posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:55 PM
Hello fellow ATS'rs,
Although I have few posts on here that I've authored myself, I have enjoyed reading and participating in discussions on all manner of topics.
Offering advice, debating and sharing my own stories with other members. Well, now I'm hoping some of you can do the same for me.
I hope posting this in Gray Area as it is a personal story. But if it needs to be moved, then I'm okay with that as well.
This post is about my grandmother. She's in her 70's and not very active at all due to numerous medical issues. In the last 5 years she has had
several surgeries (including a heart surgery), been diagnosed with neuropathy, degenerative disc disease, and e-coli poisoning that put her in a coma.
Physically she's had it rough, but mentally she still seemed to be fine.
Well, that was until recently.
She called my mom on the phone a few weeks ago (my mom lives and works about 30 minutes from my grandmother's house) and when my mom answered the
first thing she said was "well, why didn't you answer me?" My mom told her she was sorry if she missed any calls but none showed up on her caller
ID. My grandmother responded and said "NO, I mean I've been yelling for you to come to breakfast for the past 30 minutes and you never did."
My mom was confused and asked her to repeat herself, and she did, stating that she got up to make breakfast and had been calling my mom to come out of
her room to eat. My mom told her she didn't know how she would have heard that, being 30 minutes away. My grandmother just paused, then laughed and
said "Oh my. You're right...I just haven't had any sleep. I guess I'm sleep deprived."
We thought that was kind of strange but we know that she doesn't actually sleep well (sometimes not at all) and chalked it up to that.
Then last night my mom shared something that she said my grandmother told her. My grandmother said that lately (the past few weeks/possibly months)
she has been waking up believing someone is in the house with her, even though she lives alone. Sometimes she believes (and truly believes) that it's
one of her grandchildren, or her previous husband, or sometimes it's my mom - only my mom as a child or infant again. She said she really thinks
these people are in the house with her and so she makes them meals, or imagines upon waking up that she's holding one of the children, or that
they're asleep so she needs to keep quiet as to not wake them.
She told my mom it comforts her, and she doesn't fear this. She said she believes it is angels taking the form of these people to comfort her.
This worries me. My mind immediately went to alzheimers, but I don't know the first thing about it. Could this be the beginning stages of that, or
I've also heard that when people get close to death sometimes they see angels or other other-wordly beings. While I'm skeptical (although I do
believe in many paranormal things) maybe she's right.
Has any else had any experience with anything like this? Either from a medical or paranormal aspect.
For anyone that asks, yes she does see her doctor regularly. She goes every two weeks. She simply hasn't been since she told my mom this and normally
it takes some nudging from my mom to get her to divulge any info to her doctor. Also, she is on pain medication, but nothing new. She has been taking
the same meds for years and this has never been a side effect of the medicine.
Any and all input is appreciated. Thank you for reading.