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POLITICS: Draft Dodged: Bill Killed in House

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posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 08:53 PM
The idea of the draft being reinstated has been a hot issue as of late. Many have been saying that if Bush wins the draft will come back after the election. The bill was defeated in the House of Representatives today, quelling those fears.
The House of Representatives on Tuesday crushed a bill to reinstitute the draft as Republicans accused Democrats of raising the specter of compulsory military service to turn voters against President Bush reelection bid.

After a bitter debate on Bush's handling of Iraq, the House killed the bill 402-2 as Republicans sought to stamp out rumors of an impending draft that have swept college campuses and the Internet, worrying young people and parents across the country.

With the presidential and congressional elections less than a month away, the White House also worked to dampen draft rumors that Republicans said have been fueled by Democrats. It threatened to veto the bill it called "both unnecessary and counterproductive."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The draft is such a devisive and unpopular issue that no one would dare reinstate it. Not only that it isn't necessary. As I suspected this bill never came to fruition.

However, Rep. John Conyer's (D-MI) says:"Bush's Iraq policies have so strained U.S. forces, that a draft was possible no matter how unpopular it would be."

At any rate lets hope this is the last we see of this.

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[edit on 5-10-2004 by Banshee]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 09:57 PM
When the troops are relly needed... Well be short...

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:00 PM
When the troops are needed, you can be sure this will be pushed through again...It would probably be part of any future resolution for war bill.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:09 PM
Look for that bill to be reworded and resubmitted after Bush early as the day after everything is official and fully counted or should I say miscounted.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:16 PM

I agree with you, this is just to pull voters is not garantee that will not be push again if the Republicans win, after all if bush win it will be his last four years so he can do anything because he will not be coming back.

And that is a scary thought.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:31 PM
BUSH does not want a draft! Cant you understand that a conscript Army is NOT a good thing. We have a professional Army, there is a BIG difference.

It is a scare tactic.....just like them nasty Republicans will take away your social security...

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:42 PM
And in all fairness, the proposal was put forward and cospnsored by 2 DEMOCRATS!

Let's see... a Republican President and A Republican SoD (Rumsfeld, no less), did away with the draft, and no Republican President or SoD is going to reinstate the draft, unlike Kerry, who, just a few months ago, and several times during his Senate record, stated support for the draft.

I remember a particular time in 1980, when he actually advised the president to reinstate the draft...

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 11:33 PM
I could very easily imagine Kerry being for the draft since he was drafted himself I believe for Vietnam. I mean how many people are there that if something happens to them, they see no problem with the same thing happening to other people? Like it or not, if they served for their country, they might believe others should do the same thing. Of course Kerry would be politically correct right now and not try to upset anyone and most likely say he is against a compulsory draft. I wonder if that's why he says he will wait for terrorists to strike here again before he does anything. Oh well, if that's what the people want, that is what they shall get. I personally believe going after terrorists around the world works better than waiting for them to strike here.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I could very easily imagine Kerry being for the draft since he was drafted himself I believe for Vietnam. I mean how many people are there that if something happens to them, they see no problem with the same thing happening to other people? Like it or not, if they served for their country, they might believe others should do the same thing. Of course Kerry would be politically correct right now and not try to upset anyone and most likely say he is against a compulsory draft. I wonder if that's why he says he will wait for terrorists to strike here again before he does anything. Oh well, if that's what the people want, that is what they shall get. I personally believe going after terrorists around the world works better than waiting for them to strike here.

Well wether he was drafted or not, he signed up for a NON-Comabt position, but 6 weeks later it became a combat one. In 4 months he had 3 purple hearts and was on his way home. That is faster than Audie Murphy .

I didnt just mention those two in the same sentence did I? Damn I am sorry.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:30 AM
With the alarmist attitudes rampant around here it seems like people want the draft to happen simply to justify their alarmism.

Mark my words: I will eat my keyboard if the draft is reinstated. It simply won't happen.

402 to 2 is not a slim margin. Where will that be made up?

Also, something people seem to overlook is the fact that draft-age individuals are much more disillusioned and much less patriotic then during WWII and Vietnam. Even though many protested the draft in the 60's and 70's, many had parents, neighbors, aunts and uncles that served in WWII. Growing up hearing those stories surely effected many that were drafted enough that they'd serve - like it or not. This influence doesn't exist in todays youth. Anti-Draft protests now would make protests then look like a "Shakespeare in the Park" event. Not to mention the number of draft-dodgers.

The power is still in the "proles" - believe it or not. Luckily those in charge know it and won't do something to ignite the fires of change in a generation that doesn't care. It would be suicide.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
And in all fairness, the proposal was put forward and cospnsored by 2 DEMOCRATS!

More accurately, the House Bill (H.B.163) was introduced by Democrat Charles Rangel and was cosponsored by 13 other Democrats (Zero republicans).

The twin Senate Bill was introduced by Democrat Ernest Hollings. No cosponsors signed on.

Democrap Rangel wound up voting against his own Bill. The only two who voted for it were... ummm.... DEMOCRATS!

A statement later issued by President Bush said that he would have vetoed it if it had passed.

Enough with the Lieberal nonsense. Stop drinking that koolaid, folks. Next you'll be believing Michael Moore-on and Dan Blather.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Outland

More accurately, the House Bill (H.B.163) was introduced by Democrat Charles Rangel and was cosponsored by 13 other Democrats (Zero republicans).

The twin Senate Bill was introduced by Democrat Ernest Hollings. No cosponsors signed on.

Democrap Rangel wound up voting against his own Bill. The only two who voted for it were... ummm.... DEMOCRATS!

A statement later issued by President Bush said that he would have vetoed it if it had passed.

Enough with the Lieberal nonsense. Stop drinking that koolaid, folks. Next you'll be believing Michael Moore-on and Dan Blather.

yes, but I don't think they shot down HR 163, according to the news story, it was bill 402-2......which if you go into the thomas registry, doesn't seem to be a bill concerning a draft, at least I couldn't find anything about the draft with that number. Maybe the news media made a mistake? Or, maybe it was a different bill that was put forth, and those two are still sitting in committee, waiting.....

If anyone can find the bill that they shot down, I'd be interested in tracking it down...also it's a "-2", does that mean it was attached to some other legislation, if so, what was it? Maybe the dems just didn't like what it was attached to and found this to be an easy way to kill it??


posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 06:19 AM
If another terrorist attack were to occur, and the government needed more men to respond, would the general population be for the draft?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 06:40 AM
Please. Do you people even know the origins and the truth aboth this draft rumor? For a nice, in 100 words-or-less explanation, look no further than Outland's succinct response:

More accurately, the House Bill (H.B.163) was introduced by Democrat Charles Rangel and was cosponsored by 13 other Democrats (Zero republicans).

The twin Senate Bill was introduced by Democrat Ernest Hollings. No cosponsors signed on.

Democrap Rangel wound up voting against his own Bill. The only two who voted for it were... ummm.... DEMOCRATS!

Emphasis added by me.

PS: Nice summary, Outland.


posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:05 AM
And Charles Rangle voted AGAINST his own bill. What does that tell you? It tells you that it was submitted by democrats for NO other reason than to give liberal special interest groups a sound bite about a "draft reinstatement" happening under Bush, knowing most people wouldn't do their homework and see that a democrat was the origin. Typical fear tactics when you know you can't win on the issues.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by AF1
If another terrorist attack were to occur, and the government needed more men to respond, would the general population be for the draft?

I would assume the same thing would happen as did during 9-11. Major terrorist attack, thousands dead. Enlsitment would shoot through the roof.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Esoterica
I would assume the same thing would happen as did during 9-11. Major terrorist attack, thousands dead. Enlsitment would shoot through the roof.

I agree with you is called patriotism and even my Marine retired husband go it and was ready to go back.

But then again after seen the truth of the "Iraqi invasion" now they are having problems getting the reservist to show up for duty, funny how people react after the facts.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Even though I'm a republican, a small part of me wishes that the Demon-crats would take back the White House, Senate, and House, just to shut them the heck up.

Sorta like giving in to a child....

If you hate it so much, go win the darn election and quit whining!!!

But, another part of me shudders to think of the damage to my wallet if they do...

[edit on 10/6/2004 by soulforge]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
yes, but I don't think they shot down HR 163, according to the news story, it was bill 402-2......which if you go into the thomas registry, doesn't seem to be a bill concerning a draft

402 people voted against the bill, two for it. It wasn't Bill 402-2.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
...But then again after seen the truth of the "Iraqi invasion" now they are having problems getting the reservist to show up for duty, funny how people react after the facts.

I think the quotation marks in that sentence should have been around the part that says, "the truth".

Stop drinking the koolaid.

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