posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:28 PM
On the MSN home page:
10 suppressed inventions
Mass produced electric cars suppressed by oil companies, safe cigarettes that big tobacco supressed, cold fusion, chronovision to see back and forth
in time, The rife beam, water fuel cell, cloudbusting, implosion generators, wardenclyffe tower (Tesla stuff), Anti-gravity device.
The listed related videos are very interesting too: 10 inventions that never stuck, 10 best movie invetions: 10 invetors killed by their inventions:
top 10 bad inventions, 10 Sci-Fi preditions that came true, top 10 consipracy theories, 10 incredible things that happened, 10 famous hoaxes, 10
bizarre miliatry prototypes, 10 famous unsolved crimes
thought folks here might enjoy it