posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by mtnshredder
Dam this sh*t is all to norm it seems, you fools got to at least keep that stuff in check. Females are evil by nature, and if your not careful you
will be taken for everything you have and more, and it don't help none that this whole divorce thing is now a business and the courts are making
money off it, and as such there thriving of it and propagating it in ways. But dam man you should of got rid of her long ago, now its to late, your
going to be in for a world of hurt.
I really do not like to say do it for the kids because that to is used as a scapegoat for this type of behavior and believe you me, some of them women
know that and are counting on that to excuse there behavior, even while they move on to other's. That's why they always look for guys that are
easily controlled, and who is more easily controlled then dudes who only think with there junk, or the ones who will believe anything that is coming
out of a pretty face. Its all just another reason why you ever come up with a chick that is all about control and that is all she is capable of, and
you know that most of them operate in a reverse psychology operandi type of way. Well then if she gives the signs, then you run for the hills.
Its a dilemma if you let this type of thing continue and play the work horse and for the kids card. It will only encourage them, and if you like
another said move ship and country with an off state or out of country job. Well then you leave the kids, the hen, the brood, and the whole thing in
a mess that you both knowingly and unknowingly created. Which again just keeps adding to the whole mess that others will have to deal with.
Its basically in a way, its a no win situation, but if you helped create it then you should help end it. But still the evil bitch should of at least
informed you that you got served at least. But I know why she didn't, its usually because she knows you better then you know yourself and she knew
you would be jumping ship if you found out before hand.
No one can really help you but you bro, and definitely don't look for anything from you ex wife, as I am pretty sure this whole thing was in all
likely hood planed out way before hand on were it will go and even the technicalities of it all in her head.
But all in all keep your head up and deal with things as they come, its the only thing you can do now.