posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 09:17 AM
Basically people should learn Reiki for free, or pay a teacher as much as decent for simply sharing some learning in a class, but I think it is
preposterous to pay hundreds of dollars or more.
Especially in this age of the Information Revolution, you can learn all for free. (I am a certified teacher and I asked people to pay for my lodging
and food when I taught).
Diane Stein already published the secret Reiki symbols in 1990, although not entirely correctly as far as Japanese forms go, still, she might be a
better healer than a lot of others. It is a paradox.
Any type of chi gong will increase this energy, including Falun Gong (I do not sign up for the cult aspect but the practice itself is designed very
well), which can be learned free from the Net.
Honest prayers can increase energy - I used to do the Sanskrit version of Healing Buddha dharani. But many other things work. I think there is no one
set procedure for all, because it depends on where you are coming from. (!Kung, Christian etc.).
I think a lot of talk of Reiki lineages is Theocratic hodgepodge. Trust your own internal Guides and learn to get in contact with them.
Trial and error is still the best method.
There are good spirits behind it - and it does not work for bad ends. The only thing I saw that was not good was a splinter sect founded by a German
Christian person who made a lot of money and had aggressive PR in Europe. But even some people taught by his people learned to heal... still, all they
know they could have gotten from the Net for free.
You can always suspect there is something wrong if anything claimed spiritual is about money, or when they claim exclusivity and want you to pray to
the Sacred Teacher etc.