posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:50 AM
I tried doing the first calculation scheme and got a 3 which did not seem to describe me, but then I clicked on the provided link with the numeric
calculator and got a 4 instead, which amazingly enough is me.
Born: March 9, 1972
Your Life Path is 4:
"Foundation - The Builder"
POSITIVE Characteristics of a 4: Your key characteristics are: responsible, order, service, practicality, logical, persistent and dedicated. You are
trustworthy, loyal, dependable and quite sensible; the cornerstone member of society. You are logical and analytical and have an aptitude, like an
engineer, to fix things � �to put things together�. You demand as much from yourself as you do from others, quality is crucial to you. You are an
excellent organizer and planner (always making lists) and have incredible will power to get the job done. Work is very important and rewarding for you
as well as structure and balance. You are sure to achieve great success in life, based on your level of determination and allowing yourself to be
NEGATIVE Characteristics of a 4: You can be too demanding of others as well as narrow-minded. This intolerance can cause you to put up walls around
yourself. You are turned off by shallow people and may lack the tact to keep your feelings from being heard. You can get too caught up in the daily
routine of affairs and miss the big picture. You must learn to find and accept leisure and adventure into your life.