I'll share one of my thoughts, I think I understand why drugs exist.
I feel like everything has a purpose, And our ability/potential to identify that purpose, Is what determines wether it seems meaningless or not.
Obviously some things are easier to understand than others, but anyone is capable of doing so, I think the idea of true meaninglessness is just an
illusion that lack of knowledge or understanding of that knowledge makes.
I think I understand the purpose of drugs, Having experienced drug addiction and understanding what I did helped me truly conquer it, rehab is a joke
it puts a bandaid on the addiction, doesn't remove the desire to do them just gives them enough willpower to overide the desire, but doesnt remove it
and thats why some people relapse is when the desire overides their willpower. Using the ying and yang principle, The ying are the people who have the
willpower to permanently resist the desire to use drugs, The yang are those who don't have the willpower to permanently resist drugs. The lose of
desire completely is the true cure.
I think that everyone is high, we're all constantly high and that it doesn't matter wether we took a chemical or not. I simplified drugs till I
couldn't get any simpler, Drugs simply explained, are concentrated emotions. Each drug represents a different emotion and feeling. And our
personalities determine which one we develop a problem for, Every drug user has a drug of choice, and who they are determines what drug is their
favorite. Its why some people can do drugs purely recreationally and for pure pleasure and why some people develop a problem for the drug. I think
that drugs exist to represent personal flaws that we have to overcome, Their purpose is to not be the solution to the problem but to let us know that
the solution does indeed exist and it is possible. Its just up to the person to recognize that and break free from the drug. I can honestly say that
my drug use has helped me grow as a person, It gave me hope and knowing that the relief from the pain I was escaping from, was possible. I feel like
thats the reason why they even exist.
Identifying that was my personal cure to 100% beating my drug addiction, It honestly worked for me and I think it makes sense.
Cause potheads, The people who tend to smoke marijuana everyday, smoke it for a reason. Pot mainly represent s sloth/relaxation and alot of the people
who smoke it everyday are very prone to stress. Most people I know who smoke pot smoke it to relax and chill, Well I guarantee that they've relaxed
at some point in their lives, before smoking it. MDMA represents love, happiness, and acceptance/belonging and the e-tards the people who develop a
problem for MDMA tend to have lived lonely lives, They tend to be the people who never really felt like they belonged or fit in. or hadn't felt love
in so long they forgot it existed.
Identifying and understanding that stuff helped me do what rehab failed to do, Helped me lose the desire completely to use drugs
I feel as if the
mainstream perception of drugs if wrong, And that we misunderstand why some people become addicted and others don't and that misunderstanding of why
is why currently mainstream rehabilitation is just a bandage on the wound.
Does that make sense? It did for me, I wouldn't be sober if it didn't.