posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:29 AM
Originally posted by mrvhdg
reply to post by pheonix358
do you believe in the 2012 proficies
Many don't care and some do, but many people on here use English as a second language so correct spelling is kinda important. Try using spell check
and depending on what browser you use spell check can be added so it works as you post. Not critical so don't be too concerned, just something to
think about.
2012 Prophecies are not the end of us all. The Mayan Calender has a change forecast as best as anyone can make out. No other Prophecies directly
mention 2012 so your guess is as good as mine.
Looking at the world today I see a change coming. Very shortly, probably within a year the world monetary system will collapse. While this will be
hard on the West it will bring in something better. I am hopeful of a bright future but I do acknowledge that a lot of pain is ahead as we make the
transition to whatever our future is going to look like.
Hope this helps