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what if all these "crazy" ideas were true? would our daily lives change?

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posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 02:29 PM
ok so atlantis proves to be real...then what....i mean it would be a moment of WOW! im sure i would be excited....but then what?we would still go to work, school
play on the net,party with our friends or do whatever it is we i think we should not care and give up on the ofcourse not but its strange how we struggle for something that wont bring much change to the individual life.. but who knows i could be wrong

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 08:10 PM
the struggle is not for change, but for the Truth.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 09:26 PM
If we found atlantis and some historic atlantean documents and a history of thier people, it would indeed change the world. It's possible that civilization has technologically climaxed before, only to destroy themselves and start over in the stone age again. Who knows, perhaps the atlanteans were more advanced than we are today?

Personally, i think SOMEONE or some small group knows about what happened thousands and thousands of years ago. I firmly believe that the atlanteans handed down historic documents to the Egyptians, who stored it beneath the sphinx. Call it new age garbage, but i mean come on, the sphinx is too imposing not to hold an earth shattering secret. The only problem is getting then egyptian gov. to allow us to get down there and find the truth. Maybe the high ranking egyptian officials know.

It's very interesting and if we knew how atlantis fell, maybe we could find a way to stop our civilization from destroying itself.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 09:36 PM
Yes it would change our daily life. It would have a huge effect on modern religion. Also I do believe the egyptian government knows the truth, that is why they do not allow certain excavations to be done. It would raise to many questions if they did.

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:01 PM
If civilization didn't start around Egypt, well that might threaten the Egyptian officials. They would probably want to keep this all secret. If the ancestors of Egypt got all their knowhow from a civilization far off to the west, that wouldn't sit well with them either I believe.

I would personally be happy if someone changed the textbooks (maybe the books have been changed) where it stated that an advanced global civilization may have existed before the Egyptian civilization rose to power. There are a number of large stone structures thousands of years older than those found in Egypt. (at least the popular declared date of the age of the Sphinx)

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
If civilization didn't start around Egypt, well that might threaten the Egyptian officials. They would probably want to keep this all secret.

Well, the secret's out. The older civilizations were from the Middle East and from the Indian subcontinent. We've actually known this particular fact since the time of the Pharoah Psammetichus (yes, really. )

I would personally be happy if someone changed the textbooks (maybe the books have been changed) where it stated that an advanced global civilization may have existed before the Egyptian civilization rose to power.

Well, we'd have to have real proof of it. And there isn't any.

There are a number of large stone structures thousands of years older than those found in Egypt. (at least the popular declared date of the age of the Sphinx)

...which ARE mentioned in history books and encyclopedias. And in lots of anthropology textbooks. They devote a chapter or two on ancient civilizations in all the intro to anthro textbooks I've bought.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by MacKiller]

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 11:24 PM
I saw a tv show indicating advanced metallurgy was used on some metal alloy used in the construction of some buildings in or around South America thousands of years before Egypt rose to power I believe. I suppose one find does not prove the case of an advanced civilization. My memory is a bit fuzzy on exactly what was so advanced about the metal. I have also seen picture of canals and fields across South America on a tv show indicating that (their estimate) about a population of 100 million or so lived there at least a few thousand years before the Egyptian civilization rose to power or possibly at the same time. It may have been 12,000 years ago but my memory of what was stated is fuzzy on this too. I believe a very large population requires a certain level of know how and infrastructure to achieve this. On the other hand maybe 100 million people thousands of years ago wasn't a big population but I'm not a historian.

It must be very difficult to prove with enough evidence these somewhat ancient civilizations of around 12,000 years ago when much of the evidence may be buried or underwater since it was during the last ice age.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 04:14 PM
I've always loved those enlightened souls who don't understand the purpose of one field of study or another. I scarcely could read about or discuss -anything- while I was in the USMC without some ignoramus (no insult to anyone here) asking "why do you bother with that crap".

The answer in short is because people are curious. There must be something you want to know, right?
Does everything in our society have to be just so, or have other ways been tried?
A lot of people are saying a lot of different stuff about God, and a lot of them say you'll suffer forever if you don't have the right answer- so don't you want to know how their story measures up to research?
What sorta stuff happens to the earth over time, and might it happen to us? Take the younger dryas for example and the current concern about the north atlantic current- should we not study the past and just see what happens to us?

The other thing is that this is genuinely fun to some people. Some people's imaginations get a lot out of games, movies, music, or fiction books. My imagination just needs an idea, preferably one with a factual basis, and I can pick it up and run with it. I know it seems really strange that reading and thinking about this stuff would give me the same enjoyment that you might get out of playing a video game, but thats how it is.
I think the easiest way to understand it is to play Myst. If you can figure out what kind of wierd mindset it took to like Myst, you'll get a pretty good idea of why I like the things I do.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 08:21 PM
Personally I think Atlantis would probably just make another great spot for vacationing.

People don't really care much about the idea anymore.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 11:29 PM
Actually someone could make a great movie about advanced civilizations many thousands of years ago developing and using nuclear weapons on Earth and blasting themselves back to the stone age and starting back over time and again. The latest advanced civilization before us could have a major city called Atlantis and another global civilization with structures even on the moon and mars. Then they could blast themselves into oblivion through the use of something called a death ray that actually causes movements within the Earth. Of course this caused great destruction and sank land masses.

Then after thousands of years our global civilization comes on the scene and our governments could cover up these ruins found on the moon and mars from the general public. Talk of aliens would circulate and stories of Atlantis. It could be the nature of man to always be so arrogant to think that his current civilization is and has always been the most advanced that mankind has ever achieved. The truth would be out there but hidden.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 08:12 AM

ok so atlantis proves to be real...then what....i mean it would be a moment of WOW! im sure i would be excited....but then what?we would still go to work, school

Would we ever be satisfied that what we find is indeed Atlantis?
Nothing less than finding a plague with "Welcome to Posidea, capital city of Atlantis, population 5 million and falling" would cut the mustard.
IMHO all these mysteries are carrots on sticks, that keeps us inquisitive and searching for more. We may set out looking for Atlantis and along the way we discover other forgotten outposts of Human history.
15,000 years from now it may turn out that we are the Atlanteans of the day, and people will be arguing over the definitive location of Nu Atlantis, whereas we know that our era is Global.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 11:42 PM
As an illustration I have previously proposed that once we have faded from history, that an amalgam of stories about America may send searchers looking for NewLosCago, D.C.

They could find all 4 cities- New York Los Angeles Chicago and Washington and argue forever about which one was NewLosCago, D.C. If we were in sufficient ruins they could make all sorts of wild speculations too.
Imagine that the year is 12004. A couple hours freeway drive south of what used to be LA, an achaeologist is standing next to a layer of rust and small metal parts, crushed glass, and badly weathered rubber that was once my pickup truck.
He says, "Now as you can see, there was a steel enclosure here- the construction is obviously very poor, but it is about the same size as our zero-point energy generators. If it were properly sealed and wired, this may actually have functioned... here you see the remains of the 4 insulating rings (tires) that most likely covered an exposed coil. Near by, protected by plastic, was a scientific text (the owners manual). Only the cover survives, but I (Zach. Sitchin the XXII) have been able to translate the the following one phrase (pointing to the words "Owners Manual") "Cosmic Energy Device".

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
Actually someone could make a great movie about advanced civilizations many thousands of years ago developing and using nuclear weapons on Earth and blasting themselves back to the stone age and starting back over time and again. The latest advanced civilization before us could have a major city called Atlantis and another global civilization with structures even on the moon and mars. Then they could blast themselves into oblivion through the use of something called a death ray that actually causes movements within the Earth. Of course this caused great destruction and sank land masses.

Then after thousands of years our global civilization comes on the scene and our governments could cover up these ruins found on the moon and mars from the general public. Talk of aliens would circulate and stories of Atlantis. It could be the nature of man to always be so arrogant to think that his current civilization is and has always been the most advanced that mankind has ever achieved. The truth would be out there but hidden.

Uh, I think that movie has already been made. It was called
"..real history of the world.." or something like that. Almost
everyone believed it was fiction. But even for those people that
for whatever reason concluded it was true, it didn't make one
iota of difference in their lives. Because.. the show must go on.

[edit on 13-10-2004 by mockan]

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Yes,,,, movies we can watch and believe in! The life-forming properties of celluloid constipation is all we mere mortal creatures need!
What truth do we need, save for what we are told IS the truth?
We can see, in there, the visual feasts of opinion, conjecture, conspiracy, and complacency that create our belief. We are not men,we are re-boots!

OK, now back to our program.
You see, the Earth and our little sub-system is NOT expanding. Our little whirl-away is heading straight for the Sun. As it always has been.
Theory: We, humanity, once made Venus our home. We advanced quite nicely thank you, and when that "Earth" left it's optimum orbital position and the next orb meandered into that path, we jumped there. Probably just organic miasma and all the right juice and stuff to get those pesky ol' hominids up and running again. Itls no wonder that this "Earth" is experiencing sudden changes in it's nature. Mars just has not moved into a proper space to start it's creation of land masses, oceans, etc.
When it does, we will have seeded it and the rest will be,,,, History!
And so on, and so on, ad infinitum.
Mars or the stars! We will be like our previous transformation, and send what we think is the best of breed to some long-thought to be livable star never to return.The trick, friends, is to have your own organo-mento-slush ready to be transmografied back into an acceptable rendering of a human.
So it's off to the lab! Have your body and mind scanned, canned, and planned to be in the new world when it's ready!

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