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CJCSI 3610.01A, the "truther stand down order"

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posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
reply to post by Reheat

I am probably conversing with a pseudo skeptic, but it's time to interject some "truth".

I corrected your opening sentence to properly reflect that this is your version of something, but it's not all exactly truth.

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
The Rules of Engagement -- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSI 3610.01A changed by Vice Admiral Scott Fry on June 1, 2001 to coincide with Amalgam Virgo '01 held June 1st to 2nd, 2001 at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Amalgam Virgo '01 (Amalgam Virgo '01 PDF found here: was the dry run for the Boeing of Ottawa, Canada's "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking demonstration:

Two issues here: 1 - Since when does a real world operational document have anything to do with an exercise? Answer = nothing at all.
2 - This "dry run for the Boeing of Ottawa, Canada's "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking demonstration" is mentioned no where in the Concept Proposall you linked.

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
Amalgam: a combination of diverse elements; a mixture. A mixture of Aluminum Oxide and Iron Oxide took down the Towers.

Virgo: 9/11 occurred under the astrological sign of Virgo -- August 23 - September 22.

I stopped taking seriously anything you have further to say when I read this. You need to keep up...Your delusion of thermite turned out to be paint just as most suspected even prior to the proof that it was paint.

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
According to page 18 of Amalgam Virgo '01 PDF, Chief of the Defence Staff J.M.G. Baril, General, Canadian Forces and General Henry Hugh Shelton, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff signed a treaty -- Canada-United States Basic Security Document MCC 100-35 -- dated August 20, 1999 to turn over command of NORAD to French speaking Baril. Maurice had control of Blue Air for 30 hours on June 1 to June 2, 2001 at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida as referenced on page 16 of the 35 page document.

Only the President of the US can sign a treaty with another Country and Congress has to ratify it. Where is the documentation for this? Oh, the "dog ate it", eh?

A Canadian General has never and will never have Command of NORAD. This is a LIE you simply made up. However, since Blue Air was Canadian it's not surprising that a Canadian General had command of them.

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
The same scenario of Amalgam Virgo '01 played out from 3:00pm September 10 to 9:00pm September 11, 2001 where Quebec born French Canadian General Joseph GĂ©rard Maurice Baril of the Canadian Forces stationed at NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado had command of NORAD Blue Air for thirty hours.

Since "Blue Air" was Canadian CF-18's I'm not surprised. So........

Originally posted by OperationMockingbird
Second in command, another Quebec born French Canadian Lieutenant General Joseph Jacques Charles Bouchard, stationed at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. As Baril and Bouchard had control of NORAD's Blue Air, Boeing of Ottawa, Canada demonstrated its "uninterruptible" autopilot anti-hijacking system to the United States during Global Guardian '01 Joint Unconventional Threat Continuity Training Live Fire Terrorist Hijacking Scenario Concept Proposal.

You forgot something. Where is this even mentioned, let alone proven... Don't bother providing it. It's irrelevant anyway.

Other than you're interjection of the unrelated termite crap this has virtually no relationship to 9/11 and it is certainly not related to the OP. I only wrote a lengthy reply to illustrate that you don't know what you're talking about. That much is obvious.

edit on 29-6-2012 by Reheat because: (no reason given)

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