posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:39 PM
Okay so I was talking about this with fellow ATSers today and I wanted your opinion on the matter.
Is there ever a day where everyone in your general vicinity is having a bad day? Then the next day things are back to normal?
I have a theory on why this might occur. I feel like energy has the power to gather and store a mass of similar emotions and vibes, and that energy
cloud could travel.
So let's say a cloud of negative energy goes through your area of residence or work. That negative energy cloud would affect everyone negatively
throughout the day until it passes by.
The same could be said about a cloud of positive energy, where a mass of positive vibes are passing through the area and everyone is in a good
Looking at this theory, if a really bad event occurs, all the negative energy from that event can carry downwind to a completely unrelated area and
cause that negative energy to camp out there until dissipated or moved even further.
That is why it is important that we focus on positive energy. If enough people are thinking positive, an energy cloud of happiness and love will form
and start moving across the planet, brightening other people's days from very far away.
Like I said, this is just a theory I came up with, none of this is proven by any scientific evidence, just some thoughts of mine.
What do you think?