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How to become God.

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posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Do you know what the difference is between the cell of a single celled organism and a cell of multi-celled organism? There are all kinds of different single celled organisms and there are all kinds of cells in a multi-celled organism. The differences are these.

1) Organization

Every cell of a multi-celled organism serves its own specific function and cooperates with every other cell in order to perform this function.

2) Serving the whole

Every cell of a multi-celled organism does not exist for its own purpose, but for the purpose of the greater collective. A cell in a multi-celled organism will even go as far as killing itself to preserve the integrity of the whole.

3) Communication

Cells of multi-celled organisms are probably the most effective communicators of all the animal kingdom. Communication is reserved for communicating duties that should be performed from on cell to another in order to serve to the whole.

In order to become something greater than yourself, you have to form a bond of incessant service to a greater collective. It can be done. Is it a better life? Is a human better than its cells? Do you think that a cell experiences life from the perspective of a cell? No way. In order to be as effective of a communicator as it is and in order to stay so devoted to the purpose of the all, it has to be able to experience the world from a perspective far greater than itself.

The variety of organisms here on earth aren't arbitrary forms who have nothing to do with each other. We are an ecosystem. Albeit, most of us don't consciously participate in our ecosystem, we are still bound by a common purpose. That purpose is the survival of not just ourselves, but the survival of the Earth where we live and the Earth that we are. I think we have a long way to go before dogs and cats start participating in the survival of the Earth, but as humans, who do this already, we should increase the degree in which we do this, and lead by example. The first multi-celled organisms were not complex. they were made up of a group of almost all the same type of cell. But as time went on, more kinds of multi-celled organisms started emerging and then, after that, more complex multi-celled organisms constituted of various kinds of cells started emerging.

All it would take for you to become God is for each of us to become God together. Serving others is the only thing that matters. Once we achieve this caliber of service, we will effectively be looking at the world from a much greater perspective. One not our own, but God's perspective..

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:43 PM
I meant to post this in philosophy and metaphysics

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Humans are already organized and we already have pretty good communication skills. We strongly lack in our ability to willfully serve others. Also, a lot of our communication skills aren't very good, and some of us aren't very organized it all. The important thing is that these systems are in place and are on the way to becoming utilized in an ultimate way.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

As long as your in the third dimension, You cannot achieve the level of the 4th+ or even 'God' for that matter....Pun intended.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:49 PM
There are Gods and there is an ultimate God, but none of us are either of these until we do what it takes to become that. Until then, we will all die with nothing left to be because all we ever were was ourselves.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by DeadSnow
reply to post by smithjustinb

As long as your in the third dimension, You cannot achieve the level of the 4th+ or even 'God' for that matter....Pun intended.

Any evolution happens through free will. If we're going to ascend, it will be because of our work, not because of a magical occurrence.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
All it would take for you to become God is for each of us to become God together. Serving others is the only thing that matters. Once we achieve this caliber of service, we will effectively be looking at the world from a much greater perspective. One not our own, but God's perspective.

How did you reach this conclusion. It just looks like you're trying to compare cells of an organism to a human being, which are two completely different things, and then randomly saying "All it would take for you to become God is for each of us to become God together".

I mean, how did you reach this conclusion, and what 'God' are you referring to, as there are many. And don't you mean we would be like gods and not God (singular)?

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

We evolve to survive not via free will, if our environment changes so do we over hundreds of thousands of years.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
There are Gods and there is an ultimate God, but none of us are either of these until we do what it takes to become that. Until then, we will all die with nothing left to be because all we ever were was ourselves.

...and now you speak in riddles.

Until then, we will all die with nothing left to be because all we ever were was ourselves

Because we are individuals, we die with nothing. So we have to be collective in order to die with something? When you die, it is your choice how to live in this world. Depending on the decisions you make, you can choose to leave behind progeny to continue what you started on this planet. You can pass your teachings onto them and they will carry on your legacy. As a person, you are immortal, as your children will carry a piece of you within themselves, and they with their own children.

Being like a God is easier than you imagine, and one doesn't need convoluted statements as if they were typing the abstract of their mind. You want to be a god, you need power and to get power you need money.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Don't forget to dance. The Goddess likes to dance.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:00 PM
This could be completely relative.

Since if God exists, we truly don't have factual answers of such, we have faith and belief, but no hard evidence that this entity exists. But we have a notion as to what God is, what God can do, and How God interacts.

As this is why I interject that we may have more people believing they are God than we have a true understanding of what an why a God is.

Basically, we created the notion of God, regardless of the actual existence of God, without us having the proof of such being, how did we even come to this in the 1st place then? We created the concept to fit into missing puzzle pieces we had in our understanding, a quick fix till we find the actual piece.

So with that being said, Seems people have taken such ideals and concepts of God and found the most common denominator, power and found it's common denominator money / wealth.

So many would argue the only thing you need to become God, is Wealth. The larger the wealth, the more closer to God you become in some sick minded folks I am sure. just as you have others who claim other aspects as the common denominator and walked that path.

The very basic matter at hand is, we created the concept of God, so by definition, we are the Father of God?

What if God is now the sum of intelligence gathered since the existence of the idea?
edit on 22-6-2012 by Moneyisgodlifeisrented because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Moneyisgodlifeisrented

Or vice versa which means God proved his existence to our ancestors! Either way we will all die, and the money thing....As long as your in the 3rd dimension that's exactly how things will work for another couple hundred years.

Question: OP do you believe in extraterrestrials? Don't you think if we were to try become God we should start with small steps first? for example we need to achieve the knowledge E.T have.

posted on Jun, 22 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Moneyisgodlifeisrented

So with that being said, Seems people have taken such ideals and concepts of God and found the most common denominator, power and found it's common denominator money / wealth.

The most common denominator of God concepts is not found in your wallet. It's found at the center of the collective unconscious. What Jung called the archetype of the Self.

The common denominator can be intellectually grasped by painstakingly and systematically studying comparative religion, comparative mythology, comparative mysticism. As I have done.

It can be mystically grasped by undergoing ego-death and rebirth. As I have done.

Ideally, one will utilize both approaches, as I have done. Study the right feilds and undergo the right mystical practices to acheive altered states of consciousness and understand them in a panoramic cross-cultural light.

edit on 22-6-2012 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by DeadSnow
reply to post by smithjustinb

We evolve to survive not via free will, if our environment changes so do we over hundreds of thousands of years.

It is both. Yes, we evolve to survive. But currently, the only survival we are concerned with is our own, and perhaps those in our family who are closest to us. In a multi-celled organism, each cell is concerned with the survival of the whole, and not as much concerned with its own.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by mr10k

Being like a God is easier than you imagine, and one doesn't need convoluted statements as if they were typing the abstract of their mind. You want to be a god, you need power and to get power you need money.

Most people do not understand that money is a form of control. Money is the symbol of the human slavery with hard labor. We allowed the rulers to take our power away, and then to regulate it by making a physical symbol (money) , now we are trying to regain that power that we are already born with, through the physical form of money.

You don't "need" money to be powerful. Powerful come from within. Power is intensity, strength, it is not "controlling others" as "they" would have you believe.

Controlling others means that deep inside you feel powerLESS. If you feel strong, if you didn't feel vulnerable and weak, there would be no need to control others [through money]...

Here is my response to the Original Poster.

You are right. The cell does look out for the whole. The cell gives, the cell is not selfish, it only takes the nutrients that it needs to help the others (The Whole Body). There is one thing that you are forgetting here though. Human beings have LANGUAGE. They can communicate to other humans and use words to make people feel "fearful" and "powerless". This is one advantage that the cells have. The can just give because they already feel strong, and all of the cells already feel strong, but when you have humans gives to other humans to help them, and the person being helped feels "fearful" and "powerless", the energy is sort of being blocked.

I hope you get what I'm trying to say, I was having trouble expressing this idea, but let me try again just in case....

When a person is living in "fear" , "powerlessness", they are not living to their full potential. If a person is not living to their full potential that will effect the giving and receiving and therefore, it is like blocking the health of the whole.

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

A child can't become his father. He can emulate his father, absorb all the teachings of his father, even look like his father, but the only thing he is missing is his fathers love. That is to say that he develops his own love for his father and not be his fathers love (but an extension of it)

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by anoncoholic

He can internalize the love, and now he is whole and complete, not depending on the love of the father.

Also, according to certain belief system's, God IS Love, so if love is within you then you and God are one, absolutely no separation.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:20 PM
I am an angel. I sit here now waiting for why I am really here and the reason.

when I was 6 my older brother shot a bird with his bb gun. I tried to stop him but he did it. His name was Howard. He is now dead.

I was 6 years old in 1968. I ran to the bird and took it in my hands and looked up to the sky and spoke to god (something I had never done before) and said he didn't know what he is doing please don't take this creatures life and the bird flew out of my hands.

I was 9 years old and a woman ran her car off the road across from our house one morning while I was playing and I ran over to the accident and she looked at me and said these exact words, "I see you Michael I am not afraid thank you for coming to comfort me". WTF? She died a few seconds later. My name is Michael.

when I was 10 years old I was playing near a creek where we sometimes used to fish and my friends were trying to get me to smoke cigarettes with them and an angel appeared to me and I ran away a few feet then stopped and my friends laughed at me and the angel made me follow. No words I just knew I needed to follow. I ended up at the creek and there was a little kid in the water and I jumped in and pulled her out and carried her to our house about 200 yards away. She was drowned but a neighbor used cpr and saved her.

Repeat all of those three alot during my years from 6 to 14 years old. I even got scared how much this was happening to me.

At age 17 my two older brothers (including the one that shot the bird , Howard) were going off to swing on a big rope swing that is about 40 feet up from a drop off and I wanted to go and they wouldn't let me. They even pushed me down and said go home Mike. Something compelled me to follow them and then the same angel that appeared to me when I saved the little girl was there and said nothing but I KNEW to follow them. About 20 minutes later my brother Howard took the swing and swung out and lost his grip and fell. He broke his neck and was bleeding from his nostrils and mouth. I told my oldest brother to go get help and I held his head down so he didn't drown on his blood. THE PARAMEDICS said he would have died if someone had not been there to hold his head the exact way I did. I had no medical experience and was just 17 years old.

He died in with his friend two years later on a motorcycle by a drunk driver that hit them.... very strange to me, he had some purpose to fulfill in those two years that was graced with.

I know I am here for something. I am just waiting. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am an angel on earth. I believe the angels that have been put here loose knowledge of the kingdom and anything previous when they enter this 3 dimensional world, but when the time comes we will know our purpose.

God bless you and I hope you are ready when it happens whatever it is. This will shock most of you that read this but I do not believe the bible is accurately given to you in your time. It has been altered so do not believe it.

And because I am unsure why I have the abilities I have but I am sure I am an angel don't fall into the ufo illusion. I am in the flesh now and have your limited cognitive capacity also but believe there are dimensions involved and the universe is much more than just what 3 dimensions can comprehend.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:25 PM
about my previous post most angels that care so much about everyone won't post things like this on the internet or even care about the internet. I know that's going to be the rebuttal to a post like that.

but we sit and wait and most think they are crazy and a lot get put in insane asylums.

Because science can't explain the things we do. I am getting close to knowing. but I don't have my knowledge I had outside this dimension. I am trapped in the human three dimensions.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by bytebull

Thanks for your post. I believe you. I've seen an angel and a demon. I'm pretty confused about the whole thing. All I know is that they were both much more than us (if they were more than a wild hallucination). I can't make up my mind about that. After the encounters, the so-called "spiritual" journey I was on ended. Now I keep my head as much within scientific knowledge as I can. If we are serving a spiritual purpose, that's it. My spiritual motto is- be what you are because if there is a God, that's what God made you to be and that is your purpose. How can there be a such thing as "wrong" or "immoral" if there is a God?

Also, not only have I seen angels, but I've seen people's and animals' souls. A soul is angelic. When you see one, you feel that person and that person's beauty becomes transcendent to the point where all you can say is, "Wow" and you know, in that moment, that we have much more potential than we are currently aware of. We are much more than we are currently aware of.

edit on 29-7-2012 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

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