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Does life seem surreal to you too?

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posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:04 AM
Whatever is impermanent is untrue and cannot be the Ultimate Reality. This Universe and all the universes contained within the subatomic consciousness are unreal and a mere shadow on the screen of consciousness. The key to the mystery is this. The electron contains 100 gigabytes of memory and the lifespan of the electron is 1BILLIONx1TRILLION Earth Years. The Buddha Remembered 91 Eons. 91 Big Bangs. This Universe is only 15 Billion Years Old and still not at its middle life span. The average human body contains 4 billion trillion electrons. All possible Universes through out time space has already been created and are all happening all at the same time at once. The Eternal NOW.

When the entire manifestation has vanished Still YOU exist. You are not the body or the mind. How can you be? The mind and body are impermanent, transitory, where as you are eternal. You are perfect right from the beginning and Nirvana is your natural state. But it is the Ego that takes itself to be an individual that blocks the higher frequencies.You are the SUPREME Principle above and beyond consciousness and within consciousnes that creates consciousness.The formless pure awareness the Absolute God State/ Nirvana Consciousness/ Existence/ Bliss/ Moksha/ Brahman State/ Christ Consciousness that creates all forms. The manifest Universe arrives as a dream on YOU the ethereal ocean.

Name it what you want no words can describe YOU as that formless, qualityless, all pervading principle in you, is in everything seen and unseen. YOU are ALL. Awareness has to take the form of consciousness and then form a body in order to recognize itself. You know this and everyone knows this intuitively as is capable of understanding this but does not have the conviction because the Power of Love attaches itself to a single body come consciousness vehicle form, you take yourself to be because of tricks played by the subject object attachment. When you give up individuality you gain the entire manifestation. Your Whole Body and Mind is the Entire Universe. The Truth is so Simple. That is why it is so hard to accept. So just accept it. There is no other possibility. YOU ARE GOD. YOU TAKE ON ALL FORMS. THE ENTIRE MANIFESTATION is held up in vibration by YOUR IMAGINATION from the PURE AWARENESS THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT ETERNAL. Even the totality of consciousness which has a long life span is not you but exists in you as a state from YOUR SUPREME INTELLECT. This can only be experienced when the EGO Collapses and is seen as False and Untrue. It is a program nothing more. You as the true Unmanifested King makes this Manifested King bow down because the false inner belief of the ego is that it is the source of its own power. Ponder this in meditation and Awaken from your slumber.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:15 AM
I appreciate your response to my post, being as that was my first i didn't know what to expect.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I just wish there were more answers in life, more facts that those "wanderers" could see and learn to believe. The general majority of people that i have spoken with and learned about are still set on the ways they were raised and the beliefs they obtained as children. In a sense they have never been their own person, but yet how their family raised them. I don't think anything is wrong with that, but if more people broke from their beliefs that were instilled in them then i guarantee there would be a lot more change, and "the people" would be a stronger force against all of this government bull# that was going on. But my generation, and many before me and some after me all believe that the government still is how it was when their ancestors walked the earth. Most think that the hundreds of millions of UFO sightings can ALL be accounted for with logical explanations. And one that scared me the most (because it happened in my lifetime) is everything that TRULY went down before and after 9/11, and that we are STILL fighting the war on OIL but they think it is all terrorism and that it's keeping them safe to keep living their meaningless lives that contribute to nothing more than the rise of the corporations. Of course these are all speculations, but there has to be SOME truth behind most of them.

I really and truly don't know what to do anymore. I am at a point in my life where i just want move far away from the small town i live in, preferably to florida or northern california, where i don't have to see these robots everyday of my life, and where i can just live, be myself, and enjoy the remainder of my life (which i truly seem to think won't be much longer)

And then, when i start looking at property in these areas and really get serious about the move I start to remember things that my parents have told me, and others that went through these crazy "End of World" Predictions, and also experienced horrific natural disasters, and even government corruption that could be worse than ours now. Those people made it fine, so why will we be any different?

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by daynight42

This may be the beginning of your awakening. It feels weird and strange and as you say everyone goes on with their business around you. It can be daunting or terrifying, or perhaps an excellent opportunity for you to embark on a new path of personal exploration.. Depends on how you look at it.

I have been down this same road. It feels like we are different somehow and Everyone else is stuck being a sheep and we would love to change everyone else, but is that really for us to decide someone else's reality?

I believe we cannot judge others for their behvaiours or their actions. They are only doing what they know best to do with their knowledge and experience they have at this point in life. If we were to try and change them, we would only be met with resistance. I have tried this in the past and It only makes things worse.

Is it simply that now that you have snapped out of the sheep mentality, that you have been truly born? Is this maybe now your opportunity to find out more about yourself without the draw of the flock around you? Perhaps you are simply meant to be a shining example to the sheep around you? Remember that what you Put out to the world is what you will get back. If its like minded people that share your same ideals, put your own into action and that's exactly what you will get back.

Best of luck and most of all trust what your heart tells you! It will never let you down. I promise you. Your heart will lead you to the truth .. Always!

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by WhereAreWe7

Yeah, following the path laid out for you or breaking out on your own is a choice. I was expected to be a medical doctor. Personally, i am glad that I chose otherwise. Others in my family have followed that tradition and are fine.

We each have our own lot in life. You seem to have a bit of integrity. Couple that with a little virtue and you can carve out just about any existence you wish for.

Might be a great experience for you to get out in the world. Be careful of the big cities if ya don't like robots.
That big city hype can be exhilarating, but the traffic is like hurry up---slam brakes...repeat. and talk about hedonism. oh my.

You will be fine. Find your passion and see where it leads you.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 02:55 AM
I know i may have came off like i was maybe superior to those around me, and wish to change their beliefs. But in no way would i wish to do that. I believe entirely that each and every person is entitled to their own opinions, I just think that if more people were open minded to larger life issues, then maybe these hidden wars and secret meetings amongst government officials and larger corporations to manipulate the people wouldn't take place as much. I think the people in power in our world can see that the majority of people are stuck in their ways and want to be safe in their patterns, which is exactly why they are scared into believing that going to war is the right thing to do, or that these meetings were needed to keep us "safe".

I don't expect the world to change at all. We've made it this far, but i am having a hard time finding myself and what i am meant to do here. I feel that since i can see this stuff, that i should do something with it, and maybe that would help ease my constant state of worry for the world. I don't find myself to be better then anyone else by any means, and i honestly wish my mind wasn't so open to this sort of thing so i could just go on about my life like normal. Instead i am constantly wondering if today will be the day, and honestly i don't even know what "the day" is, but i know there will be ridiculous change and a lot of new people like us that are seeing what we see. I think what i am really searching for are answers to questions that i probably will never get, but still i search and read and try to retain all that i can so maybe things will start to fit together.

it's currently 4 AM where i'm at and still i'm not tired, because i can't stop thinking. I have been getting to sleep at 5 and 6, or sometimes just not sleeping at all. Waking up 4-5 hours later to work and such, and then i go back to this mind set. have you guys experienced this? What did you do to get passed it?

I really do appreciate both of you all's help. I do have something that interests me, and that i think will get me through life career wise. I just don't know what to do next, and really need to figure out a way to harness my mind from wondering only when it needs to.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 03:03 AM
It is so wonderful to just see that are people out there that feel the same way. I always felt that I do not belong like I am in a dream.

I discovered Yoga some years back and I turned inwards. There is a universe inside us once discovered all the other answers will come to you.

Once you make an idea of what is going on you can actually even discover that we truly influence what our life is and appears to be as it develops . If that makes sense to you.

It is an experience that is how you have to see here now. When you bother to much with how people around you are you just miss on things. Turn inwards you will learn to discover the universe within and without .

No one has a way that is the perfect way of life is just YOUR WAY. Once you learn that aspect you will see everything in a different light hence your life will feel different to you.

Just couple of thoughts that many will agree or disagree but is my way and I respect that as much as I respect everyone else's way.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 03:05 AM
The material world is the creation of an imperfect intermediary being, not the true transcendent G*d.

Consider your experiences a precursor to Gnosis.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 04:47 AM
I have read the OP and I look forward to reading the rest of this thread and seeing what answers are given BECAUSE I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME.

I also feel ready to die. No I am not depressed, suicidial or any of those things. I have a good life, a good family and everything is going well for me. Yet I seem to have this sensation that I have ready to move on. I haven't been able to put my finger on why.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 05:28 AM
Social psychology often looks at the basic human need to fit in and calls this the normative social influence. When we grow up, our moral and ethical compass is almost entirely forged through our environment, so our actions are often a result of the validation we get from society.

Recent neurological research has confirmed the existence of empathetic mirror neurons. When we experience an emotion or perform an action, specific neurons fire. However when we observe someone performing this action, or when we imagine it, many of the same neurons fire again, as if we were performing the actions ourselves.

These empathy neurons connect us to other people, allowing us to feel what other feel. And since these neurons respond to our imagination, we can experience emotional feedback from them, as if it came from someone else. This system is what allows us to‘self-reflect’.

When we are self aware, we can alter misplaced emotions because we control the thoughts that cause them. This is a neurochemical consequence of how memories become labile when retrieved and how they are restored through protein synthesis. Self-observing profoundly changes the way our brain works.
edit on 26/6/2012 by Kluute because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
Earth= One giant Proving Ground.

We are someones/somethings entertainment.

It's really funny that you say that actually. My friend and I will say that earth is just a tv show for some group of aliens somewhere, almost like that south park episode.
we're half serious half joking though when we say it, i just thought it was funny that someone thought the same thing.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by daynight42
I look around me at people just going about their lives, and I wonder how they do it. They don't seem the least bit bothered by what is going on in the world....

People have traded reality and a quest for progress, for entertainment and shallow pleasantries. It really bothers me, but there's nothing I can do to change the people around me. (I have tried.)

The way that I have found to cope with this is really to isolate myself from most people... I consider it my responsibility to judge the world, including the people in it, if I am to live here..

Speak quietly and kindly and be not forward with either opinions or advice. If you talk much, this will make you deaf to what others say, and you should know that there are few so wise that they cannot learn from others.

i would humbly suggest that you give others the benefit of the doubt to an extent. Try to see the hidden beauty and joy in everything they do. There was invariably a set of circumstances, conditions, or events that led all of us here to discuss such matters with each other. Know that without such prerequisites being met we would all be eagerly looking forward to the next Jersey Shore and have the American Idol numbers on speed dial as well.

Hell, who is to say that we are not the completely delusional ones? How many failed predictions and 'sure things' have we all watched come and go and yet here we are?

Just try on a little humility and compassion i guess would be my most humble advice. Things are changing in a big way right now and i don't think a sense of superiority is going to help anyone.

edit on 6/26/12 by soulshn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Because of the feelings you have, in combination with other feelings, I used to think I was either schizophrenic or bipolar. I used to be suicidal, nihilistic, and could burst out in rage at any given moment, and I frequently did. I went to see doctors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and eventually tried to go to a mental institute for help. I think the final part really did it for me, something inside me cracked when I was having dinner with people who were obviously in the wrong place just like me, but they had accepted the fact they were there, I hadn't. The same day I went, I left. They even warned me (hard to imagine) that if I left I couldn't come back within 6 months, it's like "stay here, take your meds and stop thinking, or just don't come back", so I went, and it was the best choice I've ever made in my life.

Now, before anyone goes calling me crazy, there is of course a reason behind all this, I had been struggling with depression all my youth, my family and friends expected something of me that deep down inside I knew was not my purpose, you know, go to school, get a nice degree so you can sit in an office all day, feel proud of what you've accomplished, make lots of money and die without ever having lived a REAL life. I was in a constant struggle between my surroundings and my (deep) mind, I always KNEW this was nothing for me, but I felt the need to somewhat prove myself and my surroundings, I needed to conform. But I didn't, it took me some 10 years to finally get where I am today, that is, a (to other people) useless person who enjoys everything life has to offer and succeeds in putting pretty much everything in perspective. I'm sure people, if they knew the real me, would be ashamed, or perhaps disgusted, they wouldn't understand, just like most people here are not understood, but it no longer bothers me. The people who are ready to accept me as I really am (and as they, deep down inside, are too), are the people I surround myself with (and it's not many, sadly), for the others, for now, I put on a mask, I think the trick is to be yourself, but in environments that are not ready for the real you, be what they expect you to be, but just in the least way possible.

What have these lessons taught me that could possibly help you forward in life and hopefully speed up the process? Find what you truly love doing, and do it. I fell in love with gardening and started doing it, without pressure, just enjoy it... I live off my savings atm, trying to build a self-sustaining life, and just being happy with everything that comes my way. (this) Life's short, so why the # anyone would voluntarily sit in an office all day is a mystery to me, one I'm not keen on solving any time soon either. People just don't understand, because facing the true reality would mean everything they know, believe, want,... vanishes or changes drastically, this is (imo) why people are not ready for the truth.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
But the truth is that there are only individual people, there is no group! It's a falacy and a delusion, and one born of judgement, and a great way to make the individual loner feel better about himself, to say that "they" are the problem.

There is no one group, just people and perhaps at most, the various roles they each play.

To say that everyone ELSE is this or that, is just the height of judgementalism, even arrogance! Why doesn't "everyone" here see this?

edit on 25-6-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

There is a group. The army spends months destroying the individual and making him or her part of a group, so that that person does not act in self interest. Also, in sports, people function as parts of a team or group. When the new age people say that "we are all one" or "the world is all one," they could not say that if we were all separate individuals who are not connected.

What it sounds like you're trying to say is that someone is exactly the same when they are around different people as they are when they are alone. That's just false, most of the time. People bend and flex to somewhat conform to the people they are around. In the army, they purposely destroy the individual so each person acts in the best interest of everyone else. It's better that the group or platoon survive than a single person acting in self-interest.

Someone earlier said loners are in their own group, but they aren't. They do not conform with other loners because they don't even know who those people are. You can't conform with others if you aren't even aware of who those people are. You are similar to those people in some ways, but that is a coincidence of being a loner and not because you're trying to conform with a "loner group."

There is also the case of "two becoming one" or the couple that has been married for decades. They literally become like one another and become joined, to the point that if one dies, the other often dies soon after. There is no better example to illustrate my point.

If you still believe that when individuals get together in any number, that they are the same as if they were not together, well, I don't know what to say.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Qi Maker
I'm sorry, but, I just don't jive with the logic or general attitude of this thread.

Holding these types of separatist attitudes does nothing to improve one's state of being. It instills a divisive and negative viewpoint that does nothing to free up and open the mind to great many wonders of manifestation. It adds weight and burden to ones mind which has a negative impact on one's being. It creates a yearning for something 'more' or something 'else', something more 'real'; an egoic desire and a perceived lack of fulfillment which again is stifling to the progression of one's being.

If one maintains a high purpose and firm will, with a reverence for compassion and understanding, with a strong and serene mind that is unaffected by the iniquities and falsehoods of the world, the universe will open to you and shine in beauty. In this way one can greatly impact the perceived misdirection and fallacy of the world and turn it on its head, transmute it into a very real way to reflect the qualities that you feel it is lacking. When we bemoan the external conditions that surround us it only serves to weaken our minds, which can be strong if we would only focus on our internal work, and destabilize our being, which can be resilient and graceful if we would only focus our internal work.

It's all a learning process, but I'm saying right here and now, that holding these attitudes amounts to deflection and passive aggression.
edit on 25-6-2012 by Qi Maker because: (no reason given)

Nobody here sounded like they prided themselves on how they felt. I am missing where you read that.

Divisive and negative? Does being together for the sake of cooperating for no good purpose sound any better? If all your friends engage in negative behavior, is it divisive and negative to refuse to participate?

I would rather be a separatist if I felt it was the better thing to be than a conformist if I felt it was the wrong thing to be.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by WhereAreWe7

Hey, WhereAreWe7, I just want to let you know that you are right on track.

You see what is important: freedom.

Right now, you are free. You do what you need to do to live in society, but you are not encumbered by the "needs" of society.

It takes a long time for us who are growing (as opposed to stuck in one time, one mindset) to learn to let go of everyone else's complacency and despair.

The only thing you can do is share your wisdom. You don't have to go around yelling about it; but when the opportunity arises, let people know that they don't have to live like they live. Show them your own success as an example.

As far as spending time thinking about the wrecked state of the world: Don't. Live for today, this moment, spend time with your loved ones, learn something new every day, let everyone else worry about themselves. You can help them to understand, but they will not change until they are ready to change. You can only live the life you have - make it a good one.

Best of luck to you.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by ottobot
reply to post by WhereAreWe7

Hey, WhereAreWe7, I just want to let you know that you are right on track.

You see what is important: freedom.

Right now, you are free. You do what you need to do to live in society, but you are not encumbered by the "needs" of society.

It takes a long time for us who are growing (as opposed to stuck in one time, one mindset) to learn to let go of everyone else's complacency and despair.

The only thing you can do is share your wisdom. You don't have to go around yelling about it; but when the opportunity arises, let people know that they don't have to live like they live. Show them your own success as an example.

As far as spending time thinking about the wrecked state of the world: Don't. Live for today, this moment, spend time with your loved ones, learn something new every day, let everyone else worry about themselves. You can help them to understand, but they will not change until they are ready to change. You can only live the life you have - make it a good one.

Best of luck to you.

Thank you for the encouraging words, it really does mean a lot. I think the main part of my growing will be learning to translate my feelings into wisdom that would be meaningful to those that do not share the same mindset as us. I would never force my opinions on someone else, because i really don't know what the right thing is or is not, and i don't want to be the one to lead a bunch of people away from their beliefs only to find out i am wrong in the end. But right now, when i speak to the few friends i do have and i'm asked what i believe in, or the topic of society today comes up, everything i say comes off as "that crazy conspiracy theorist". If i could learn to re-word my thoughts into a way that those around me could understand, maybe i wouldn't be judged and categorized the way i am, but just understood. Maybe then what i say will spark something in that person's mind, or maybe not, but my ultimate goal is just to be understood for who i am. I'm only 20 right now, so i do still have time to find myself and find my "language", but it's tough, it really is. I can't even begin to describe my thoughts not only about what's going on around me, but what i start to think of myself. I am constantly in question with my own thoughts, like what if i truly and honestly am schizophrenic or bipolar (as someone said above me). The biggest question that i most frequently ask myself is "Have i began to believe my thoughts, only to justify that what i am doing is right?" If that makes sense. I basically doubt myself and my thoughts and sometimes think it is just my mind trying to justify these drastic changes in my lifestyle.

For example, maybe i quit going to school at an actual university and began taking online courses simply because i am an anti-social person. Or maybe i quit my real job, working as an accountant in order to be at home everyday and not worry about waking up at 6 am every morning and spend 9 hours at work, then coming home and doing it all over again the next day. Maybe i am a lazy person and i use such thoughts as the ones above in order to justify these habits.

Has anyone ever thought this?

And on a side note, nobody in my life knows this kind of stuff about me. I have let literally nobody in my life know how i truly think and feel. I have spilled more stuff about myself in the past day on this forum than even my fiance (who i have been with for 4 years) knows about me. It really is a huge weight off my chest. I have looked into going to some sort of counselor on the side, off my parents insurance, but decided against it. I imagine this feeling i am getting would be the same thing as if i had gone and told her what i felt.
edit on 26-6-2012 by WhereAreWe7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TH3S33K3R
Is it simply that now that you have snapped out of the sheep mentality, that you have been truly born? Is this maybe now your opportunity to find out more about yourself without the draw of the flock around you? Perhaps you are simply meant to be a shining example to the sheep around you? Remember that what you Put out to the world is what you will get back. If its like minded people that share your same ideals, put your own into action and that's exactly what you will get back.

Best of luck and most of all trust what your heart tells you! It will never let you down. I promise you. Your heart will lead you to the truth .. Always!

Thanks. That is a perspective worth thought. I think that I am changing and letting go of those comforting beliefs that I had on what behavior was expected and appropriate for me. Now that I am letting that go, I look at other people who are doing what I used to be doing, and I am finally seeing it differently. I see that behavior as very consumerist. Choices without much choice, because it all amounts to trying to satisfying myself by wanting more things, but those things only lead to wanting even more things. It's insane to continue that. Something else much more fulfilling must be what I really am seeking, without realizing it. I don't know what it is, but I intend to find it. Maybe it is spiritual fulfillment, whatever that means. It definitely seems I've broken off from my old path, and I'm ready to start a new one.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by WhereAreWe7
it's currently 4 AM where i'm at and still i'm not tired, because i can't stop thinking. I have been getting to sleep at 5 and 6, or sometimes just not sleeping at all. Waking up 4-5 hours later to work and such, and then i go back to this mind set. have you guys experienced this? What did you do to get passed it?

I think you're trying to stop your mental train of thought, but that is what you do -- think. You seem to be asking yourself to stop doing something that you have been doing for a long time. Society would probably tell you that maybe you should stop, but maybe what you are doing is exactly what you are meant to be doing? That is what I have come to wonder in my case -- is the reason I consider these matter so much because that is what I am meant to do? Like I said earlier, maybe I'm part of some network of minds that are meant to analyze the going on's in the world and "report" somehow (psychically?) of what is going on, like some kind of biological computer that wirelessly transmits its findings. Maybe other people are meant to mostly take their 'orders' through conditioning, and that is their purpose. I don't know. I'm just trying to make the pieces fit without blaming them for what they are.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Sometimes I have spells like that too. But my spells feel more like I'm this guy here;The Truman Show

Wildly imaginative, I expect everybody is in on it, and paid for their "role." I mean, who can you trust???

Ya' know? Even the hue of today's sunlight seems unlike it was decades ago-maybe because of all the crap that is in the air nowadays?

Even with all of the doom and gloom going-on, you'd think I'd lock myself in a storm shelter.
It's just me watching me, and taking notes. Going about my day to day schtuff.

Fear is a four letter word, and I hate the taste of soap...anymore.
I guess we're just emerging from a bubble, I kinda like it so far.

posted on Jun, 26 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by WhereAreWe7
For example, maybe i quit going to school at an actual university and began taking online courses simply because i am an anti-social person. Or maybe i quit my real job, working as an accountant in order to be at home everyday and not worry about waking up at 6 am every morning and spend 9 hours at work, then coming home and doing it all over again the next day. Maybe i am a lazy person and i use such thoughts as the ones above in order to justify these habits.

Has anyone ever thought this?

We are naturally somewhat "lazy." It is only when pressure is on us that we become active. Say, when we get hungry, we realize it's time to find food. It's tougher to get motivated to find food if you're full. If you are hunting, you would not hunt until you were hungry because the meat would spoil if you left it sitting there too long anyway, unless you processed it.

Today, thanks to a bunch of motivational people, we are pressured to pride ourselves on how hard we work to enrich other people, usually a business owner or shareholders. We are forced to try to pride ourselves on how to enrich other people's lives at the expense of our time. Imagine that! We always get the short end of the stick if we work under someone else, because the business 'has to grow' and 'has to profit.' Thanks, but I see through the smoke. If people were paid what they were worth, the rich would not get richer, and the poor would not get poorer. But, that is exactly what happens. No wonder it's difficult for us to motivate ourselves to work for other people: we know we're being ripped off.

To get paid what we deserve, we have to work for ourselves. Even then, money is siphoned off of our pay and given to benefit the MIC and wage war. If you try to siphon money off of the same system you chip into, they call you a freeloader. Society is a bunch of proud indentured servants. They get paid, but they get ripped off at the same time. The entire system is this way. Every time we buy something, we pay more for it than it is worth. Over and over and over again, we get poorer the more we buy, and yet it's hard for all of us to be sellers and compete with monolithic corporations who can undercut our prices and drive us out of business.

So, yea, lazy? No. I call it being aware that I'm getting ripped off. I am not going to feel pride over that; one really has to be delusional to feel proud to enrich someone else while getting shorted for every hour they work.

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