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Study Finds People Who Believe In Heaven Commit More Crimes and belief in hell, commit less!

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posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:40 PM
This is the article complete, as it was short, as interesting found it, somewhat...what do you think'?

Could it be a programming conspiracy using religion?

SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) — Believing if you are on a “highway to hell” could impact whether or not if you commit a crime.

A study published in the scientific journal PLoS One by University of Oregon’s Azim Shariff and University of Kansas’s Mijke Rhemtulla finds that people who believe in hell are less likely to commit a crime while people who believe in heaven more likely are to get in trouble with the law.

The two professors collected data for belief in hell, heaven and God from the World and European Values Surveys that were conducted between 1981 until 2007 with 143,197 participants based in 67 countries. They compared the data to the mean standardized crime rate in those countries based on homicides, robberies, rapes, kidnappings, assaults, thefts, auto thefts, drug crimes, burglaries and human trafficking.

“[R]ates of belief in heaven and hell had significant, unique, and opposing effects on crime rates,” Shariff and Rhemtulla found in the study. “Belief in hell predicted lower crime rates … whereas belief in heaven predicted higher crime rates.”

They also found that a recent social psychological experiment found that Christian participants who believe in a forgiving God gave themselves more money for the study.

“Participants in the punishing God and both human conditions overpaid themselves less than 50 cents more than what they deserved for their anagrams, and did not statistically differ from the neutral condition, those who wrote about a forgiving God overpaid themselves significantly more-nearly two dollars,” the study found.

Shariff and Rhemtulla believe that the study raises “important questions about the potential impact of religious beliefs on global crime.”

edit on 23-6-2012 by Physic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Physic

How can someone believe in Heaven but not in Hell?Seems to me the two go hand in hand.This study seems flawed to me.I am not a religious person,but I was raised in a Southern Baptist household.I was taught that to believe in Heaven is to believe in Hell.You cannot have one without the other.Just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:52 PM
This is dumb. I take it they didn't factor in the countries poverty rate or standard of living which is the main factor of crime.
edit on 23-6-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:54 PM
What a poorly written article...belief in hell tends to also include heaven (considering they are discussing christians).

I think what they are saying is the semi-christian god is a loving god types are less prone to follow laws and rules than the bible bashing god is a mean SOB whom is gonna murder you in your sleep types.

And it makes sense considering the first group haven't even read the bible they proclaim to think they are sticklers for rules? they can't even read the book they pretend to follow.

I would like to see a study done on percent of self proclaimed atheists that are criminal.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:55 PM
I thought the over paying themselves thing interesting. Is that a sign of better self worth or over importance do you think?

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by AhsoVaniva
I was taught that to believe in Heaven is to believe in Hell.You cannot have one without the other.Just my opinion.

Why not?

Anyhow, as I said, I think its just a very poorly written is the forgiving god verses punishing god thing they are discussing.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by DrFaustus
I thought the over paying themselves thing interesting. Is that a sign of better self worth or over importance do you think?

Or is being paid less than their worth the mindset of a perfect slave...

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 09:00 PM
I always assumed a belief in one automatically meant the other existed, too..

Growing up in a very Christian family and being surrounded by lots of believers, I never met one that only believed in heaven.

I can easily see how a fear of hell can reduce crime though.. Especially violent crime. When I was a Devout believer I lived 31 years without so much as a traffic ticket, even while driving 18 wheelers over the road . Once I lost my faith, I got arrested three times in a year.. I equate it to feeling like nothing mattered anymore for a brief period in my early 30's.. None of my arrest were violence related.. (Alcohol & Unnamed plant tbh) I think having a belief in heaven or hell or any of the two could have an effect on crime. My personal thoughts on this study.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Physic

Wtf? Who believes in Hell that doesn't believe in Heaven too?

(smell a bait thread)

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
This is dumb. I take it they didn't factor in the countries poverty rate or standard of living which is the main factor of crime.

Are factors like that ever factored into propaganda pieces? Come on now.

posted on Jun, 23 2012 @ 10:20 PM
This study reveals the ultimate conspiracy in religion; the conspiracy to deny the existence of Hell and the belief in universal salvation.

For decades now, churches have reduced their emphasis on the "fire and brimstone" type sermons and have shifted over to the new theology in which no one can imagine that God could ever be so cruel as to punish a soul forever for the transgressions committed in this life.

Just as we have the government creating an entitlement mindset in the people, so has modern religion created a new entitlement theology in which we are all entitled to enter the gates of Heaven because our loving God could never condemn even the most wicked of men.

The social ramifications of this theology are troubling. As the study showed; people who believe in an "all loving" God feel no need to control their impulses or deal fairly with others as God will always forgive them and welcome them into Heaven when they die. It has also created a society with a thirst for vengeance and the inability to forgive even the slightest transgressions. Without the belief that offenders will receive justice in the afterlife, it becomes ever more imperative that criminals face harsh punishment here on Earth and when the criminal justice system fails, people are even more inclined to take the law into their own hands.

Many believe that belief in Hell is only a means of "social conditioning". This may be so but, it has proven to be the best form of internal control ever devised IMO. Much more preferable than the ever present police state mentality which results when people lose their inner self controls and society regresses into barbarism.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Exactly. It's not so much that people who believe in heaven don't believe in hell. It's more that the belief is spreading that if you are truly repentant for your sins, god will forgive you and you can avoid hell just by being sorry. From everything I've been taught, it's not quite that simple, but people like to believe what is most convenient over what they are taught is right.

I'm Catholic and I've noticed a big trend for this in the Catholic Church, even though the official teachings of the church are not so forgiving. Even priests, who are supposed to fully educate the people of their parish, gloss over the unpleasant stuff. It annoys me greatly because there is so much more to the Cathlic belief system than many people who were raised in the church even know.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:11 PM
Okay, so over ninety percent of the world believes in God in some form or fashion. Um...yeah, violence is going to be more prevalent with those who believe in God, or Heaven/Hell simply by sheer number alone.

Somewhere, somehow - people have gotten it into their mind that science and technology has replaced God in peoples lives at great numbers. It's bull. Atheism/Agnostic beliefs are a tiny fragment of the population.

I know that on a site like this - it seems prevalent - but it's not.

As to the study...
The concept alone makes me cringe. Generally, most people who believe in a heavenly reward of paradise, also fear the fiery abyss of hell. Metaphor of the duality within us all.

~ Serra

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:29 PM
There are lies, then there are bold faced lies, and then there is statistics. - Ben franklin

First off I don't believe in some study made by atheists. But lets say it's true. Who cares. Getting into heaven or going to hell has NOTHING to do with how good you are. The bible says "All of your righteousness is as filthy rags". So all your "good" is filthy. Your goodness doesn't save you. If it did then Jesus would never have had to die on the cross. It's his work that saves you, if you believe and accept that forgiveness. All christians know this as the quintessencial litmas test for salvation.

The bible says "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved". It doesn't say "if you're a good person, if you're better than the non believer, then you will be saved". It doesn't say that! Again if it did you wouldn't need Jesus's sacrifice. His sacrafice is was the payment for sin, if you believe in that sacrifice. If you don't then none of your goodness will do a thing for you.

So again that's why I suspect this is just some atheistic hit piece. Cuz there so clueless about what it's all about. They've harded there hearts, there pride is too great to ever bow down and accept Jesus. That's what condemns them. It says "And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire". To get your name written in, you have to swallow your pride, bow, down, accept Jesus into your life and believe in his sacrifice for you. That's what saves you, has nothing what so ever to do with good deeds.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by AhsoVaniva

Yes, the ying yang of it all, heaven on earth and hell too...same here!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Serraphina

well, the thought of, god will forgive one for everything and anything, by asking...sounds like, can get away with murder and lot more, as licensed to kill and do anything and still make it to heaven, could be called crazy

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by AhsoVaniva

You would be surprised at how dumb people are.

15% of our country is about as smart as an 8-10 year old. Seriously.

Most people don't have to deal with the " real stupid people " on a day to day basis.

In some areas, these dumb people make up 70% of the population.

These people are of all races and religions.

Everybody thinks they are right and that they are smart. People in general are not as smart as they think.

We fall into habits of thinking we know everything or that our opinion somehow is the actual truth, when in fact it isn't.

Most people are so dumb, they don't even know they are dumb. They actually think they are smart, and carry themselves as such.

It's pathetic really. And it's all because of ego and being close minded.

Think about the problems we could overcome if everybody took an open minded approach to things.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Physic
reply to post by Serraphina

well, the thought of, god will forgive one for everything and anything, by asking...sounds like, can get away with murder and lot more, as licensed to kill and do anything and still make it to heaven, could be called crazy

Moses committed murder. So did King David. And others did bad things too. Yet they ended up as God's absolutely most trusted men. The patriarchs. It's not about what you've done. What you've done or not done is pretty minor. See the old testament talks all about how they did sacrifices to God as payment for there sins. Then in the new testament God wanted to change all that. So he sent his son as the last sacrifice to pay for all sin, past, present and future. So if you become a Christian you've accepted that sacrifice and believe in Jesus. So when you die and you're judged all that's gonna matter on the most fundimental level if if you had acknologed and accepted that sacrifice. And I'm not saying that you have to go out and make all kinds of changes. I think what happens is that as you live by the spirit and let go of all the stuff of this world then you naturally begin to live a Godly life. It's not even so much your will power to do good. It's just God living in your now directing your path. But anyway I don't want to go preaching in here. Taht's it.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 01:40 PM
Not an expert on Islam or any religion really, so help me please, if Allah does not forgive and one is going to hell in Islam and then in Christianity based faiths, can get to heaven with forgiveness and then commit sin anytime you want, is not an problem, long as you confess that a man is the only way to get there, then sounds like a religious conspiracy that if properly trained, one could be taught to do anything and get away with it, unless it goes against the belief system mechanisms in ones mind..

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Physic

Accepting Jesus, for many christian denominations is only a part of it. Many teach that it is not enough to just accept Jesus. You also have to live a godly life and attempt to avoid sin. Different churches teach different things on what this requires.

Some churches do say that all you need to do is accept Jesus. I've always thought that was a lazy person's way out. A way to get to heaven without having to correct your behavior or live a good life. A way to heaven where you don't have to face your failings or give up things that God might frown upon because God will forgive you anyway. It seems like a joke.

That's why I prefer the Catholic Church in a lot of respects. They encourage you to take a serious look at your failings, take responsibility, and do better. It's a valuable concept that gets tragically overlooked in this day and age. It's that outlook that keeps me grounded. It's not a perfect church, but they do have a lot of teachings that have been valuable to me in my life. I respect them for that.

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