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Look What I Can Do...

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posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:26 AM
I have long believed that we come into this world with a certain amount of our personality intact.
That environment shapes and influences who and what we are, and how we act, but at our core
there is an essence that has existed prior to this life, and will exist after the life is over.

I still cannot fathom a purpose, or decipher a meaning to this existence, other than to simply experience
what this world has to offer. If there is a purpose greater than what we can perceive with our meager
senses and our limited intellect, it would seem logical to me that achievement would be the probable

We do, after all, (and I mean all of us) play a curious game of "Look What I Can Do" in this life.
This life seems to be, more than anything else, a competition for attention--an expose' of just how
well you have attained the ability to control the curious biological mechanism in which reside.

We start at birth, first coming to grips with our five senses and the needs that our brand-new biological
entity requires; air, water, and food. After that we begin to experiment with the outlying parameters;
how far can I jump? how fast can I run?....And that soon morphs into a competition with other entities
like us. We gauge our success and failure by comparing what we can achieve with what others are
capable of achieving.

And that, I believe, is an inherent trait of our ego--not tied to this terrestrial experience, but only
temporarily bound by it.

I would hate to think that this life is merely a big game of "Look At Me" but apparently, (as
evidenced by all I see around me) that is exactly what this life is about....'competition.'

I suppose one could argue that competition is a function of instinct, a quality inherent in the
survival-of-the-fittest mechanism of our biology, but I believe competition is an inherent quality
of existence, an inherent quality of the essence you brought with you to this planet.

...and that life thrives by achievement, always has, and always will

edit on 28-6-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:44 AM
Competition is only half of the "lesson".
The human body (and other biological bodies too)
is a study of the near perfect CO-OPERATION of the various
body parts working in harmony to facilitate a healthy organism.
How is it then that we inwardly owe our very existence to the
harmonious working of our body functions, yet we outwardly, we seek to
compete with other lives instead of co-operate?

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:03 AM
I believe competition only exists so we move forward and help evolve our surroundings. So that we are always trying to improve on things that are already present. I don't believe competition is the meaning of life though (in an egotistical sense), but it is essential for things to evolve.
Just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by rival

SnF For your thoughts. I believe our purpose for being, must be connected to the reason.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by rival

I had a NDE some years ago and what It left me with is the belief that we are put on this earth to try to achieve some measure of perfection, to progress as much as we can, although that is one tall bill as opposed to simply enjoying the ride. There are things we must seek out, things we must learn in order to ride above our baser instincts. We all have innate abilites and talents that we can develop in order to learn what we need to overcome our weaknesses as much as we can.

Those who are less fortunate, less intelligent, those who are paralyzed and ill for instance are the means as well. They can be the opportunities to teach us what selflessness is and in a way to teach us about love.

I see competition in two ways. If the goal is to enrich oneself with material gain, then the risk can often be destructive. (ponzi scheme, defrauding, lowering one's character to baser levels.) If the goal is to be the best one can be, then it can serve as an example for others to learn from, be it in sports or volunteering.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by RavenSpeaks
Competition is only half of the "lesson".
The human body (and other biological bodies too)
is a study of the near perfect CO-OPERATION of the various
body parts working in harmony to facilitate a healthy organism.
How is it then that we inwardly owe our very existence to the
harmonious working of our body functions, yet we outwardly, we seek to
compete with other lives instead of co-operate?

Good question, (and sorry for the untimely replies...the excuse is too embarrassing to admit)

Like you state, we humans (are each) a compilation (and cooperation) of trillions of living cells--a
daunting idea to wrap your mind around. And yet we have a singular consciousness despite of all
of these cooperating cells.

As an individual aspect, it would seem that nature requires cooperation for life to thrive. It has been
posited that even our earth is a living symbiotic organism. It would be strange to think that the earth
possesses a consciousness, but it could be so. The same argument could also be applied to individual
cells, even in the 'absence of evidence' of any biological structure that could support it...

But we do see competition at the cellular level. Our bodies are constantly at war with cellular pathogens.
Everyone, for instance, has cancer of all types, but our immune system is fighting a constant battle
and winning most of the time. It is only when the immune system loses the competition and
enough cancer cells are present, that we diagnose, name, and treat the particular cancer.

In the female reproductive system only one egg competes to reproduce (in humans), but in males
millions of sperm must compete for the prize of procreation....tenacity and achievement are definitely
important in this instance.

So we have examples of competition, not only among species, but at a macro level as well...I think
it permeates who, and what, we are. Life is a fight, for want of a better description. Even with all
the evidence of cooperation, life compels achievement...we have to try, to attempt.

I think competition is the goal...a goal without a victor

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by dJbdJb
I believe competition only exists so we move forward and help evolve our surroundings. So that we are always trying to improve on things that are already present. I don't believe competition is the meaning of life though (in an egotistical sense), but it is essential for things to evolve.
Just my opinion.

Jeez, I just wrote a book stating the same thing you said in one paragraph (see above post).

I agree...everything around us is 'pushing the envelope'. If life remains dies

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by rival

SnF For your thoughts. I believe our purpose for being, must be connected to the reason.

Yes, and isn't it interesting to think about the reason. I love to empathize with God and try to understand
his motivation (assuming a God exists). And even in the absence of God their is surely purpose
and reason....even if the ULTIMATE purpose and reason is to finally understand all that is, so that
when (or if) all of the energy of the universe is spent, we can apply our knowledge, and start the
whole thing over again...I kinda like this romantic notion the best...when the savior returns, it might
very well be ourselves...

Anyway, thx for the replies...I didn't expect this thread to get much traction on this board...there too many
real world problems to compete against

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by rival

I had a NDE some years ago and what It left me with is the belief that we are put on this earth to try to achieve some measure of perfection, to progress as much as we can, although that is one tall bill as opposed to simply enjoying the ride. There are things we must seek out, things we must learn in order to ride above our baser instincts. We all have innate abilites and talents that we can develop in order to learn what we need to overcome our weaknesses as much as we can.

Those who are less fortunate, less intelligent, those who are paralyzed and ill for instance are the means as well. They can be the opportunities to teach us what selflessness is and in a way to teach us about love.

I see competition in two ways. If the goal is to enrich oneself with material gain, then the risk can often be destructive. (ponzi scheme, defrauding, lowering one's character to baser levels.) If the goal is to be the best one can be, then it can serve as an example for others to learn from, be it in sports or volunteering.

I would be interested to hear about your NDE. I stumbled on the first book on the subject years ago
and it seems the underlying theme to all the experiences was that learning was of utmost importance,
in all aspects of what learning entails---bettering one's self, amassing knowledge and experience,
or perhaps even musing on internet boards about the metaphysical and having others join the

It would be a sad state of existence if the old adage that 'he who dies with the most toys wins' were true.
So I'm not saying that the purpose of life is to competes for a/the prize....what I mean is that the
competition to achieve is the driving force....I think that is where God lives. God is the rabbit that
the hounds (all life including us) can never catch...

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by rivalI have long believed that we come into this world with a certain amount of our personality intact.

I'm often wondering how much of our personality and temperament as an individual is genetic.

I still cannot fathom a purpose, or decipher a meaning to this existence, other than to simply experience
what this world has to offer.

Survive/reproduce are two more.

it would seem logical to me that achievement would be the probable goal.

In my mind, the achievement is merely to produce more humans and perpetuate the species. There could be some hidden evolutionary purpose. -shrug-

This life seems to be, more than anything else, a competition for attention

We gauge our success and failure by comparing what we can achieve with what others are
capable of achieving.

Seeking social proof is normal behavior for social animals.

And that, I believe, is an inherent trait of our ego--not tied to this terrestrial experience, but only
temporarily bound by it.

I think the opposite is true, as I mentioned before.

I suppose one could argue that competition is a function of instinct, a quality inherent in the
survival-of-the-fittest mechanism of our biology


I am on the fence about reincarnation. I've seem some compelling evidence and had my own experience, so if it seems I am disagreeing with you entirely, I'm not.
edit on 28-6-2012 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by rival

Anyway, thx for the replies...I didn't expect this thread to get much traction on this board...there too many real world problems to compete again

I feel that way every time I post a thread. I like how you just toss the G word out there. When I was obviously avoiding it for fear of starting another lost cause debate thread and possibly derailing the whole kit and kubootle.
Going off topic about existence and all. Your threads not done yet. Might be awhile.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Balkan

Originally posted by rivalI have long believed that we come into this world with a certain amount of our personality intact.

I'm often wondering how much of our personality and temperament as an individual is genetic.

I still cannot fathom a purpose, or decipher a meaning to this existence, other than to simply experience
what this world has to offer.

Survive/reproduce are two more.

it would seem logical to me that achievement would be the probable goal.

In my mind, the achievement is merely to produce more humans and perpetuate the species. There could be some hidden evolutionary purpose. -shrug-

This life seems to be, more than anything else, a competition for attention

We gauge our success and failure by comparing what we can achieve with what others are
capable of achieving.

Seeking social proof is normal behavior for social animals.

And that, I believe, is an inherent trait of our ego--not tied to this terrestrial experience, but only
temporarily bound by it.

I think the opposite is true, as I mentioned before.

I suppose one could argue that competition is a function of instinct, a quality inherent in the
survival-of-the-fittest mechanism of our biology


I am on the fence about reincarnation. I've seem some compelling evidence and had my own experience, so if it seems I am disagreeing with you entirely, I'm not.

Well, you are throwing pitches right in my strike zone with your first question...

Probably one of my favorite things to ponder is what amount of who we are is determined
by genetics, social environment, and/or perhaps our pre-existing 'soul'.

When it comes to genetics, we have the usual sayings as evidence...chip off the old
doesn't fall far from the tree...etc. But no scientific study can include the metaphysical aspect of
a 'soul' so there is no empirical evidence to go on.

What you're left with IS the scientific evidence of 'twin' studies (fraternal and identical), animal studies
of innate instinct (babies seeking the mother's teat--for example, among others) and the rest, it seems,
is purely conjecture and relation of personal experience.

I find it hugely interesting that some children are born passive, relaxed and easy-going (and continue
these traits thru life) while other children are born kicking and screaming and complaining (and seem to
continue these traits thru life.) You could argue that genetics and environment are the only factors
and that these factors begin their influence when the sperm met the egg, but that seems to lack
something as an explanation...

As for reincarnation, I am on the side of some form of least I hope, or am biased
by the preference, but actually I am an agnostic. I profer arguments for metaphysical existence,
but really, I am only hoping out loud....just looking for answers in the haystack, and hoping someone
can help me a little by yelling "ouch" if they happen to find the needle...

edit on 28-6-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by rival

Anyway, thx for the replies...I didn't expect this thread to get much traction on this board...there too many real world problems to compete again

I feel that way every time I post a thread. I like how you just toss the G word out there. When I was obviously avoiding it for fear of starting another lost cause debate thread and possibly derailing the whole kit and kubootle.
Going off topic about existence and all. Your threads not done yet. Might be awhile.

Thx. I wasn't too worried about tossing out the G-word--as I can usually relate to anyone as
long as they haven't completely closed their mind.

I do think the real problem with this thread is that the author had an incomplete thought while
sauced-up on too much liquor and began typing in the hopes the thought would become a
complete idea...

Oh well....
edit on 28-6-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by rival

New studies suggest that co-operation is a more powerful force of evolution than mere competition alone.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by rival

Oh my gosh, don't feel like you're out there all by your lonesome. I learned all about that a while back. So I made a rule
for myself.

If I can't read ? I shouldn't be typing.

edit on 28-6-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by rival

Great thread OP.

This part of ATS is the best, hands down.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 01:08 PM
Nice thread rival
i like the way you think ! (there is much wisdom in you Sir)

we can do a lot with 1 simple though (you apply it well)

imagine if everyone was sharing that same good though
a brand New World Of Peace would rise

Has for reincanation :
Everyone reincarnate into new vessels when we are born
with our previous life memories wiped out clean
if the present you is to weak .. the other life you had can take over the vessel
thats why its important to be 111 --> Body Mind and Soul
edit on 10/8/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

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