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"Zombies" Outbreak Theory 2 : Rabies Virus Mutation ?

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posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:48 PM
Like many of you .. Im still questioning this whole story of Bath Salt has fishy
i just cannot accept the Bath Salt theory that would change someone none violent into a crazy beast

The list continues --> Compiled List of People-Eating-People Events
Each day we have a very bizzare case of someone biting or trying to bite another person

There is clearly an outbreak in the South East around the Florida region
even the PR guys covering up this human violent mystery outbreak know they story is BS
are they trying to tell us something to come up with Bath Salt for BS
the illuminati do like to play with words and codes
are they trying to warn their followers ? just had the though about that now

Why would they try to cover the real reason .. because the truth might be scary ?

This was my first theory:

Zombies Outbreak Theory ; Are they Demonic Possessions ?

My Second theory is :

We know rabies a lot many different species can be infected
and there is absolutly no cure
the only way to actualy see if an animal is infected
your take a brain sample to analyse

This illness has been around for so long and nobody is able to cure it
that mean its only a mather of time before it mutate
since human and animal live together .. it is logic to assume

All extant rabies viruses appear to have evolved within the last 1500 years.[13] Consequently, the emergence of rabies may have been contemporaneous with the extreme weather events of 535–536 and/or the eruption of Krakatoa.

There are seven genotypes of rabies virus. In Eurasia cases are due to three of these - genotype 1 (classical rabies) and to a lesser extent genotypes 5 and 6 (European bat lyssaviruses type-1 and -2).[14] Genotype 1 evolved in Europe in the 17th century and spread to Asia, Africa and the Americas as a result of European exploration and colonization.

Rabies has a long history of association with dogs. The first written record of rabies is in the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC), which dictates that the owner of a dog showing symptoms of rabies should take preventative measure against bites. If a person is bitten by a rabid dog and later died, the owner was fined heavily.[10]

Three stages of rabies are recognized in dogs. The first stage is a one to three day period characterized by behavioral changes and is known as the prodromal stage. The second stage is the excitative stage, which lasts three to four days. It is this stage that is often known as furious rabies due to the tendency of the affected dog to be hyperreactive to external stimuli and bite at anything near. The third stage is the paralytic stage and is caused by damage to motor neurons. Incoordination is seen due to rear limb paralysis and drooling and difficulty swallowing is caused by paralysis of facial and throat muscles. Death is usually caused by respiratory arrest.[11]

All extant rabies viruses appear to have evolved within the last 1500 years.[13] Consequently, the emergence of rabies may have been contemporaneous with the extreme weather events of 535–536 and/or the eruption of Krakatoa.

So far 2011 and 2012 has breaked all heat record .. Coincidence that this happens now ?
it maybe evolved or ...... was created in a lab

We know how CDC works .. this week they had their second "accident"
where a puffs or air from a contaminated area were release in the tourist corridors
Congress investigates air leak, possible safety lapses at CDC lab

Washington (CNN) -- It's a highly secured, sophisticated research lab studying deadly diseases such as bird flu, monkeypox, tuberculosis and rabies.

It's in a facility called Building 18, which cost taxpayers $214 million.

And now, the Biosafety Level 3 lab at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is also the subject of a congressional investigation after a potentially dangerous airflow leak at that lab, CNN has learned.

The leak occurred on February 16, when air flowed the wrong way out of a germ lab into a clean-air corridor, rather than through the powerful HEPA filter that cleans the air, congressional sources and CDC officials said. Visitors touring the facility were in the clean corridor when they observed a puff of air being pushed out from the lab through a slot in a door window.

Studying rabies or making experiments ?
they will of course deny doing chemical weapons for the government
ready to test on something more then monkeys

Rabies is a disease humans may get from being bitten by an animal infected with the rabies virus. Rabies has been recognized for over 4,000 years. Yet, despite great advances in diagnosing and preventing it, today rabies is almost always deadly in humans who contract it and do not receive treatment.

Rabies can be totally prevented with appropriate treatment. You must recognize the exposure and promptly get appropriate medical care before you develop the symptoms of rabies.


I think we are getting close to the truth
but for that we need to consider all theories

Imagine if they finaly say in the news rabies case are spreading amongs humans in the US
when they are ready to say the truth that they were wrong on Bath Salt theory
it was just to win a little bit more time ( Not the first time the government lie )
before they bring the CDC, FEMA and put in place the so waited martial law
perfect plan to scare people and have a reason for everyone to stay in their homes
they would have the ultimate control on the population
nobody will try to resist the martial law now because of a war ..
everyone will be scared to dead of the outbreak
edit on 6/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:50 PM
please demonstrate a case where a dead body was reanimated

thank you

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
please demonstrate a case where a dead body was reanimated

thank you

You do know what is the rabie virus ?
you need to be alive to get it

Zombies of course will never happen
no rotten bodies will be reanimated .. i will never believe in zombies
i agree with you on this
sorry there is no case of body reanimation to demonstrate you
because there is none .. and it will never happen

Please read the thread now
dont post to quickly
edit on 6/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Ben81

please edit the thread title

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
reply to post by Ben81

please edit the thread title

No ..

For what ? this is a Theory ... like the first thread i did

I didnt label those case of someone bitting everything that move "zombies"
That was the media and people who dont know nothing about whats happening

The topic is RABIES
Is it possible that it has mutated and infected humans to become crazy violent ?

please read before you post and stay on topic

Thank you

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I believe he was referring to the title claiming that rabies will create zombies... Zombies, by definition, are reanimated corpses.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:20 PM
I agree with you Ben.

This isn't shambling walking dead zombies, this is super fast moving 28 days later zombies.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Catalyst317
reply to post by Ben81

I believe he was referring to the title claiming that rabies will create zombies... Zombies, by definition, are reanimated corpses.

Nah thats not what the title mean
rabies will obviously not reanimate a dead body .. its impossible

This thread is a suit from the first one
but if we compare both

Demonic possession is a more far fetcher theory then human infected of rabies

to explain all this zombiemania

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I understood what you were trying to portray with the title, but I can also see how it would be misleading.

I enjoyed your post and all of the time you took to gather your research.

I read somewhere, I think it was a story for UMBRELLA from Resident Evil where their virus caused the brain to swell and thus putting pressure on the parts that control pain, rational thinking, stamina, etc, hence giving them super human like abilities. Do you think this is possible? Could rabies affect the brain like that?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Demonic possession is a more far fetcher theory? You don't spend much time around women do you?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I don't think Zombies exist......People eat other people mostly becouse they have mental problems or hungry. Or sometimes German and hungry.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:40 PM
this clearly a case of media hype, not an outbreak of any kind. the media sees an interest, and they beat it to death (sorry)

then unbalanced vulnerable people copy cat what they've seen in the media

either way, don't forget, aim for the head

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:44 PM
We should look back at the sort of time period these attacks have been happening and see if there where any reports of animlas getting out or being released from medical research centres round that time. i understand it could mutate by itself without humans interfering.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by cybro
Demonic possession is a more far fetcher theory? You don't spend much time around women do you?

Yes had a great time yesterday with one

you attempt to be rude make you a troll .. are you trolling me ?

i know people like you

I dont even get the part of your reply where you try to contribute
Demonic possession is more far fetcher theory ?
yes this is what i have said

The rabies theory is more plausible
please read my research accumulated in the op

REMINDER .. topic is :

Could the rabies virus have mutated into humans ??
because they are showing the same kind of behavior of infected dogs and cats (see below)

From wiki

The first stage is a one to three day period characterized by behavioral changes and is known as the prodromal stage.
The second stage is the excitative stage, which lasts three to four days. It is this stage that is often known as furious rabies due to the tendency of the affected dog to be hyperreactive to external stimuli and bite at anything near.
The third stage is the paralytic stage and is caused by damage to motor neurons. Incoordination is seen due to rear limb paralysis and drooling and difficulty swallowing is caused by paralysis of facial and throat muscles. Death is usually caused by respiratory arrest

edit on 6/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:49 PM
Check this out!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by christafinias
We should look back at the sort of time period these attacks have been happening and see if there where any reports of animlas getting out or being released from medical research centres round that time. i understand it could mutate by itself without humans interfering.

Yes this is exactly my though
and apparently during very warm times .. it help the mutation

This is not impossible and science cant explain this ..
it was only a mather of time before that thing mutates for humans

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by christafinias
Check this out!

From your link :

A WAVE of gruesome cannibal attacks that have left Americans fearing a “zombie apocalypse” is being fuelled by a drug imported from the UK, The Sun can reveal.

The mind-bending narcotics that make users eat living human flesh are bought off the internet — labelled as BATH SALTS.

Cops have been shocked by a surge in frenzied attacks by people

Warning .. gruesome picture in the link

Didnt know it was now in UK

Bath Salt again .. "the Sun can reveal"

edit on 6/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:05 PM
the florida guy who bit that guys face had an autopsy done and there was no human flesh in his stomach

I bet they would have mentioned rabies

so no zombie, no rabies

might as well move on to your next theory

next time please don't use zombie in the thread title if you don't believe they are zombies

it's not fair to the real zombies


posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:05 PM
PIADC isn't to far from the attacks.
i believe thats an animal research centre?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:09 PM
werent the chinese selling "meow meow" (the deadly "drug") over the internet ?

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