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Same UFO captured by SOHO on 2 different dates? You decide...

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:19 PM
Just posting this to get others input. As I was reading some of the SOHO threads and imaged anomalies of late here on ATS and watching related videos on youtube I couldn't help but notice the distinct similarities between both the objects that were captured by SOHO on completely different dates and times.

It looks to me like a triangular shaped craft reminiscent of Stargate Universe with a long straight object attached at the rear of the craft, if in fact it is a real object near the sun. If both these objects are the same thing id call that pretty amazing.

Im not concluding that they are crafts or just anomalous objects as of yet which is why I am bringing it to the attention of more capable ATS'ers. Looking forward to see what you all think. Thanks for any input.


Youtube video of supposed craft imaged by SOHO sometime in April 2012.

Video of object that apparently was captured by SOHO on May 3rd 2012 just before the much discussed SOHO shutdown event that occurred, something like emergency sun reaquasition mode?


Heres the video from the original poster of the 2nd video...

edit on 6/29/2012 by anathema777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:43 PM
Your welcome.

edit on 29-6-2012 by Manhater because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:53 PM
Hi, there is certainly a whole lot never a straight answer (NASA) do not tell us that has been covered up for years. I remember watching a dvd given to me by a friend called Secret Space and there was a whole lot of (in my and a few friends eyes) footage that should be made public but as with anything that the murky, shady, shadowy PTB have their, hands, paws, claws (whatever they have) on will never see the light of day for the general 95% of the eyes/minds closed TV brainwashed public to make their own minds up on.

Disclosure will never happen until it reaches the point where it is in their benefit to re-write history books anew, wipe out religions & succeed in their over all game plan, whatever that may be.

Thank you for bringing these pieces of footage to my attention, I will put a few like minded friends onto these later today and have a good discussion about everything. I will repost on this thread after our debates, bickering, is over with.

I believe...please follow the link on my sig to a thread with daylight video footage, photos & stills I witnessed in 2009, it took a few years and much lurking before I wrote a thread and put forth my evidence. It is there though if you would like to see things from the area I was in at that time. The footage is not the best but the stills, filtered, enhanced & zoomed in on are worth checking out.


I bid you a good night/morning/day whichever & wish you all the best and success in finding out and outing the truth.

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Manhater
Go ahead and fix your links with the video through my quote. I showed you where you went wrong and why they were not showing up.

Thanx so much!

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by theguygeeza

Thank you for bringing these pieces of footage to my attention, I will put a few like minded friends onto these later today and have a good discussion about everything. I will repost on this thread after our debates, bickering, is over with.

I believe...please follow the link on my sig to a thread with daylight video footage, photos & stills I witnessed in 2009, it took a few years and much lurking before I wrote a thread and put forth my evidence. It is there though if you would like to see things from the area I was in at that time. The footage is not the best but the stills, filtered, enhanced & zoomed in on are worth checking out.


I bid you a good night/morning/day whichever & wish you all the best and success in finding out and outing the truth.

Awesome, I will check that out for sure! Looking forward to your input as well as your friends. Im always ready to engage in a good debate or discussion.


posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 10:20 PM
You really think they look like the same thing?

They are random cosmic rays strikes which saturate the pixels of the CCD sensor.

Cosmic rays are very high energy particles which come from a variety of sources (e.g. solar flares, supernovae). They are of interest to lots of astronomers, but mostly just noise for us. We see lots of them in every image and occasionally, 3 or 4 of them hit the CCD in just the right places in consecutive images to fool us into believing there is a real object there. The cosmic rays can show up as points or as streaks.

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