reply to post by howmuch4another
You're exactly right, solicitation is a direct violation of the Terms and Conditions and will definitely cause a conversation between the staff and
the member doing the soliciting.
The reasons are simple, if we allow one we must allow all. That creates a site full of solicitations rather than intriguing content and we're
exposing ourselves, the site, and The Above Network to a host of liabilities and needless risk. The deal with "recruiting and activism" is the all
that plus those activities remove the site's topical agnosticism and utter lack of a "side" or opinion. With very few exceptions (only 1 I can
remember in the last 10 years) ATS endorses nothing but the free exchange of ALL ideas and information not prohibited by the Terms and Conditions of
That said, we've dealt with people who have solicited the membership because they didn't actually read the TAC (imagine that) and worked it out.
The last thing we want to do is ban members, think about it, without the members participating there would be nothing to discover, discuss, or ponder.
That causes issues too. There are some members, as MaxMars so eloquently pointed out, that come to believe their contributions are so important that
they should be above the law of the land. It doesn't work that way. That may be the case when you see a "long time" member whose posting history
seems pristine but they are banned. To be honest about it, for a variety of reasons, it's usually the case.
There are also members who believe that since the members produce the content the members should be rewarded financially, or, allowed to do whatever
they want to do. It doesn't work that way either.
The value proposition here is we provide the venue, which costs quite a bit of money to provide, that allows your ideas, theories, opinions, and
beliefs to be seen by millions, discussed by thousands and you agree to abide the TAC and view the ads that pay for the whole shebang.
Without the strict enforcement of the TAC, to the best of our ability, there would be no advertisers to pay the bills, there would likely be very
little intelligent discussion because thinking people don't like to hang out in chaotic cesspools, and there simply wouldn't be an ATS as we know it
I know this won't quiet all the speculation about dirty deeds going on behind the scenes, but, I hope the sheer simplicity of the concept that it
takes ALL of us to make this site worth reading and, therefor, the more of "US" the better, will ease the concerns of those with enough common sense
to "get it".