As tragic as a missing child is there were several elements in the Missing 411 narrative about Dennis Martin that were left out. He cited the park
service report but omitted crucial elements that point towards an abduction/kidnapping by human means. How does he square this?
The Park Services' report.
On Page 138 of Missing he stated "forty Special Forces (Green Berets) from the Third Army Headquartered in Fort Benning GA, were requested and
(According to the report it totaled 71 at its zenith.)
This report stated that these troops were actually on a training missing numbering 400 strong just across the state line in the Nantahala National
Forest, Gorge, North Carolina.
This is a distance of approximately 50-70 miles away from Spence Field. he made it sound like they were brought in from Texas or some special
congressional meeting was held for this to happen. The National Guard was also called in as well as the Air Guard and a continent of Coast Guard
Contrary to his insistence it is not unusual for the military to be armed. After all they were already in a training mode not far from Spence field.
If there was some conspiracy to cover something up why not muster the remaining 360 Special Forces troops?
It is also worth mentioning the report mentions the reason that Cades cove road area was closed was due to it being converted into a helipad and to
keep the curiosity seekers at bay. I guess having a CH-47 or UH-1H landing on someone would have made a bad situation worse, not because of a sighting
as he make it out to be.
On page 143 he wrote about appendix "f" and suggestions. However, appendix f includes predictions, suggestions and suspicions. Why did he omit the
entire section of suspicions?
The Park Service report appendix F "SUSPICIONS"
The family had suspicions concerning several persons, especially during the later stages of the search:
Richard French, Dandridge Tennessee, contractor. (His name was listed as John Doe in the Coast guard paper)
Mrs. Martin felt that the lady in Miami and Mr. French or others could possibly have taken Dennis for reasons unknown.
Billy Noland Psychic Interpreter, New Orleans. Here without funds and equipment. Wants permission t stay in area for several days. Sure he can find
boy without funds, food or shelter.
Carter Martin, other Martins camped at Spence Field. Could someone have gotten the two Martin families mixed up and kidnapped the wrong boy?
As stated before the FBI has no evidence to start any large investigation on any of this. The fact should be noted the family may be avoiding
acceptance of the possibility the boy will never be accounted for.
On page 140 of Missing he wrote, "It was unclear what path the FBI was taking or the motivation or reason for its interest in the case. The Park
Service report lists the FBI as a consultant. What is unclear about that? Why did he leave this element out as well?
Additionally, he also claimed that he spoke with the Martins. Everything published ever stipulates that they don't give interviews, with the exception
of keeping in touch with Dwight McCarter. So based on the reported omissions and other "less that truthful" accounts throughout both books are we to
believe the printed accounts and report or his word? I have a hard time believing that he just showed up and was granted an interview. How is it that
he didn't interview survivors of people that disappeared, but everyone else?
This report is a fascinating read. I would place more credibility on the facts contained in it rather than his amended facts. There may be some issues
that were left out regarding interviews and other information; however, one really has to QUESTION why certain facts contained in the Park Service
report were omitted from his narrative.
This guy is out to sell books and he's doing it in the mosty sleezy way possible. Trampeling on the memories of the surviving familiy members, the
legacy and memory of those that dissaperaed who were mostly children!
edit on 15-11-2012 by Woodson because: spelling
edit on 15-11-2012 by Woodson because: quoting
edit on
15-11-2012 by Woodson because: spelling