posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:40 PM
yeah, I'm going to run with "no" as well.
They all look like pretty typical, known camera issues to me. Typical because it's the camera's response to, or a direct result of the camera
attempting to compensate for, low light situations etc.
Then you've got the person in the trees on the thermal camera, which looks like... wait for it... a person running behind the trees, on a thermal
I do believe in the 'paranormal'. I think that there are extra-dimensional beings all around us, both good and evil - but I don't think that the
video you've posted shows convincing evidence of these things in any way, shape or form.
So that I'm not just blowing smoke, though... what WOULD I find convincing?
Well, I think there are some excellent examples out there of EVPs... and I'd put these among the forefront of best evidences for paranormal
activity... simply because you've largely eliminated the possibility of pareidolia. Not ALWAYS, mind you, but in some cases I think that EVPs can
provide pretty much incontravertible evidence.
I also think... although it's so unpopular these days... that witness evidence is also significant. Since the advent of the internet we have a
real "pics or it didn't happen" culture evolving - but we seem to have forgotten that, even in a court of law, witness testimony is a valid form of
evidence. I suppose the issue we have is that it's very easy for people to make crap up (ATS is full of that kind of chatter!), but that shouldn't
cause us to discount valid testimony either. We just have to learn how to discern between the two.
Anyway. I'll shut up and move on now. Thanks for posting though