posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 08:47 AM
Good day all. Its great to be introducing myself to you all, whose comments and opinions ive been following for a while now, from a distance.
I have joined a number of different forums / message boards over the past 2 years, to try and better my understanding of events that happened to me on
the lead up to june 25th, 2009. More commonly known as, 'The day Michael Jackson died.'
Basically, my story revolves around the '11:11 conspiracy' (goodbye at this point, to those of you how have no time for this subject - hopefully a
few of you are still reading). About 3 weeks before the date aforementioned, I began having my first sightings of 11:11 on clock faces etc. Thinking
nothing of this until maybe the third consecutive day of occurances, I began to take notice, although still convinced myself that there was nothing to
it. ***I must add at this point, that i haven't ever heard of this phenomena until June 25th, 2009***
To cut a long, long story short(er), exactly 1 week before june 25th, i began seeing 11:11 both AM and PM, without a single expection right up until
11:11pm (GMT) June 25th, 2009. I cant begin to explain the feeling i had over the course of these three weeks. It was, in a word, scary. The best I
can put it, and apologies for the vagueness, is that I felt like something in the macrocosm was stirring, or coming about (a pathetic feeling - in the
sense that whatever was happening, was so much bigger than me it made me feel more helpless than I have ever been in my life). Basically, something
was coming to a head. And honestly, I thought it might have been my life, at a particular stage. I did not mention that for cinematic effect.
I was essentially a nervous wreck on the day of the 25th, having experienced 11:11 now 13 times in the past 6 days (including that morning). Anyway,
that night, I was in my apartment with my girlfriend who went for a shower. I was watching tv in the living room. When she came in to dry her hair,
rendering my viewing useless, I went into the bedroom with my guitar, to record a little. Before sitting down, i took my phone from my pocket - force
of habbit - to check the time. I cant tell you how happy i was to see 11:04pm. I can remember thinking, 'well thank $%^& I wont be seeing 11:11 again
tonight,' with real relief. I'm playing away, when suddenly the bedroom door bursts open, my girlfriend announces 'get in her quick, its all over
the news, Michael Jackson is dead.'
I ran into the living room behind her, and stood in the middle of the room to see the headline scroll across the bottom of the screen, with an aerial
view of his home on screen also. I wasn't a Michael Jackson fan, pretty much at all - but instinctually, I grabbed my phone to call a buddy who was a
hardcore fan. As I flip it open, 11:11 hits me like a train. I can....not.... describe, the feeling that accompanied that occurance. I cant. Other
than to say my girlfriend looked at me, noticed my expression, and helped me sit down, where i told her everything. It was as if something, twisted my
arm into seeing it again, despite my joy at 'knowing' i wouldn't be experiencing it that night. There isn't a doubt in my head that something was
telling me 'pay attention'. And nothing on this earth can convince me otherwise, I was made to pay attention.
Only that night, after that occurance, did i google '11:11', and could not believe that this was something that people, many people, all over the
world have experienced. I still dont know why I was made to pay attention, other than to say, I believe that Michael Jacksons death was a microcosmic
expression of something much greater having passed. this 'feels' right to me. But i have little, if anything to back this up.
Another interesting thing happened a while later, when i sent a msg to a youtube user who left a comment under an 11:11 video to ask her about her
experience that she had hinted at (in the comment she left).
Basically, about 3 weeks after my msg was sent, and her not having logged into her account in long time, she took a notion to do so on returning from
the cinema, where she was watching 'Michael Jackson - This Is It.' She could not believe the msg i had left her, or the circumstances under which
she logged in to find it etc.
I would like to know if anyone else understands the feelings I have touched upon here in this post, or if anything at all i mentioned strikes a chord.
I've been searching for answers for two years now (in four days time), and I am still no closer to any. I google and the like, every day. Every
single day, because i know that i was made aware of something happening in the grander scale, without knowing why.
Nice to finally post here.
And as I said,