and calling out to it.
She always moves all her toys around certain spots. She brings me her toys when she wants to play, maybe she does the same for the ghost cat.

I hope its a cat.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 07:22 AM
As for what the eyes I see look like and how they apear varies. Sometimes they start off as darker oval shaped spots on the surface I'm looking at then gather form to look like and closed eyed, which then opens up. I honestly can't say if the actual eyeball moves in it's "socket" or not, because well, you've probably see the same effect hundreds of times on paintings and photos where it looks like the persons eyes in the photo look like they're following you.

Most of the time the eyes are transparent (ie: you can still see the texture of the surface "underneath" them, and they take on the same colour as the surface, almost like a camouflage. However when it's dark the eyes are very clear. Sometimes they are grey, other times they are brown or black. There's been a very few cases where the pupil has had an almost catlike appearance.

The eyes themselves do not have any slant (Probably not the politically correct term but I don't know what the more correct word is) so I presume if the eye actually has / had a body, the body was caucasion judging by the pale colour of the eyelids when they are closed.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 08:24 AM
reminds me of an experience i had when i was eight years old - i was picked up by a hooded figure, held close for a few seconds and then put back down - i remember freaking out real bad cause the only people in my house were my parents and i could hear them chatting in their room when it happened

what is this talk about "shadow people" about as i have heared it mentioned on ATS a few times - the figure that picked me up had a monks cloak but no face could be seen - most my life i put this down as a real bad experience but as i have got older i think differently and dont c it as such a bad omen as i used to

was it a ghost? et? i definitely felt it pick me up which it did with great ease and at 8yrs old i was a porky little bastard so it must have been quite strong!

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:27 AM
LordGoofus: So they're 2-dimensional..? Does anyone else see them at the same time as you? Are they normally sized?

As for the hands/arms and shadow 'beings', it seems to me that they may be benign (not hostile). It does seem strange that only kids seem to see these things... perhaps they are more open-minded and haven't developed mental blocks to this kind of thing...?

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:42 AM
Yes they are two dimensional. I have on a few ocassions tried grabbing / touching them but my hand just hits the normal surface and usually when i move it the eye is gone, but on occasionl the eye seems to move to the top of my hand ie: It's "sliding" across the wall, I put my hand over "it", and now "it" is visible on the top of my hand facing me, then continues sliding across the wall until it fades away or reaches the edge of the wall and disappears. I must admit I don't really see them anywhere near as often or as clear as I did when I was younger, but they are definately still around.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:44 AM
Wow. That sounds creepy. I dunno what I would do if I saw a disembodied blue hand. ::shiver::

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 02:11 AM
This thread reminds me of an event that I had when I was about 8 years old in Garland, TX. One day I came home from school as usual from the bus that dropped nearly half of the neighbor kids off. I started to make some cereal, but for some reason I was drawn to my front door. When I looked in the doorway, I saw a shadowy figure look, with it's neck extended trying to get a better view of what i looked like. Once it spotted me, it acted as if it had no escape route. I remember it turning around and going from left to right like it really didnt know how to get out of the house. Needless to say by that time, I had ran out the house with the phone in my hand dialing 911.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 06:23 PM
I just shared my experience under another thread titled "demon hand" or something like that. By this point in my life (early 30's and having not seen a whole lot supernatural, but enough to keep an open mind), I'd written it off with some rational, non-other-wordly explanation. Until today, I'd never heard of anyone else having "hand" experiences. I'm hoping the renewed discussion of it won't bring anything negative or distracting into my life now.

When I was very young (probably just past the point of sleeping in a crib), I remember seeing a hand in what I think I perceived to be a black glove coming up between my bed and the wall. I think I reported (to my parents) seeing it on more than one ocassion. I've since thought that maybe it was a dream or just the shadow of my own hand I remembered seeing. I think I was a little scared of it.
Throughout my entire childhood and maybe a little beyond, I was afraid of going to bed. And afraid of the dark.

I am now married to someone with the last name of Hand. I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with it though. The coincidence just occurred to me now and made me giggle.

Aw, man, you guys! I'd already made peace with the belief that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. You had to go and open it up again.

Regarding the robed figure picking you up as a child:
When I was about 13 or so, I was sitting on the fence in my back yard. My yard overlooked a 2 lane road and across the road was our church. I was sitting on the fence after school watching carnival workers set up for the huge church fair that weekend when a man who was walking down the sidewalk adjacent to the fence grabbed me off the fence and ran a few steps with me in his arms before putting me down and admonishing me, "See what can happen to you sitting on the fence like that." He walked on and I ran inside.

[edit on 26-10-2004 by cjane]

[edit on 26-10-2004 by cjane]

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 10:04 PM
Very strange to hear about other people with similar experiences. I've seen a black hand several times over the years always in my bedroom. As a child I would wake up during the night and hear my closet door opening ---I could see it also-- and many times I would be awaked by a knocking on the headboard of my bed. I never saw anything until I was about 13 and I walked into my bedroom and there was this black hand just sitting on the bed near the wall. As I approached it kind of slide back between the bed and the wall. I told my sister who made fun of me. The knocking and the closet door opening continued for years. I did not see the hand again until I was 18 or 19. I walked into the room in the middle of the day and the darned thing was sitting on the back edge of my desk. It kind of slide backwards between the wall and the desk. Anyway, I moved away from home and my parents sold the house. Haven't had a problem since.

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by LordGoofus
Mirror it sounds like you and your brother might have seen a "shadow person". ALot of people have seen them, I'd say mostly it's just our senses/brain playing tricks on us but I believe these shadow people, whatever they are do exist, as I have one which has stood beside me pretty much 24/7 like it's watching over/observing me ever since I had an experience I can only describe as an obe.

Out of curiosity, most people seem to agree they saw these hands or eyes or had something grab them while in bed when they were between 5 and 10years of age. How old are you guys? (ie, what year did you have this experience?) It would be a VERY strange coincidence if everyone who has replied here where all in this age range and had the experience in roughly the same year as each other . If that was the case I think it would be evidence enough to form a group to research into this a bit more.

You know what, this brought up an old memory of mine! I was right around that same age, and slept on the top bunk of a bunkbed. I remember waking up and seeing some tall shadowy thing. I think I just got scared and turned around. After that, I decided it was probably just my blankets piled up against the railing. But after reading all these replies...who knows?

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