posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:22 AM
As I read the many postings to this thread, I was once again reminded that although people will admit that AJ lies and spreads propaganda, they
continue to watch his videos and or listen to his blather at every opportunity as if it does not matter.
On the other hand, when I was confident that the allegations against AJ being connected to STRATFOR were valid, I immediately stopped listening to any
videos, stopped going to his web site and in effect stopped listening to anything this agent of Israel says or promotes.
What continues to concern me is that there are those sites that will admit that AJ has some questions to answer, but of course such web sites continue
to promote AJ and or interview him and or run his articles and videos on their web sites as if it does not matter that AJ is a traitor to this nation
and everything decent and American.
Continuing to have anything to do with AJ is where I feel more could be done to send a message that being a liar, a govt. shill and cointellpro agent
of Israel is not what freedom loving Americans should be watching or listening to.
I learned a while back that the best solution to fighting back against the likes of AJ is to stop supporting anything to do with him or his sites or
his commercial endorsers, because if you want to truly impact the world of AJ and send a real message, then stop listening, watching or having
anything to do with him or the web sites that promote AJ.
If associating with a person like AJ does not stop, then AJ will never stop being who he is, nor will AJ ever stop the current level of disinformation
and propaganda that his site and team of newscaster wannabees seem to always be cranking out daily as if to overwhelm and even drive what alternative
media gets to read or report about.
Sell the lies, sell the merchandise, but never demand that AJ answer for his crimes. This is how those that do business with AJ view it, but in my
world, anyone, any business, any web site that promotes any of Jones daily dribble of main stream rehashed news articles, needs to know that there is
a price to pay for associating with the enemies of America and my viewership will be given to those that exhibit some level of ethical behavior,
because without it, we are in effect paying AJ to be the dis-info agent his is and to me, I never want to give a penny to anyone who is for himself
first and the interests of Israel over the interests of America.
AJ is a complicit con-man, but his also an agent of Israel and anyone who ignores that truth is ignoring the truth.
I say enough is enough. Shut out AJ and let it be known that his type of fake Americanism is why America is in trouble and that willingly aligning
with Israel instead of the interests of America is where AJ lost my complete support.
I only ask that you never forget about the STRATFOR allegations, because if you do, then you have allowed AJ to get away with what he has done and who
he did it for, while claiming to stand for freedom and the interests of America.
Thanks for the thread.