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False flag method Olympics 2012 update.

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posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 02:19 PM
This might seem off topic, but it isn't. This stuff we are talking about can get quite depressing when you think about it a fair amount... and it is hard not to!

So just as a counter balance, I'd just like to post a piece of music with what feels like a pureness.

Hope no one minds, but I need some optimism maaaaan!

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by saladfingers123456

You just described Project Blue Beam...I wonder what Monast would say today if they had let him live......I expect to see "5 Dancing Lights" in the sky as the start to the opening ceremoney.....

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:35 PM
The following video is required watching. 1BornPatriot posted it up in its' own thread. It really is a fantastic history lesson of who the Illuminati really are, and what they have planned, and what they want.

Fantastic, worth every minute. A single hour of so much history and knowledge. He also goes into False Flag events at the end, which is why I feel it should be pasted here also.

To the uninitiated, this should be chapter 1 in the learning process, before anything else. I think after this, everything they do begins to make total sense.

If you have the time, please watch. If you don't have the time, try to find it, or make it. We need as many people on board as possible if we are to make any kind of stand at all.

Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto] or ...A History of the Illuminati / New World Order

edit on 20-7-2012 by saladfingers123456 because: Dire spelling of the word uninitiated lol

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by captiva
reply to post by saladfingers123456

You just described Project Blue Beam...I wonder what Monast would say today if they had let him live......I expect to see "5 Dancing Lights" in the sky as the start to the opening ceremoney.....

Yeah, I do give Project Blue Beam a lot of weight. Not because I know huge amounts about it, but from what I do know, it would be the most obvious tool... and I don't think the technology is so "out there". But for those who don't have a clue about it, and just think that the friggin iphone is the peak of human technology, it will blow their socks off.

I don't know about this 5 points of light... can you point me in the right direction?

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 05:14 PM
My own review of Project Blue beam, and more importantly Serge Monasts Disclosure document

The dancing lights

I must warn you that this thread above will surely invite nay has for years, and the original thread was hoaxed. I dissagree with that totally and was in personal contact with the publisher for years. I leave you to your own opinions of it.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by saladfingers123456

The point is, you are a Londoner...

Wrong i am portsmouth mate , where did i mention i was a londoner ? please show me

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by saladfingers123456

This video is fantastic, a great cover of a great deal of required learning, and very eye-opening.

I am glad that I put the hour in for that, as it was worth every minute.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by captiva
My own review of Project Blue beam, and more importantly Serge Monasts Disclosure document

The dancing lights

I must warn you that this thread above will surely invite nay has for years, and the original thread was hoaxed. I dissagree with that totally and was in personal contact with the publisher for years. I leave you to your own opinions of it.

Wow. Firstly, your thread was great, and brought me up to speed with the fuller picture of bluebook. All I ever really had was the rough overview (which actually was pretty decent all things said). However, the full description is, quite frankly a terrifying concept, if true.

I've always been of the opinion, that, when considering black budgets, and their sheer size: combined with gathering all of the greatest minds, perhaps captured alien tech (but not necessarily) that behind closed doors, a secret powers science, understanding and technology could be light years ahead of what is available to us. Our science has barely moved on in a 100 years, and we are pushing technology to the outer limits of that knowledge. Many mistake advances in technology with science, and it is such a wrong assumption!!

So with that in mind, I can perceive that computing power behind the scenes could be vastly superior, possibly fast and vast enough to achieve what is being suggested here. Holographic projection, sure! GPS satalites are a good contender for secretly repurposed, evenly spaced grid for such a system.

I'm aware of the ability to project sound into the mind (Good ole' Jesse Ventura covered this in the HAARP episode of conspiracy theory, if he was to be believed).

But... and it is a big but, it is still a gigantic stretch to think they could really achieve it.

What frightens me though, and I am sure the connection hasn't escaped you either...

Dark Knight. He seemed very convinced, and I can't see why he would try and hoax everyone. The dying farther was obviously connected to the Rothschilds or similar. But the date was out.

But what frightens me a little... Well, The Dark Knight Rises.

Does he... does it indeed?

Not that I am being flippant about the very very recent shootings at a theatre displaying the film... but could Blue beam have been tested on James Holmes.. the shooter? Is that a sign of what it is capable of? It is a really terrifying concept, and the Dark Knight of the thread wrote that in 2006. He made sure to mention that the K was important.
Add into that the location.

1) Denver... where the scary airport shows the apocolyptic paintings.
2) Aurora... which imediately makes you think of the borialis, and images in the sky.

Then you start to think... Nolans previous film, Inception, the implantation of an idea in the mind without the person realising. Did Dicaprio and co represent the Illuminati?

Some frightening dots that connect together all too easily.

Right, time to head for the mountains of Tibet! See everyone in the next realm!!!

I joke, but at the same time. Eek. Thank you again for the info... I think. Isn't ignorance supposed to be bliss? Damn this thing called memory.

P.s. sorry that this post is a bit off topic, but it is all connected. Remember the whole thing about "something happening after the Olympics, which will be a defining moment in Londons history". I'm not sure I want to know!
edit on 20-7-2012 by saladfingers123456 because: Because I can't spell necisarily (necessarily!) without googles help. So wrong.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by denver22

Oh sorry mate, I must have been mixing you up with that guy Andy who posted at the same time as you! I thought it was London written under your picture. I do sincerely apologise.

Well, that's good then anyway! I guess you can watch like the rest of us and find out if there is anything to all this.

Listen... I do hope you are right, honestly I do. There is no part of me that wants me to be right. I want me to turn out to be an idiot, and I'll be happy to hear you say it on the other side. Nothing would give me more pleasure.

Again, sorry for the mix up.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by NoMatterNeverMind
reply to post by saladfingers123456

This video is fantastic, a great cover of a great deal of required learning, and very eye-opening.

I am glad that I put the hour in for that, as it was worth every minute.

Glad it wasn't just me who felt that way. But it is a little saddening to watch, as I feel he might be right.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by saladfingers123456

dude..that flood thingy....

look at the posts at the bottom of this page...
the post about the glorinana....and lower down the post about tuthmosis and 9th hour.....


posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:54 PM
Yep that's pretty informative! (salads vid), this is being thrust under our noses though, when are all people going to get it?

The film thor, the "frost giants". The evil force trying to take over. Say it three times fast....... Rothschilds?
edit on 20-7-2012 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-7-2012 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
reply to post by saladfingers123456

dude..that flood thingy....

look at the posts at the bottom of this page...
the post about the glorinana....and lower down the post about tuthmosis and 9th hour.....


Just read that, is it a connection? If so, you somehow knew it was there I guess. That's why it's prominent in your op. what do you think the significance of 10th hr, Olympics and SEcorner is? Something must tie this all together.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:17 PM
There have been so many crazy conspiracy theories about these upcoming Olympics that it's hard to keep up.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Wifibrains

well you mentioend the montgomerry and then the flood thing...

me...i always knew 27 july meant flood in AE......the gloriana looks like a solar boat....

then the SE corner, orion and the season of akhet ....

looking from far there seems to be a link.....we`ll work it out togther i not sure what to think

i`l just keep reading
edit on 20-7-2012 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:32 PM
Well... I just found the following... and I don't know why I never looked it up before. But it really does help to understand what all these numbers mean... and when you see certain numbers, then think about dates involved with the Olympics... you better start worrying. Not least 27... and 11. The following is from here

I'll paste it as it is, because the "external text" thing makes stuff very hard to read. I do not know where this person got this information, but it would seem to make sense. All a little tooooo much.

Numerology has always been significant in virtually ever occult organization.

Every major occult group has it's holy numbers (or unholy numbers
depending on how you want to look at it.) The Illuminati, which is
a highly respected, ritualistic organization that has been around
since the times of Christian crusades has a very special way of
looking at numbers and using them for witchcraft.

When it comes to the occult and cults that deploy numbers in the
use of magic, Pythagoras is very significant. He is considered to be
the father of numbers and his teachings are venerated by all of the
mystery schools. In "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", author
Manly P. Hall devotes Chapter 13 to Pythagoras. According to this
author Pythagoras taught only the initiates in his own mystery
school the secrets of number systems. The Illuminati very closely
follows the precepts first introduced by Pythagoras.

Among the magical mysteries were prime numbers (numbers that have
no divisors other than themselves. These numbers which included 2,
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on were widely worshiped by the Illuminati
cult in numerology particularly when it comes to setting dates for
events. The members of the Illuminati believe also that a chance
of success is more likely if the same number is multiplied several
times so they will schedule a special event on a date that has a
run of three numbers.

The number 13 is very signifigant to the Illuminati. Each group has
a core of 39 members which breaks down into 13 times 3 members.
Thirteen make up an administrative group and then that group
answers to a Round Table that consists of nine members. The nine
is significant because it relates the triplicate of three that is
considered very important in all rituals including 3 times 3 times
3. The 3 times 3 times 3 rules in magic apply to an amplification
of the original intention of a cast ritual as well as the concept
that whatever comes back to you will do so three times three times

Here are the meanings of the most significant numbers in the Illuminati
system of numerology.


For the Illuminati the number zero is symbolic of sun worshipping.
It symbolizes the man who is reborn through occult rituals.


This is the number of unity of mind, body and soul.


This is the number of division rather than togetherness as is
typical of other number system... It is the number of the total
separation of God.


This is the number of royalty. It symbolizes the magical shape of
the triangle. It symbolizes the Holy Trinity which is Nimrod
Semiramis Tamus ... or Osiris, Isis, Horus ... or Satan, Eve and Cain,


The number of foundation. Aleister Crowley wrote a book called
Book Four which was a complete guide to Magic.


This is a number that protects members of the illuminati from
Death. The Illuminati also use something called The Law of Fives
which is the mind's power to perceive truth in just about


The number of man. Taken from the fact man was created on the sixth
day of the week.


This number is significant in several ways.
There are 7 Creative powers of the Godhead
There are 7 Great Ages of the Earth
There are 7 Races of mankind
There are 7 laws governing human life
There are 7 Schools of Mystery Religions
In Theosophy there is a seven step process of human evolution in
which successive races evolve from a lower to a higher form of


This is the number of the sun and the sun worshiper. It takes 8
years for Venus to orbit the sun 13 times which is significant to
many occult groups including the Illuminati.


The number of divine completion and the number of the fall of man.


The number of law and authority. It is taken from the Ten


The number of destruction and judgment and the death of man.
Any event or thing assigned with 11 is to aid the rising of the
In Latin the Devil's name is LVX which translates as
Just as a point of interest, Armistice Day/Remembrance Day November
11 at 11:11 (Triple 11)

Continued in next post...

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:33 PM

It is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number.
It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were
arrested on October 13, 1307.
However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life.
The number of everlasting life
The number of the cult (there are 13 members in a covens and
satanic cults (12 regular members and one high priest). This is a
mirroring of 12 jurors+1 judge=13
It is also believed that there are 13 high occult families that run
the world


The number of immortality.


The number 19 is magickal. Lunar cycles are synchronized with
Gregorian calendar every 19 years.


22 is a double 11. It is also a reoccurring 2. It is the number of
the Master Builder.


The number that all big events are connected to, somehow or in some way.
The Knights Templars had only 23 Grand Masters (Jacque de Molay was
the 23rd)
23 is the 1st prime number in which both digits are prime numbers
that add up to a prime number.
In the Qabbalistic Tree of Life the 23rd path is associated with
the Hanged man Tarot Card (According to Aleister Crowley this card
represents the concept that the only way out is within)


27=9+9+9 the most powerful magnification of 9 as it symbolizes 3


=13+13+13. The highest possible magnification of the number 13.


3 is used 3 times

333 stands for the one third of the of angels that followed Lucifer
and rebelled against the true God



When 555 is used 3 times and reduced to a number it is a hidden 666

The only known meaning to the numbers of evil or sinister triple 5
is enlightenment or illumination.


When 6 is used 3 times it is the number of the Beast.


Aleister Crowley wrote a book called 777 that is significant to the


999 is a hidden 666 and can symbolize hidden evil.

As you can see the Illuminati were very much into their own classic
system of number meanings that have had an impact on the cult for

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by saladfingers123456

i noticed number 9 .....hmmmm

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:48 PM
But I do think it is important to recognise, that just because a number is present in something we look at, doesn't mean to say that "they" put it there.

However, I think it has become obvious from studying, that numbers are made visable when they didn't need a mention, which is what makes them stand out (like the 111 acres of garden as an example).

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by saladfingers123456

i think its more to do with encoding your actions...with number you can pretend its DIVINE MANIFEST....


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