Reply to Hanyak69:
Sorry to leave the Anesthesiologist hanging at generic intrusion level "bulge".
These guys aren't restricted to Papayan injections to deal with problems with the Discs' and Vertibrae, I mentioned that because several posters'
mentioned and suggested fusion to keep the cyst from coming back.
I had Retrospondylolithesis, which led to failure of two discs' at the lumbar sacral junction.
One of my pals is a retired Chief of Staff at a Regional Hospital ( with one of' best regarded Trauma Center).
He was battle hardened in Vietnam where he did everything he could to fix some very broken people.
A talented Neurosurgeon, he had a speciality as an Anesthesiologist, during one of our visits I told him my uncle (Nearing End of Practise,Ret.) had
suggested the fusion, he asked me to check with the guys at the facility I was speaking of referring ComitusComitus to, I knew the guy, he was Head of
Anesthesiology on the Regional Emergency Hospital, and on dev. staff at the School of Medicine...He used to kick me and his kid out of the house at
10pm with a credit card and the keys to his Mercedes. He'd tell us to go get drunk, smoke a certain substance which may not be named, pick up some
sluts and get a room.
"Like good normal boys do."
We'd give the Timber Wolf's Howl as we left in a hail of sponges dustcloths and plastic stuff.
It was a secret code...don't come back till this stuff ain't in the drive.
I don't know what sort of howlin went on there saturday evenings, but it must have been sweet.
Anyway, he had a guy come talk to me about my severe lower back pain(sciatica SUCKS!).
The guy wanted me to let him do what he'd been doing to fix some disc disruption syndrome.
The Microsurgery Team removed some failed disc material and replaced it with an experimental polymer cushion, then injected Papayan into the failed
discs' themselves to break down the now replaced discs.
This was all done under a local and a nerve block, when I was told to try to stand I prepared for that lightning bolt of pain to scream through my
hips and down my legs. Didn't happen.
Now some 40 years later, Doctor Dad has retired, and my buddy is now Dean of the University where the med students who are learning intricate and
daunting neuro-surgical procedures observe in the operating theater, the entire surgery is recorded in extreme close up.
ComitusComitus mentioned the kind of cyst his wife has is rare, and the situation is being discussed in terms of Death/Disability.
This is a case the Institute would want.
The Surgeon who will be asked to operate will be exquisitely skilled in his speciality.
An entire team will develop a "flight plan", I do not know the cyst's type so I'm not certain if they have ways to exclude it from the system
chemically or by mechanical methods, but I am certain that if total removal of all the cyst is critical to the extension of the recovery of the
patient, it will be done using techniques not available evven 10 years ago.
I may not be the best guy to explain what bleeding edge science is doing in the field, but I do know that my pal is the big dog at the place the
entire world sends their best and brightest, no one else is going to get there, because even though the complex is huge, there are only so many slots
open, it is through the close up recording of the procedure that other Medical Schools can see exactly what was done, and how.
I know this for certain, my lower back trouble is gone (without the proceedure to fuse the vertibrae), not a trace of a problem for over 30
I know two people who had fusion done in the lumbar sacral junction, both at least 15 years ago, both have mobility problems, and the pain is
back. I have suggested they consult surgeons recommended by my friend the Dean.
I am not a physician, I don't play one on the internet, but when I recommend one to somebody, they will be the best because that is what may be
required, after all the death/disability of a loved one threatens this young man's wife, himself, and his family.
The loss of a spouse is said to be as painful as the loss of a child.
I've buried a son (U.S.M.C. Forever), I seek only to assist if needed to see that this young man does not feel that which I know.
I am fortunate in having friends in high places I guess, but these people's names are known, and respected internationally, they are the best in
the world.
My name is known internationally as well...not quite so respected perhaps..."# happens"-Forrest Gump
Thank you for your kind response to my post to the OP.
edit on 25-6-2012 by Luminaught because: "First we take Manhatten, then we take Berlin" - Leonard Cohen: Voted CIA's "tip of the century." But
not really.sry boiz.
edit on 25-6-2012 by Luminaught because: Compulsive repetitive disorder, Leather Cheerleaders in Chains, and Rob
phugn Zombie.....OKAY?